ALL LIVES MATTER triggers leftists


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

The police officers simply put up the traffic sign to warn all residents regarding safety. It was not a political statement. Yet leftists whined and complained. Cannot wait for November 2022. The Left has gone too far.

Yes this is two years old but what has changed?

The police officers simply put up the traffic sign to warn all residents regarding safety. It was not a political statement. Yet leftists whined and complained. Cannot wait for November 2022. The Left has gone too far.

Yes this is two years old but what has changed?

ALL LIVES MATTER triggers leftists​

“Make America Great Again” and “America First” triggers them as well…We know exactly what we have with the Left.
Never apologize mister, it's a sign of weakness.

I see that being more true every day when dealing with the anti-whites of Burn/Loot/Murder.
Never apologize to the left. They see it as an opportunity to destroy you. A sign of weakness like sharks with Blood in the water.



The police officers simply put up the traffic sign to warn all residents regarding safety. It was not a political statement. Yet leftists whined and complained. Cannot wait for November 2022. The Left has gone too far.

Yes this is two years old but what has changed?
well I think the one statement that seems to be omitted in all of this is if black lives matter and blacks are cops do their lives get included in black lives matter?

The police officers simply put up the traffic sign to warn all residents regarding safety. It was not a political statement. Yet leftists whined and complained. Cannot wait for November 2022. The Left has gone too far.

Yes this is two years old but what has changed?
I used to use an app called "Next Door". It connects neighbors and neighborhoods together on social media. One day I read a post from some far left nut job going on and on and on, attacking people on the right. One person who responded blatantly stated that "all lives matter" in the discussion. That person was banned from the site for simply saying all lives matter while the guy who was actually making inflammatory posts was allowed to continue ranting and raving about the right. I contacted the site about the situation and was told that the phrase "all lives matter" is inflammatory and they don't want inflammatory posts on their site. I told them that there was nothing inflammatory about posting all lives matter and that I was deleting my account. They didn't seem to care.

The police officers simply put up the traffic sign to warn all residents regarding safety. It was not a political statement. Yet leftists whined and complained. Cannot wait for November 2022. The Left has gone too far.

Yes this is two years old but what has changed?
Black Lives Matter is being investigated as the fund-raising scammer they are and there is a Democrat in Office?
The left is moving into a position of the legalization of killing non blacks. You see the progression of this position in New York where black killers are allowed to roam.
As to white killers.... are there any in New York?
Honestly with our current shitty society as far as I'm concerned aside from my immediate family and closest friends no lives matter to me. If our society is a pool we desperately need some chlorine in it.

The police officers simply put up the traffic sign to warn all residents regarding safety. It was not a political statement. Yet leftists whined and complained. Cannot wait for November 2022. The Left has gone too far.

Yes this is two years old but what has changed?
BLM has crept into every aspect of American life and benefits no one except the Democratic Party and BLM officers.

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