All machines must go

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Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Hobbs and maricopa county Dems just made the case.

They claim their machines cannot be used again because the "cyber ninjas" are going to program them to cheat.

So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.

They just want us to believe they, the Dems, are too altruistic to cheat themselves.

When dem senators, including klobuchar and Wyden, expressed concern of this issue years ago, they got nowhere, no answers, and have since shut up.

Indeed, since the Dems admit the machines canbe programmed to cheat, then they should ALWAYS BE AUDITED.

But the Dems are against audits.

1. They know the machines can cheat
2. They don't want audits
3. Biden won many states where the GOP took both state house and senate

I say all machines need to go. We need 100% verifiable paper ballots.

The founders of dominion are the enemies of truth, freedom, democracy, and free and fair elections.

They are the worst enemy America has ever faced, as our free and fair elections are our sovereignty, and they just stole it at the prez level this time.
Hobbs and maricopa county Dems just made the case.

They claim their machines cannot be used again because the "cyber ninjas" are going to program them to cheat.

So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.

They just want us to believe they, the Dems, are too altruistic to cheat themselves.

When dem senators, including klobuchar and Wyden, expressed concern of this issue years ago, they got nowhere, no answers, and have since shut up.

Indeed, since the Dems admit the machines canbe programmed to cheat, then they should ALWAYS BE AUDITED.

But the Dems are against audits.

1. They know the machines can cheat
2. They don't want audits
3. Biden won many states where the GOP took both state house and senate

I say all machines need to go. We need 100% verifiable paper ballots.

The founders of dominion are the enemies of truth, freedom, democracy, and free and fair elections.

They are the worst enemy America has ever faced, as our free and fair elections are our sovereignty, and they just stole it at the prez level this time.
:link: The republicans plan on winning at any costs.
So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.
Voting machines can be programmed to cheat is news to you? One would think that would be self evident to anyone that has been paying attention, the relevant questions are:

1. Are checks and balances in place to reduce the probability of such programming in place and to detect it if it occurs at scale
2. Is the difficulty of programming such machines to cheat at scale sufficient to make the exercise not worth the potential pay off

The answer to both questions is affirmative in most cases.
Most of the Maricopa county elections officials were republicans until they didn't cheat for Trump. That makes them democrats? The "auditors" are not elections officials yet they were given access to the voting machines. The chain of custody has been broken therefore the voting machines have to be considered compromised.
Most of the Maricopa county elections officials were republicans until they didn't cheat for Trump. That makes them democrats? The "auditors" are not elections officials yet they were given access to the voting machines. The chain of custody has been broken therefore the voting machines have to be considered compromised.
Correct as usual. The OP is lying
So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.
Voting machines can be programmed to cheat is news to you? One would think that would be self evident to anyone that has been paying attention, the relevant questions are:

1. Are checks and balances in place to reduce the probability of such programming in place and to detect it if it occurs at scale
2. Is the difficulty of programming such machines to cheat at scale sufficient to make the exercise not worth the potential pay off

The answer to both questions is affirmative in most cases.

Again, their answer is essentially...

Dems are too altruistic to cheat
Dems are too dumb/lazy to program the machines to cheat even though the Dems know the machines can be programmed to cheat, but those cyber ninjas are smart and motivated... We need to worry about them cheating.
We can trust everyone involved in the steal because they have titles and we can parrot them, and so does the media
Most of the Maricopa county elections officials were republicans until they didn't cheat for Trump. That makes them democrats? The "auditors" are not elections officials yet they were given access to the voting machines. The chain of custody has been broken therefore the voting machines have to be considered compromised.
Exactly, chain of custody is one of the checks and balances that reduce the chances that someone will be able to successfully program voting machines to cheat at scale. It's a mystery why some people just can't grasp that concept, or maybe they just don't want to grasp it because it doesn't fit the partisan narrative they've constructed in their heads.

The only thing I can see that's controversial here is, why the heck were those machines released to an outside firm with ties to the GOP in the first place, it's ridiculous.
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So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.
Voting machines can be programmed to cheat is news to you? One would think that would be self evident to anyone that has been paying attention, the relevant questions are:

1. Are checks and balances in place to reduce the probability of such programming in place and to detect it if it occurs at scale
2. Is the difficulty of programming such machines to cheat at scale sufficient to make the exercise not worth the potential pay off

The answer to both questions is affirmative in most cases.

Again, their answer is essentially...

