American citizen Andrew Tate illegally held in Romania. Why aren’t Republicans or Democrats doing anything about it,where are the human rights groups?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This is truly an evil thing. Andrew Tate is the most Googled man on earth if you don’t know who he is just look him up. This man is held illegally in Romania he has done nothing wrong at all in fact the Romanian court that has said that a woman has been “kidnapped” by him, that woman came out and said “no that is my boyfriend he’s done nothing wrong.”

Americans mostly on the left show themselves to be truly evil and monstrous and these words are not use lightly there’s no other words to use ….they approve of this man being in jail because he has different political views. there is no crime. It’s no different than somebody saying you know what we should put a Black Lives Matter leader in jail or a black person who wants reparations in jail for months on end with no trial just because they’re controversial , because we don’t like what they have to say.

The United States government including Republicans have failed one of its own citizens. They stood up rightfully for Britney Griner. But why not Andrew Tate. ? Where is CNN, with exception of Tucker Carlson what is the rest of Fox News doing to defend Andrew Tate? Where is CNN where is MSNBC what about the ladies on the view? Why are these entities not defending an American citizen languishing in jail for doing nothing criminal?

Joe Biden should be demanding Romania to release Andrew Tate but he is not because he is a weak corrupt person.

This is truly an evil thing. Andrew Tate is the most Googled man on earth if you don’t know who he is just look him up. This man is held illegally in Romania he has done nothing wrong at all in fact the Romanian court that has said that a woman has been “kidnapped” by him, that woman came out and said “no that is my boyfriend he’s done nothing wrong.”

Americans mostly on the left show themselves to be truly evil and monstrous and these words are not use lightly there’s no other words to use ….they approve of this man being in jail because he has different political views. there is no crime. It’s no different than somebody saying you know what we should put a Black Lives Matter leader in jail or a black person who wants reparations in jail for months on end with no trial just because they’re controversial , because we don’t like what they have to say.

The United States government including Republicans have failed one of its own citizens. They stood up rightfully for Britney Griner. But why not Andrew Tate. ? Where is CNN, with exception of Tucker Carlson what is the rest of Fox News doing to defend Andrew Tate? Where is CNN where is MSNBC what about the ladies on the view? Why are these entities not defending an American citizen languishing in jail for doing nothing criminal?

Joe Biden should be demanding Romania to release Andrew Tate but he is not because he is a weak corrupt person.

Popularize it and when Joe brings him home, Joe can pick up a few approval points again, like when he brought home the female basketball player from Russia.
Popularize it and when Joe brings him home, Joe can pick up a few approval points again, like when he brought home the female basketball player from Russia.
Unfortunately for Mr Tate, he not a black skinned sexual deviant, Biden does not represent anyone who is not either, a sexual deviant, a race other than white, or a radicalized white woman intent upon murdering babies!
Popularize it and when Joe brings him home, Joe can pick up a few approval points again, like when he brought home the female basketball player from Russia.
He should certainly do what he can at least he should acknowledge his presence meaning Joe Biden should acknowledge Tate exists.

Biden would certainly win a lot of points from people all over the world who care about human rights… if he was to at least start speaking on this issue like he did with Britney Griner.
He hates human rights and is a fascist.
Who Joe Biden?

Having Andrew Tate in jail is no different than putting a gay person in jail just because somebody doesn’t like their lifestyle. That is an infringement of human rights.
Unfortunately for Mr Tate, he not a black skinned sexual deviant, Biden does not represent anyone who is not either, a sexual deviant, a race other than white, or a radicalized white woman intent upon murdering babies!
It is an upside down world we’re living in where gay people like RuPaul literally have drag shows with children in them. Now if he wasn’t gay he would be
called a pedophile. If somebody who is straight a man or woman had a television show with children doing drag shows making sexual dances they will be shut down …but we live in an upside down country in America right now.

You know it, I know and other people in this thread know that Andrew Tate is a political prisoner …and the people who support his imprisonment are pure evil, pure monsters those words are not used lightly….. again the person who the Romanian court claims was kidnapped has actually come out and said “no I was not kidnapped I love Andrew Tate.”

but again it is no different than putting someone in jail because they’re black because they support BLM and maybe we disagree with your viewpoints “but to bad! you support BLM you’re going to jail”. “

you see a leader of the free world a leader of the free country America is supposed to step up and defend somebody like Andrew Tate or Brittney Griner regardless of their politics…. that’s the duty of the president of America to standby their citizens we don’t have that right now. We don’t have it from Republicans or Democrats frankly

I haven’t heard any republican senators say anything about tate…correct me if I’m wrong I would love to be corrected. The only person who seems to be doing something about this is Tucker Carlson…. along with various fitness and self awareness YouTube podcasts.

Oh wait I keep forgetting so many Americans are on dope every day, they’re eating McDonald’s fast food all they do is they watch l little TikTok videos of women shaking their ass, of gay people doing whatever they’re doing…TikTok which by the way is controlled by China, to many Americans watching porn every day they don’t care they don’t care about freedom they don’t care about America anymore but love they LGBT shows they watch children in drag.

