America Needs To Get Furious...Fast!


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
By Chris Cox

Attorney General Eric Holder’s continued refusal to turn over “Fast and Furious” documents to House investigators — even in the face of being held in contempt by Congress — is another symptom of the disease of lawlessness that has been rotting our republic ever since President Barack Obama took office.

Moreover, Obama’s decision to invoke “executive privilege” to hide these documents from the American people is a tacit admission that what the National Rifle Association has been saying since day one is true. Namely, that the inconceivable crimes committed under operation “Fast and Furious” were designed to support the Obama administration’s gun-control agenda.

Americans should not be fooled by Holder and Obama’s spin that this is a “partisan” fight. This is an American fight to restore the trust that we deserve to have in our government. The Obama administration’s continued cover-up of this deadly scandal is a threat to the lives of our border patrol agents, our rule of law, the accountability we expect from our top leaders, and the sanctity of our U.S. Constitution.

Millions of NRA members, and tens of millions who support us, have been fighting for the truth since the day this scandal first broke. We’ve generated over 100,000 petitions to Congress demanding that they hold the Obama administration accountable. We’ve fought tirelessly for the truth, because we know this is a decisive battle for the future of our constitutional form of government.

Everywhere I go across this great country, Americans are shell-shocked and incredulous that their government could be capable of orchestrating such a criminal scheme. Incredulous that the president who promised all of us the most transparent administration in history has instead delivered the biggest cover-up since Watergate and the deadliest government scandal we’ve ever seen.

And sadly, many of the good people I meet feel helpless to do anything about it. But that feeling of helplessness has to stop. This scandal is ground zero in the fight for the soul of America...

Read more: America needs to get furious
1st post

This isn't about Republican vs. Democrat. It's about justice. The fact you only see it that way, says everything about you. You just don't care about the hundreds of Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. You only care about cheerleading for your beloved Democrats. I really don't get you Bootlickers. Why such obedience and loyalty to a Political Party? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you? I mean what specifically have they done for you to garner your worship? What do you owe them? Will you defend anything they do? No one should be defending Obama & Holder on this. Selling your soul for a Political Party just isn't worth it.

The only people who are following F&F are political junkies. I'd love to see a poll that asks people to explain it. I'd guess at least 90% of Americans could not.


Which says VOLUMES about the complicity of the MSM, don't you think?

The only people who are following F&F are political junkies. I'd love to see a poll that asks people to explain it. I'd guess at least 90% of Americans could not.


Which says VOLUMES about the complicity of the MSM, don't you think?

Yes, that and the fact that our culture places a far higher priority on what Kim Kardashian said to her mom while they were shopping for shoes last week. No doubt, though, the major media isn't going to put a lot of effort into this.

5th post
This is being discussed, covered, and reported on in the media.

Nutters watch FOX and are told that it is not being covered on other stations. Thus, it is not being covered on other stations.

The PRIMARY source for nutters trying to claim that F&F is a gun control plot is a fucking CBS story from a months ago.

The reason that the interest level is low ( and I think recognition is not all that low at this point) is that people are focused on the economy. This shit is seen as Congress having a circle-jerk. The overwhelming majority of Americans think President Obama is a trustworthy, competent leader and, unlike the assholes who populate this forum, are not seeking ways to derail his administration.

All the news is reported. There is no collaboration between President Obama and the media.

Get a new dog.

This isn't about Republican vs. Democrat. It's about justice. The fact you only see it that way, says everything about you. You just don't care about the hundreds of Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. You only care about cheerleading for your beloved Democrats. I really don't get you Bootlickers. Why such obedience and loyalty to a Political Party? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you? I mean what specifically have they done for you to garner your worship? What do you owe them? Will you defend anything they do? No one should be defending Obama & Holder on this. Selling your soul for a Political Party just isn't worth it.

Give me a break. You don't care about justice. You're the one selling your soul, since many of the documents would be ILLEGAL for Holder to turn over, like grand jury transcripts and wiretap applications. If this is a partisan fight, the Reps have made it so.
By Chris Cox

Attorney General Eric Holder’s continued refusal to turn over “Fast and Furious” documents to House investigators — even in the face of being held in contempt by Congress — is another symptom of the disease of lawlessness that has been rotting our republic ever since President Barack Obama took office.


You birthers need to figure out by now that the American people are so de-sensitized to your conspiratorial rants and crying wolf that they are not going to care a wit about this new fantasy of yours.
beat this drum you fools

go right ahead.

you know where it will take the American people?

right to how fucking crazy it is to have gun shows feeding a steady stream of guns to the mexican drug lords

This isn't about Republican vs. Democrat. It's about justice..

If people like you had demanded 'justice' for the needless deaths of FOUR THOUSAND Americans in Iraq, if you had pounded the table to see some REPUBLICAN heads roll for perpetrating that disaster,

then you might have some non-partisan credibility.

You're just a garden-variety off the deep end Obama hater whose only political purpose in life is to act out on that hatred on boards like this.
This is being discussed, covered, and reported on in the media.

Nutters watch FOX and are told that it is not being covered on other stations. Thus, it is not being covered on other stations.

The PRIMARY source for nutters trying to claim that F&F is a gun control plot is a fucking CBS story from a months ago.

The reason that the interest level is low ( and I think recognition is not all that low at this point) is that people are focused on the economy. This shit is seen as Congress having a circle-jerk. The overwhelming majority of Americans think President Obama is a trustworthy, competent leader and, unlike the assholes who populate this forum, are not seeking ways to derail his administration.

