America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Sunni.. Before you convert you must been Christian, what was the reason for your convertion? and I bet that you had no idea about your religion before convertion.. I know you gonna say.. of course I had and idea about my religion before and read it but did not find answers, or blah blah blah none sense answers
Sunni.. Before you convert you must been Christian, what was the reason for your convertion? and I bet that you had no idea about your religion before convertion.. I know you gonna say.. of course I had and idea about my religion before and read it but did not find answers, or blah blah blah none sense answers

Very disingenuous of you to post a question and then basically answer it for me. :doubt:
American justice system is compliant to Muslim law requirements? Not sure what that means. We also practice separation of church and state.

I have a question for you, Sunni man: Doesn’t Saudi Arabia, (and most Muslim countries) forbid any other religion ? Given that, how open should ANY other non-Muslim country be to Islam or their practices?

I don’t like the mindless hedonism Americas is indulging in, but I don’t want a religious dictatorship either, and likely end up with a Taliban-like extremist theocracy. Frankly, I am an agnostic, (and any religion is pure fantasy to ME). I loath the idea my freedom could be impinged upon by any religion, period. What say you?
America is NOT a "Sharia compliant state' nor will it be in our lifetimes despite what melissa and the sunni man pray for. That's pure propaganda. Fortunately, it is being exposed for what it is -fascism. Even liberals are slowly catching on. The non'America hating ones at least.
well, all your answers people and the american law DOES NOT prove anything close that sharia law would be applied, not now, NOT EVER. Oh by the way, I've read about something or a.. Mircale in your book Sunni, called al esraa, w elma'araj.. Do you know what it is?.. as I understood, it said that Your prophet has gone to the 7 levels of the sky, met jesus, Elija, and... so on. Does that made any sense to you? He did not do any meaningful mircales, that we know, or think of, that suppose to glorify GOD at anyway, but ONLY to glorify HIMSELF..GOOD luck buddy.
any BTW, you did not answer my first question, becasue probably I answered right for you.. AM I right????
Why are you still posting in this thread, hypocrite?

Sunni Man said:
Well this started out as a pretty good thread and had a lively debate going.

Now it has devolved into just personal attacks.

Because of people like The Brain and his friends.

I guess it was fun while it lasted.

So I am out of here.


I never said that I would not post here again.

I just left for a few days to let the trolls clear out

Do you have a problem with that?
any BTW, you did not answer my first question, becasue probably I answered right for you.. AM I right????

No, You are not right.

I was a very dedicated Christian for many years.

Read the Bible cover to cover more times than I can count.

Taught Sunday school and helld Bible studies at my house for years.

I even did some preaching at the church and helped with street ministries.

I hope that this answer your question?
Why are you still posting in this thread, hypocrite?

Sunni Man said:
Well this started out as a pretty good thread and had a lively debate going.

Now it has devolved into just personal attacks.

Because of people like The Brain and his friends.

I guess it was fun while it lasted.

So I am out of here.


I never said that I would not post here again.

I just left for a few days to let the trolls clear out

Do you have a problem with that?

So I am out of here.

well, all your answers people and the american law DOES NOT prove anything close that sharia law would be applied, not now, NOT EVER. Oh by the way, I've read about something or a.. Mircale in your book Sunni, called al esraa, w elma'araj.. Do you know what it is?.. as I understood, it said that Your prophet has gone to the 7 levels of the sky, met jesus, Elija, and... so on. Does that made any sense to you? He did not do any meaningful mircales, that we know, or think of, that suppose to glorify GOD at anyway, but ONLY to glorify HIMSELF..GOOD luck buddy.

There are many famous figures in the Bible such as Moses or Abraham or Noah.

Most of them were Prophets.

But not all of them did miracles.

Muhammad first and foremost was a Prophet.

That was his mission on earth. :cool:
so, you converted because...? you were so dedicated? or you want to be just different, and your wife covers herself with berka, so she won't dress up like a slut as you said, and people look at you everywhere??
well, all your answers people and the american law DOES NOT prove anything close that sharia law would be applied, not now, NOT EVER. Oh by the way, I've read about something or a.. Mircale in your book Sunni, called al esraa, w elma'araj.. Do you know what it is?.. as I understood, it said that Your prophet has gone to the 7 levels of the sky, met jesus, Elija, and... so on. Does that made any sense to you? He did not do any meaningful mircales, that we know, or think of, that suppose to glorify GOD at anyway, but ONLY to glorify HIMSELF..GOOD luck buddy.

There are many famous figures in the Bible such as Moses or Abraham or Noah.

Most of them were Prophets.

But not all of them did miracles.

Muhammad first and foremost was a Prophet.

That was his mission on earth. :cool:

Just curious, but did anyone advocate sending Muhammad (BYOB) to an island somewhere?

For his own protection, of course.
I have a question for you, Sunni man: Doesn’t Saudi Arabia, (and most Muslim countries) forbid any other religion ? Given that, how open should ANY other non-Muslim country be to Islam or their practices?

Many Islamic countries have very large Christian populations such as Egypt and Turkey.

Iran has the largest Jewish population in the middle east outside of Israel.

Countries like Saudi Arabia that ban other religion is going against the message of the Quran.

Muhammad himself would invite Christians from other places to come and debate religion and while they were there pray at the Mosque.
so, you converted because...? you were so dedicated? or you want to be just different, and your wife covers herself with berka, so she won't dress up like a slut as you said, and people look at you everywhere??

I eventually came to the personal conclusion that Jesus was not God nor was he divine.

I basically went without a religion for a few years until I came across Islam.

It met my spiritual needs and personal beliefs.

My wife and I got a divorce because of me converting.

I did not meet my future Muslim wife until I had been in the religion for around five years.

And yes, she does wear Hijab
Good for you.. I hope your family are very proud of you!!
So, Egypt and Turkey has a very big population of christians? like 10 % out of 85.000.000? is that big to you? Does persecution christians and killing them and putting down our churches and burn it , sound fair and right to you? raping and forcing christian little girls to convert is fair too? this is what is happening in egypt and and other Muslim countries, and basically in Egypt EVERY freaking day!! I hope you are a proud muslim!!
And in our freedom loving nation, you may practice the five pillars in your mosque and your home. You can treat your women like property. You can hate abortionists, and gay people, and Jews. And others are free to agree with you or not. But
when people express disagreement with Islam, they are labeled haters. Many even get death threats. Ironic, isn't it?

America and its Judeo Christian values are rooted in tolerance - even for the non believers. Sharia is the antithesis of that.

Sorry creepers. If you don't like it, there are other medieval type places to live.
Basically, What they do in other countries is really no concern to me.

Being an American I am more concerned about Islam and Muslims here.
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