Amazon worker attacks elderly white woman


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Wonder how many slaps on the wrist she'll get?

Amazon delivery driver arrested for assault; says she punched 67-year-old in self defense​

Even with the 67 age factor of the female victim, had she had self-defense training that thug would have been a bit sorrier. I need to have a brush-up course myself.

This crime is similar to another clip presented on USMB yesterday, showing an obese male thug attack a small female while she filling up her gas tank. Without any need to stop and no crowd interference, he put her in the hospital.

What we need are clips of victims fighting back and winning. That's what thugs need to be more concerned about while they are out and about scoping out easy victims. Giving them a swift knee into the groin is a good start. When people condition themselves to unconsciously respond to a physical assault, even if you are surprised by the attack, your body will execute the conditioned response.

It's a sad part of reality, but every person able should be conditioned to react when someone else overreacts on a dime, and you can't count on others to stop it.

If any reader misreads my post and incorrectly assumes that I'm putting the blame on the victim in some way, let me just say in advance that you are wrong lol
The democrats in office had better tamp down their maniac haters and stop with the white privilege crap or someone is going to get killed....they have so revved up their libtard base that they are all ready to pop for any little reason....
Never in my long life have I felt the need to carry a weapon anywhere in America. During the last four years with the democrat narrative of "white bad," I have begun. Guns--Don't leave home without them.
Giving them a swift knee into the groin is a good start.
Giving them a swift .38 special round to the head would be a GREAT start.'d them over backings..only because of training not any special know-how.
I am all for law abiding citizens having full access to guns, but I don't carry one. I am going to need a lot more practice if I consider carrying, but know enough to use one for a home invasion. I frequently practice defense moves with my husband (2.5 x my size) in various scenarios, but you can never be too prepared. More thugs are committing these assaults in broad daylight. Gone are the days when it was commonly said "You know what happens after midnight probably isn't going to be good" to now being 24/7.

Defensive training classes should be flourishing, but I haven't checked anything on it.
When shit like this is welcomed on college campuses today, we shouldn't be surprised when attacks like the OP occur.

Giving them a swift knee into the groin is a good start.
Giving them a swift .38 special round to the head would be a GREAT start.'d them over backings..only because of training not any special know-how.
I am all for law abiding citizens having full access to guns, but I don't carry one. I am going to need a lot more practice if I consider carrying, but know enough to use one for a home invasion. I frequently practice defense moves with my husband (2.5 x my size) in various scenarios, but you can never be too prepared. More thugs are committing these assaults in broad daylight. Gone are the days when it was commonly said "You know what happens after midnight probably isn't going to be good" to now being 24/7.

Defensive training classes should be flourishing, but I haven't checked anything on it.
Cities like SF and Seattle and Chicago have always been places people have wanted to go for their vacations and leisure time. I wouldn't set foot in any democrat-controlled major city in America. Let them get their tax dollars from those freeloading, homeless POS that they are so shamelessly courting. I am content in God's country.
Giving them a swift knee into the groin is a good start.
Giving them a swift .38 special round to the head would be a GREAT start.'d them over backings..only because of training not any special know-how.
I am all for law abiding citizens having full access to guns, but I don't carry one. I am going to need a lot more practice if I consider carrying, but know enough to use one for a home invasion. I frequently practice defense moves with my husband (2.5 x my size) in various scenarios, but you can never be too prepared. More thugs are committing these assaults in broad daylight. Gone are the days when it was commonly said "You know what happens after midnight probably isn't going to be good" to now being 24/7.

Defensive training classes should be flourishing, but I haven't checked anything on it.

Fuck defensive training unless it's with a firearm.
Get a CHL and go to the range frequently and learn how to shoot.
Women trying to fight men is a losing prospect,they just dont have the strength.
Giving them a swift knee into the groin is a good start.
Giving them a swift .38 special round to the head would be a GREAT start.'d them over backings..only because of training not any special know-how.
I am all for law abiding citizens having full access to guns, but I don't carry one. I am going to need a lot more practice if I consider carrying, but know enough to use one for a home invasion. I frequently practice defense moves with my husband (2.5 x my size) in various scenarios, but you can never be too prepared. More thugs are committing these assaults in broad daylight. Gone are the days when it was commonly said "You know what happens after midnight probably isn't going to be good" to now being 24/7.

Defensive training classes should be flourishing, but I haven't checked anything on it.

To be honest gun safety is pretty simple.
Using a gun and learning the skills needed to use one proficently is much harder.
I've been shooting for the last 48 years and I still find myself needing more range time if I go a few months between shooting sessions.
Giving them a swift knee into the groin is a good start.
Giving them a swift .38 special round to the head would be a GREAT start.'d them over backings..only because of training not any special know-how.
I am all for law abiding citizens having full access to guns, but I don't carry one. I am going to need a lot more practice if I consider carrying, but know enough to use one for a home invasion. I frequently practice defense moves with my husband (2.5 x my size) in various scenarios, but you can never be too prepared. More thugs are committing these assaults in broad daylight. Gone are the days when it was commonly said "You know what happens after midnight probably isn't going to be good" to now being 24/7.

Defensive training classes should be flourishing, but I haven't checked anything on it.

Fuck defensive training unless it's with a firearm.
Get a CHL and go to the range frequently and learn how to shoot.
Women trying to fight men is a losing prospect,they just dont have the strength.
I understand your point and large men often target small women which makes it a must to be ready just in case.

A lot of the moves (some more than others) on the following linked article show good techniques for women going to a store/parking lot...either unarmed or armed but can't get to her weapon in time.

And another option, as you've suggested:
The democrats in office had better tamp down their maniac haters and stop with the white privilege crap or someone is going to get killed....they have so revved up their libtard base that they are all ready to pop for any little reason....
Never in my long life have I felt the need to carry a weapon anywhere in America. During the last four years with the democrat narrative of "white bad," I have begun. Guns--Don't leave home without them.

I've carried one my entire adult life.

Used to I only carried it if I was going to be gone from home more than a hour or go more than my immediate area since I live in a safe place. Now I take my sig to the gas station, and if it's not on my person it's in my car with me.

A lot of black or atleast half black areas are a county or two away so I pass through them occasionally and I am not a particularly intimidating looking guy, and I'm almost always alone and if it's one thing I know is they like to pick on white people when they are alone.
Wonder how many slaps on the wrist she'll get?

Amazon delivery driver arrested for assault; says she punched 67-year-old in self defense​

Did the 67-year-old woman dare utter a magic naughty word?
Wonder how many slaps on the wrist she'll get?

Amazon delivery driver arrested for assault; says she punched 67-year-old in self defense​

It’s why you need to carry. Then you keep shooting until the gun is empty.
And you libs are still crying about 1-6?????
This has what to do with your incessant fixation on "liberal vs conservative"???

First of all...You are referencing a story that was published by "LIBERAL MEDIA" in which a woman was rightfully arrested for assault.....and not a single "LIBERAL" is bothered by her arrest or trying to say "well, she feared for her safety, so blah blah" -- which is often the go to for cucks like you....

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