All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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At last, there is some positive news regarding Arab-Moslem terrorists being held accountable for their retrograde brhavior.

Senate panel approves bill to cut off funds to Palestinians over terrorism

Senate panel approves bill to cut off funds to Palestinians over terrorism

The Palestinian Authority regularly offers financial compensation to the families of terrorists. Critics have dubbed it “pay to slay” and say the Palestinian Authority spends as much as $300 million a year on the program.

The bill would cut off direct funds until the secretary of State certifies that the Palestinian Authority has taken “credible steps to end acts of violence against United States and Israeli citizens” and has “terminated payments for acts of terrorism against U.S. and Israeli citizens.”
  • They said they did not know what "sensitive information" Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) were trying to hide.

  • Today, it is safe to say that the situation of the freedom of the media under the PA and Hamas is not much different than that under Bashar Assad's Syria or even North Korea.

  • Palestinian journalists' hateful obsession with Israel brings them no dividends. Rather, such venomous bias diverts attention from the true challenges and threats they face from the PA and Hamas. By expending their efforts in this twisted fashion, the journalists aid and abet their leaders in building dictatorial regimes that suppress public freedoms.
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Palestinians Escalate War on Journalists
Al-Mashwakhi said that his brother and other family members were present at the sentencing and he confirmed that he doesn’t currently reside in the Gaza Strip. He noted that the background for his sentencing was political songs “that criticize Hamas and the Palestinian reality in the Gaza Strip.”

According to al-Mashwakhi, he doesn’t intend to stop his performances despite the sentence and will continue to release political songs and critical stand-up routines.

In an effort to defy Hamas and the prison sentence, al-Mashwakhi released a new song on Tuesday called “Missile against Hamas and against its Leadership.” In the song “May Allah Take You, Hamas,” al-Mashwakhi returned to criticizing life in the shadow of the Hamas movement and the corruption of its leadership.

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Hamas Sentences Singer to Five Years in Prison for Songs Criticizing Terror Group
CNEWA obscures this reality with a graphic that declares Israel's Christian population has declined by 50 percent since the 1940s. By picking “the 1940s” as the starting point for this comparison, CNEWA included the impact the War for Independence on Israel's Christian population, thus obscuring the dramatic increase in this population since 1948.
CNEWA's use of the word “dwindling” to describe the population of Christians in Jerusalem is contradicted by the statistics included in the report. According to the CNEWA statistics in the previously mentioned in the hard-to-read data sheet, there were 12,750 Christians living in Jerusalem in 2010 and in 2016, there were 15,580 Christians living in the city. That's a 22 percent increase, which cannot honestly be described as “dwindling.”

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CAMERA: CNEWA Misleading Its Supporters on Christian Population in Israel
But video footage just obtained by Channel 10 shows a completely different picture.

In the parking lot of the hospital are blocks and stones used by the violent Muslim rioters to attack the police, and footage was caught of at least one Arab on the hospital’s rooftop throwing concrete blocks down on the police.

Channel 10 says the blocks were placed on the hospital grounds in advance to use against the Israeli police.

The police say they entered the hospital, primarily because the violent rioters were purposely using the hospital as a sanctuary.

The Muslims were rioting after Israel placed metal detectors at the entrance to the Temple Mount, after three Muslim terrorists murdered two Israeli policeman at the holy site.

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So the reaction by this op-ed writer, Helmi Al Asmar, is instructive.

He frames this proposal this way:

"The Zionist collective mind is constantly working to think of finding ways to legitimize its strange existence among us. The occupation of the usurper was and will remain in the Arab collective collective conscience an emergent tumor that will never be part of the body of this land.
The latest of the tricks that the Zionist mind creates is what Prof. Gabrielle Mucid [?] of Israel: A confederation between Palestine, Israel and Jordan, claiming that there are many reasons, political, economic, security, psychological and historical, make the solution of confederation ideal for the Arab-Israeli conflict! The idea is of course stupid, and would result in the end of Israel."
But the Arab reaction reveals much more: the idea that Jews actually belong in the Middle East is horrifying and they will never be accepted as people who truly belong where they are actually more indigenous than most Arabs.

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Why peace is impossible, reason #8109 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
As readers may recall, during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas, some senior BBC journalists claimed that there was “no evidence” of Hamas using the civilian population of Gaza as human shields and the BBC Trust subsequently defended that inaccurate reporting following complaints from members of the public.