All the news is reported. There is no collaboration between President Obama and the media.

Get a new dog.

So, you are on record as being fine with the cover up of selling 2000 guns to the drug cartels, arming the border patrol with rubber bullets, causing the death of two of them, and then burying it so no one will know? Oh and guess what? This all went down under Holder's watch, Obama's watch. And who is being held responsible? NOt one fucking person. Not one. Well I got news for you leftist asshole. The Parents have a right to know. And they will know.
This is being discussed, covered, and reported on in the media.

Nutters watch FOX and are told that it is not being covered on other stations. Thus, it is not being covered on other stations.

The PRIMARY source for nutters trying to claim that F&F is a gun control plot is a fucking CBS story from a months ago.

The reason that the interest level is low ( and I think recognition is not all that low at this point) is that people are focused on the economy. This shit is seen as Congress having a circle-jerk. The overwhelming majority of Americans think President Obama is a trustworthy, competent leader and, unlike the assholes who populate this forum, are not seeking ways to derail his administration.

All the news is reported. There is no collaboration between President Obama and the media.

Get a new dog.

This post ^ is total bullshit !
Actually the fox rinos timed how long the state run commie networks did and aside from CBS the others basically ignored it covering the heat wave longer.
This post ^ is total bullshit !
Actually the fox rinos timed how long the state run commie networks did and aside from CBS the others basically ignored it covering the heat wave longer.

The Right's plan to turn the entire mainstream media into a Fox-esque rightwing propaganda machine is not going as well as you people wished.

Boo hoo.
they get in their little right wing world and think its the world.

there is a reason many people dont like fox.

the right jsut doesnt understand they live in an alternative world.

Bad info in bad decisions out.
By Chris Cox

Attorney General Eric Holder’s continued refusal to turn over “Fast and Furious” documents to House investigators — even in the face of being held in contempt by Congress — is another symptom of the disease of lawlessness that has been rotting our republic ever since President Barack Obama took office.

Moreover, Obama’s decision to invoke “executive privilege” to hide these documents from the American people is a tacit admission that what the National Rifle Association has been saying since day one is true. Namely, that the inconceivable crimes committed under operation “Fast and Furious” were designed to support the Obama administration’s gun-control agenda.

Americans should not be fooled by Holder and Obama’s spin that this is a “partisan” fight. This is an American fight to restore the trust that we deserve to have in our government. The Obama administration’s continued cover-up of this deadly scandal is a threat to the lives of our border patrol agents, our rule of law, the accountability we expect from our top leaders, and the sanctity of our U.S. Constitution.

Millions of NRA members, and tens of millions who support us, have been fighting for the truth since the day this scandal first broke. We’ve generated over 100,000 petitions to Congress demanding that they hold the Obama administration accountable. We’ve fought tirelessly for the truth, because we know this is a decisive battle for the future of our constitutional form of government.

Everywhere I go across this great country, Americans are shell-shocked and incredulous that their government could be capable of orchestrating such a criminal scheme. Incredulous that the president who promised all of us the most transparent administration in history has instead delivered the biggest cover-up since Watergate and the deadliest government scandal we’ve ever seen.

And sadly, many of the good people I meet feel helpless to do anything about it. But that feeling of helplessness has to stop. This scandal is ground zero in the fight for the soul of America...

Read more: America needs to get furious

America Needs To Get Furious...Fast!

Put down the Meth Pipe Pauli.
It's one thing to cover a story but quite another to hype a story, any news network that cares about integrity needs to be careful not to go crazy fishing in an empty hole. The standard practice of plausible deniability means that there is no chance in hell this thing will lead to the downfall of the president or the AG, take that out of the equation and what is the attraction?
You birthers need to figure out by now that the American people are so de-sensitized to your conspiratorial rants and crying wolf that they are not going to care a wit about this new fantasy of yours.

I think that's a very fair point, and quite possibly true.

Precisely the same could be said about the Left's claims of racism at every opportunity.

Blind ideology makes people think and say stupid, counter-productive things.

This is being discussed, covered, and reported on in the media.

Nutters watch FOX and are told that it is not being covered on other stations. Thus, it is not being covered on other stations.

The PRIMARY source for nutters trying to claim that F&F is a gun control plot is a fucking CBS story from a months ago.

The reason that the interest level is low ( and I think recognition is not all that low at this point) is that people are focused on the economy. This shit is seen as Congress having a circle-jerk. The overwhelming majority of Americans think President Obama is a trustworthy, competent leader and, unlike the assholes who populate this forum, are not seeking ways to derail his administration.

All the news is reported. There is no collaboration between President Obama and the media.

Get a new dog.

So, you are on record as being fine with the cover up of selling 2000 guns to the drug cartels, arming the border patrol with rubber bullets, causing the death of two of them, and then burying it so no one will know? Oh and guess what? This all went down under Holder's watch, Obama's watch. And who is being held responsible? NOt one fucking person. Not one. Well I got news for you leftist asshole. The Parents have a right to know. And they will know.

So, you know when idiots like you begin a post with the word so, the following sentence is almost always a false charge. Idiot.

There has been no cover up proven, idiot. If one is proven, I will not be fine with it. And.........please stop pretending that you give a shit about Brian Terry. Idiot.

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