Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?

I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.


Better than any Republican in the last 35 years
I have always crossed my fingers that the next President will be a great President.

Imagine my disappointment over the last forty years...
Over the last 40 years only one president DIDN'T endorse the New World Order and actively opposed their agenda ---> Donald Trump.

Regardless of his arrogance and big mouth, that alone makes him the greatest president of the last 40 years. (And besides, his arrogance and big mouth piss off the PC-left SO MUCH, I've loved every minute of it!)
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.

I hope every president we elect will be a great president. Unfortunately, my hopes are usually dashed rather quickly.
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.

No. I don't hope for the best in the face of a fraudulent takeover of our Republic.
You'er the only one pretending.

Biden has got more done in 2 years than your blob got done in 4. And he's only built 45 fewer miles of new border wall too.

I am not at all happy with Biden, even though I am far left.

First of all, Biden has a terrible history.
He is the author of the 1994 Federal Crime Bill, which created the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, and many illegal and immoral laws.
Second is that there is no question Biden was illegally involved in the US takeover of the Ukraine in 2014.

But Biden has also done terribly.
He totally bungled covid, with masks mandates that prevent it from ending, and mRNA vax mandates which obviously not only does not work, but could never possible have worked since coronavirus spikes mimic our own exosome spike.
He also greatly increased the national debt to the point we may never recover, and deliberately risked WWIII with the illegal arming of the Ukraine.
I do not care what people claim by manipulating statistic.
What I actually see is lots of empty businesses, prices doubling, and tons of homeless.
Lowest standard of living in decades.
And your blob lost by 10M votes to him. LOL


That only comments on voters, not candidates.
I am far left and do not like Trump for things like stacking the SCOTUS, but clearly he started no wars, tried to end war, and was correct on most economic issues, like trade with China.

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