Given that the BBC’s Middle East editor repeated that claim less than two months ago, the editorial decision not to inform BBC audiences of this clear example of Hamas’ placement of military assets in civilian residential areas is particularly noteworthy.

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BBC News conceals part of a story on Hamas tunnels
[Muslims lose sovereignty over a small part of land, and that land suddenly become important to Islam after 1300 years]

Tens of thousands of Muslims prayed on Friday at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and listened to the sermon of Imam Ismail al-Nawadeh.

In his sermon, Nawadeh said that the city of Al-Quds (the Arabic name for Jerusalem –ed.) is the holiest place for Arabs and Muslims, and there is nothing like it in its holiness except for the cities of Mecca and Medina.

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Al-Aqsa preacher: Muslims have 'exclusive right' to Jerusalem
The attempt to portray the situation as Jew versus Palestinian is wrong and reflects an on-going attempt by Whitson to manufacture claims of discrimination. The issue has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. Rather, the key distinction is whether the individual is an Israeli citizen or not. As detailed in HRW’s own report, Palestinians from East Jerusalem are not citizens of Israel. Israeli citizens who live in the eastern part of the city (roughly considered to be based on the 1949-1967 cease fire lines following the Jordanian occupation), whether they are Jewish or Arab (or otherwise), have the same rights as all Israeli citizens. And notably absent from the HRW report is the basic fact that Palestinians in east Jerusalem have the option to apply for citizenship (thousands have been granted such status), but most choose not to for political reasons.

In addition, permanent residents of East Jerusalem are granted many of the same benefits as citizens including national insurance, health care, and free movement throughout Israel, etc. As in all Western countries, however, and contrary to HRW’s claims, the maintenance of residency status is not without requirements. It is also important to note that Palestinians who are permanent residents also have the right to field candidates and vote in Jerusalem’s municipal elections. (Many choose not to.) Many of the “discriminatory” policies falsely alleged by Whitson and HRW actually result from the failure of Palestinians to exercise their right to vote and elect municipal leaders who will implement their desired policy outcomes.

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Sarah Leah Whitson’s Jewish Problem Appears Again at Human Rights Watch
The idea of local American police departments taking anti-terrorism training in Israel is also being promoted by the Baltzer as specific training so police can murder blacks, a lie near and dear to the Black Lives Matter movement. And if black Israeli citizens can be indoctrinated to spread the lies in Israel and abroad then maybe the world will call to dismantle Israel as was done in South Africa where real apartheid existed,

To these ends, for the third anniversary Anna Baltzer has concocted a connection between the Ferguson story and her mendacious and disproven accusations against Israel, written for the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and posted on her Facebook page: "As Mike Brown lay dying in Ferguson, 6,000 miles away, Israel was pummeling the Gaza Strip. Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza claimed the lives of 2,251 Palestinians, among them 551 children. The connections between the dehumanization Palestinians experience under Israeli apartheid and that experienced by Black and brown communities targeted by US institutional racism and discrimination targeting became clearer than ever."

Calling for more black rioting in Ferguson and calling for Black and Palestinian Arab struggle for "liberation" in the same breath is all part of Baltzer's doing a good job and reaping the personal benefits of her willingness to prostitute herself for Hamas.

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Anna Baltzer is back with a program to make Blacks hate Jews
The hypocrisy and disingenuity here is astounding.

I am not aware of Sarsour ever condemning the antisemitism of the Left (she even seems to find it funny sometimes).

Or of the palestinians.

Or of Imans.

Or the BDS movement.

Or pretty much anyone except the far right.

So until Sarsour condemns all forms of antisemitism, includes Jews in her definition of “people of color” and acknowledges our legitimate aspirations to live in our homeland, I will continue to call her out for the charlatan she seems to be.

P.S Linda: we are indigenous. You are disingenuous.

Update: Sarsour also retweeted this:

Yisrael Kristal lived in Israel as a Zionist.

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Charlottesville And The Charlatan Linda Sarsour
According to Jordan's official news agency, Petra, Abdullah made it abundantly clear to Abbas that Jordan would continue to fulfill its historic role as guardian of Jerusalem's holy sites. Although this message was outwardly directed at Israel, it was also a reminder to the PA that it is the Jordanians, and not the Palestinians or the Arabs or any other group, who determine the policy in Jerusalem.

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