All we need is a Dim in the Oval Office

His OP was critical of both sides. Did you ever criticize anything done or said by Obama or Hillary?

MANY, many times....and, AGAIN, look at the fucking thread's title and honestly state that the O/P is "non-partisan"
Did you realize that Trump is the President and won legally?

Of course I do......THAT is not my argument......

My argument is that our current system has TWICE had a president who did NOT win the popular vote (and both have been REP.).........

My argument was on your fellow nitwit who stated that the people had spoken in electing Trump.....The reality is that Trump won the electoral college and NOT the majority of voters' will.


The Electoral College has elected the damn President since I have been alive!

Also there have been more than two times where a Candidate has lost the popular vote and won the Electoral College and every time it has been for a Republican!

The people of more States selected Trump over Hillary, so get a clue that just because California slanted the popular vote in Hillary favor she still lost more states than Trump, and so that is how Trump won!

Glad to help you Sparky and please read a little American History because it will help you!
Republicans fought to end slavery while those like you fought to keep it!

Bullshit and antiquated......The ONLY reason that southern whites went to the Democrat Party was because they hated Lincoln (a decent republican)........

Want to see how often southern/racist states vote for modern democrats????

So posting about Wilson and FDR is not antiquated but pointing out the fact that Republicans freed the slaves is Antiquated...

Also I mentioned Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and Nixon but isn't it funny you just focus on one part like the partisan hack you are!

To you today Republican Party is the Nazi Party and the Democrat Party is the beacon of hope, but the fact is both are worthless like their supporters!
The people of more States selected Trump over Hillary, so get a clue that just because California slanted the popular vote in Hillary favor she still lost more states than Trump, and so that is how Trump won!

Learn something......Promise it will make you a bit less of an idiot.

U.S. Map by population

The people of more States selected Trump over Hillary, so get a clue that just because California slanted the popular vote in Hillary favor she still lost more states than Trump, and so that is how Trump won!

Learn something......Promise it will make you a bit less of an idiot.

U.S. Map by population

View attachment 188937

How many states did Trump win vs Hillary?

Calling someone an idiot when you fail to grasp to become President you must win certain amount of States and their damn Electoral College vote!

You showing populations of areas does not help you when you keep on lying to yourself that Hillary should have won!

Oh, you can blame Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein for Hillary defeat and not Russia!

So keep on clinging to California slanted vote as proof Hillary should be President because in the end Trump won more State and won what elect the President!

So yes most people in more States voted for Trump because had they not Hillary would be President while Trey Gowdy would be looking to impeach her ass!

Let see if you can understand what I wrote or will you cling to " Three Million more voted for Hillary damn it!!! "?
How many states did Trump win vs Hillary?

When was the last time you told the world that Alabama pays into the US government coffers as much as California does???? (I think even your mommy would call you an idiot.).....LOL
For all the partisan shill dead heads that think that the US federal government will be "A" Ok once Trump is removed, this thread if for you.

I also realize it matters little who it is so long as they have a "D" by their name and spew venom at Trump.......except maybe Hillary. LMAO!

I also realize it matters what their policies will be, not that that will be hard to predict. They will need to follow the talking points of limiting gun ownership, free "something", unregulated and unlimited immigration, and a single payer system. Of coarse, championing tax funded genocide at the abortion mills is a must as well. These sorts of things the next empty suit or dress must champion cuz they are ingrained in the party platform and nothing can ever change that.

Having said that, will much really change other than the window dressing? I mean, Trump will fail at the border wall, he has fully funded Planned Parenthood, the spending is worse now than under Obama, and the GOP failed to replace Obamacare. Also, I look for more gun legislation under Trump of some sort, so really, nothing has been lost here for Dims other than the abuse of having to look at the orange Gerbil atop Trump's head everyday and being tortured by his tweets.

No; we need an engaged, serious, independent minded President. Democrat or Republican doesn’t matter so much unless you have both houses of Congress with the same consonant next to their name.

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