And there is Andrew Tate urging young men to stop playing video games, get off the computer meet a woman in real life and he gets arrested for that.
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It is an upside down world we’re living in where gay people like RuPaul literally have drag shows with children in them. Now if he wasn’t gay he would be
called a pedophile. If somebody who is straight a man or woman had a television show with children doing drag shows making sexual dances they will be shut down …but we live in an upside down country in America right now.

You know what, I know what other people in this thread know what Andrew Tate is a political prisoner and the people who support his imprisonment are pure evil, pure monsters those words are not use lightly but again it is no different than putting someone in jail because they’re black because they support BLM and maybe we disagree with your viewpoints. But you see a Froader of the free world leader of the free country America is supposed to step up and defend somebody like Andrew Tate or Brittney Griner regardless of their politics that’s the duty of the president of America to standby their citizens we don’t have that right now. We don’t have it from Republicans or Democrats frankly

I haven’t heard any republican senators say anything about this track me if I’m wrong I would love to be corrected. The only person who seems to be doing something about this is Tucker Carlson…. along with various fitness and self awareness YouTube podcasts.

Oh wait I keep forgetting so many Americans are on dope every day, they’re eating McDonald’s fast food all they do is they watched a little TikTok which by the way is controlled by China, they’re watching porn every day they don’t care they don’t care about freedom they don’t care about America anymore they only watch LGBT shows they watch children in drag.

And there is Andrew Tate urging young men to stop playing video games, get off the computer meet a woman in real life and he gets arrested for that.

Yeah Bill Cosby didn't get in trouble until he told black boys to pull their pants up and be men.
He should certainly do what he can at least he should acknowledge his presence meaning Joe Biden should acknowledge Tate exists.

Biden would certainly win a lot of points from people all over the world who care about human rights… if he was to at least start speaking on this issue like he did with Britney Griner.
Why acknowledge or bring it up? Better to work behind the scenes and with less chance of looking ineffectual, if it doesn't work out. The only upside, is if Tate gets released, not much in showing you care, as that is just about feelings, not accomplishing anything.
Popularize it and when Joe brings him home, Joe can pick up a few approval points again, like when he brought home the female basketball player from Russia.
Hahaha…nobody sane and decent wanted that rug munching, America hating half-breed mutt back in America.
Why acknowledge or bring it up? Better to work behind the scenes and with less chance of looking ineffectual, if it doesn't work out. The only upside, is if Tate gets released, not much in showing you care, as that is just about feelings, not accomplishing anything.
when you look at the Britney Griner case there was public acknowledgment of it from celebrities from the media from Biden and from his press secretary. That is what is needed for Andrew Tate. Otherwise the Romanian court system is just going to keep Tate in jail for the six months and then just charge him for nothing. Romania can keep an American citizen in jail for up to six months without any trial without any charge it so that’s apparently what’s going to happen…. that’s what many experts are saying he’s going to be in jail for 180 days and then when that is up Romania is just going to charge him with a fake crime that he never committed. It is truly an infringement of human rights.

Tate is in a much much worse situation than Britney Griner, Britney Griner‘s prison was a lot easier than Andrew Tate.

I’m proud to be standing up for what is right …. i’ll stand up for Britney Griner I’ll stand up for Andrew Tate because they’re American citizens not like the evil monstrous people in America who believe Andrew should languish in jail because he has different political views, it’s already been proven this man has committed no crime he is literally a political prisoner.
Hahaha…nobody sane and decent wanted that rug munching, America hating half-breed mutt back in America.
But still, he got a bounce in the polls. Maybe you aren't looking at it clearly. He didn't speak much about that one either until diplomatic efforts made it happen.

I just read this now the Romanian court extended Tates detention by yet another 30 days. There was a glimmer of hope that he would get out.

These people on the view these far left Democrats the people on TV are monstrous evil people. They actually approve of Andrew Tate going to jail because he has different political views he has literally done nothing wrong at all.

His case cannot be compared to Britney Griner‘s in the sense that Britney Griner actually had dope with her unless she was set up but it doesn’t look like that was the case. I don’t know if there’s a way to prove that grinder was set up.

You see with Andrew Tate there’s no way to say that he’s guilty …because the person who the Romanian court says was “kidnapped” came out and said no I was not kidnapped by Tate.

At least the Russian court charged Britney Griner with a crime possession of marijuana which I disagree with by the way…. I don’t think that should be worthy of eight months in jail.

But this Romanian court has not charged Mr. Tate with anything.
If a black person said all white people are evil and they demand $10 million in reparations that is their freedom of speech. They have a right to say that. No court no court that claims to be legitimate can send a black man to jail for saying that thing. Mr. Tate is a political prisoner that’s it that’s all there is to it
I don’t know how people here on the left have not taken back there approval of Tate being jailed

They’re gonna burn in hell for some time for that. You cannot approve of somebody going to jail for doing nothing but having a different political view.
White 6

Part of the problem brother is that left-wing politicians around the world and even in America might actually be responsible for Andrew Tate being in jail and they could be pulling the strings here in Romania.

Greta Thunberg was offended by Andrew Tate so she might be playing a role in him being in jail. The left is just pure evil.

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