Dems are too altruistic to cheat
Dems are too dumb/lazy to program the machines to cheat even though the Dems know the machines can be programmed to cheat, but those cyber ninjas are smart and motivated... We need to worry about them cheating.
We can trust everyone involved in the steal because they have titles and we can parrot them, and so does the media
Ummm.. read what I wrote again, I didn't write or even imply anything resembling what you responded with.
Most of the Maricopa county elections officials were republicans until they didn't cheat for Trump. That makes them democrats? The "auditors" are not elections officials yet they were given access to the voting machines. The chain of custody has been broken therefore the voting machines have to be considered compromised.
Correct as usual. The OP is lying

Distinguishing between the likes of AZ "republicans" like flake and McCain vs Dems...

Those involved with the steal

Black bigots
Leftist homos
Zionist 911 w crowd - both GOP and dem

Indeed, the very first use of the machines in the us was right after 911, for GOP primaries - keeping the Zionist traitors in and blocking the pre 1998 GOP from "primarying" the traitors.

So yeah, Brad Raffensberger and many others like him are "republicans," Zionist traitors who cheated to shut off the trump DOJ from opening 911 and finally allowing the American people to see FBI 911 file, which remains sealed and hidden and candy corn loves it that way....
Most of the Maricopa county elections officials were republicans until they didn't cheat for Trump. That makes them democrats? The "auditors" are not elections officials yet they were given access to the voting machines. The chain of custody has been broken therefore the voting machines have to be considered compromised.
Exactly, chain of custody is one of the checks and balances that reduce the chances that someone will be able to successful program voting machines to cheat at scale. It's a mystery why some people just can't grasp that concept, or maybe they just don't want to grasp it because it doesn't fit the partisan narrative they've constructed in their heads.

The only thing I can see that's controversial here is, why the heck were those machines released to an outside firm with ties to the GOP in the first place, it's ridiculous.

Translation - no audits, even though we know the machines can be programmed to cheat
Hobbs and maricopa county Dems just made the case.

They claim their machines cannot be used again because the "cyber ninjas" are going to program them to cheat.

So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.

They just want us to believe they, the Dems, are too altruistic to cheat themselves.

When dem senators, including klobuchar and Wyden, expressed concern of this issue years ago, they got nowhere, no answers, and have since shut up.

Indeed, since the Dems admit the machines canbe programmed to cheat, then they should ALWAYS BE AUDITED.

But the Dems are against audits.

1. They know the machines can cheat
2. They don't want audits
3. Biden won many states where the GOP took both state house and senate

I say all machines need to go. We need 100% verifiable paper ballots.

The founders of dominion are the enemies of truth, freedom, democracy, and free and fair elections.

They are the worst enemy America has ever faced, as our free and fair elections are our sovereignty, and they just stole it at the prez level this time.
Free and fair elections are a thing of the past.
So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.
Voting machines can be programmed to cheat is news to you? One would think that would be self evident to anyone that has been paying attention, the relevant questions are:

1. Are checks and balances in place to reduce the probability of such programming in place and to detect it if it occurs at scale
2. Is the difficulty of programming such machines to cheat at scale sufficient to make the exercise not worth the potential pay off

The answer to both questions is affirmative in most cases.

Again, their answer is essentially...

Dems are too altruistic to cheat
Dems are too dumb/lazy to program the machines to cheat even though the Dems know the machines can be programmed to cheat, but those cyber ninjas are smart and motivated... We need to worry about them cheating.
We can trust everyone involved in the steal because they have titles and we can parrot them, and so does the media
Lol, so on one hand dems are the deep state global elite on one side your mouth on the other side to lazy and dumb. Typical retard repug today. The system has been set up so that both sides are watching up until the fraudit. The machines can not be programed to cheat with experts from both side watching at all times but now under the fraudit one side has sole possession of the machines. Not the way legal chain of custody works. But just continue with your horse shit who gives a flying f what such people think. Rational people laugh at suckers.
Hobbs and maricopa county Dems just made the case.

They claim their machines cannot be used again because the "cyber ninjas" are going to program them to cheat.

So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.

They just want us to believe they, the Dems, are too altruistic to cheat themselves.

When dem senators, including klobuchar and Wyden, expressed concern of this issue years ago, they got nowhere, no answers, and have since shut up.

Indeed, since the Dems admit the machines canbe programmed to cheat, then they should ALWAYS BE AUDITED.

But the Dems are against audits.

1. They know the machines can cheat
2. They don't want audits
3. Biden won many states where the GOP took both state house and senate

I say all machines need to go. We need 100% verifiable paper ballots.

The founders of dominion are the enemies of truth, freedom, democracy, and free and fair elections.

They are the worst enemy America has ever faced, as our free and fair elections are our sovereignty, and they just stole it at the prez level this time.
All voting machines can be programed to cheat ... theres no secret there ... what they are saying for those who are capable of intelligent though, is if a machine is sent to a company who isn't authorize to use the machine, or count on that machine, than that machine will become suspect of being altered. for voting ... that's why they have company people to check outage machine on site to make sure its operating correctly ... it cost them more money to check out the machine then it does to replace it knowing its secure .... all machines can be altered ... what did you actually think a voting machine can't be altered ??
Most of the Maricopa county elections officials were republicans until they didn't cheat for Trump. That makes them democrats? The "auditors" are not elections officials yet they were given access to the voting machines. The chain of custody has been broken therefore the voting machines have to be considered compromised.

The problem here is we're talking about an outsider running for reelection that some people on both sides dislike. Republicans don't march in lockstep like Nazi solders the way Democrats do.
Most of the Maricopa county elections officials were republicans until they didn't cheat for Trump. That makes them democrats? The "auditors" are not elections officials yet they were given access to the voting machines. The chain of custody has been broken therefore the voting machines have to be considered compromised.
Exactly, chain of custody is one of the checks and balances that reduce the chances that someone will be able to successful program voting machines to cheat at scale. It's a mystery why some people just can't grasp that concept, or maybe they just don't want to grasp it because it doesn't fit the partisan narrative they've constructed in their heads.

The only thing I can see that's controversial here is, why the heck were those machines released to an outside firm with ties to the GOP in the first place, it's ridiculous.

Translation - no audits, even though we know the machines can be programmed to cheat
TRY AGAIN, this time read what I wrote while putting in at least a modicum of effort at comprehension and if there's a specific point that's unclear to you ASK FOR CLARIFICATION, don't respond with straw man arguments or other logical fallacies, it doesn't add anything to the discussion and makes you seem like a simpleton.

Audits are fine as long as the existing checks and balances in place are observed (e.g. chain of custody, background checks on the auditors, bi-partisan observers to the ENTIRE audit process), it's when those checks and balances are skirted that you risk running into major problems.
Hobbs and maricopa county Dems just made the case.

They claim their machines cannot be used again because the "cyber ninjas" are going to program them to cheat.

So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.

They just want us to believe they, the Dems, are too altruistic to cheat themselves.

When dem senators, including klobuchar and Wyden, expressed concern of this issue years ago, they got nowhere, no answers, and have since shut up.

Indeed, since the Dems admit the machines canbe programmed to cheat, then they should ALWAYS BE AUDITED.

But the Dems are against audits.

1. They know the machines can cheat
2. They don't want audits
3. Biden won many states where the GOP took both state house and senate

I say all machines need to go. We need 100% verifiable paper ballots.

The founders of dominion are the enemies of truth, freedom, democracy, and free and fair elections.

They are the worst enemy America has ever faced, as our free and fair elections are our sovereignty, and they just stole it at the prez level this time.
Free and fair elections are a thing of the past.
all those ballots you say should be the way to vote they can be altered too ... more then any machine could
Hobbs and maricopa county Dems just made the case.

They claim their machines cannot be used again because the "cyber ninjas" are going to program them to cheat.

So they admit the machines can be programmed to cheat.

They just want us to believe they, the Dems, are too altruistic to cheat themselves.

When dem senators, including klobuchar and Wyden, expressed concern of this issue years ago, they got nowhere, no answers, and have since shut up.

Indeed, since the Dems admit the machines canbe programmed to cheat, then they should ALWAYS BE AUDITED.

But the Dems are against audits.

1. They know the machines can cheat
2. They don't want audits
3. Biden won many states where the GOP took both state house and senate

I say all machines need to go. We need 100% verifiable paper ballots.

The founders of dominion are the enemies of truth, freedom, democracy, and free and fair elections.

They are the worst enemy America has ever faced, as our free and fair elections are our sovereignty, and they just stole it at the prez level this time.
Free and fair elections are a thing of the past.
all those ballots you say should be the way to vote they can be altered too ... more then any machine could
Altering ballots isn't the major concern, the fact that HUMANS can be programmed to cheat far easier than machines can IS.

"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." -- Joseph Stalin
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