All I need to know

Charles Stucker

Senior Member
Oct 13, 2009
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All I need to know about welfare I learned form watching Star Trek

McCoy - Do you now what you get when you feed a Tribble too much?
Kirk - A fat Tribble?
McCoy - No, you get a bunch of hungry little Tribbles.

Just replace "Tribbles" with "Welfare recipients"
LOL. YOur so right.

There are no consequences, just rewards for irresponsible behavior. Hence the folks who have no problem taking money from those that earned it. These folks contribute nothing but have no problem taking.

If it were up to me. There would be no Welfare.
LOL. YOur so right.

There are no consequences, just rewards for irresponsible behavior. Hence the folks who have no problem taking money from those that earned it. These folks contribute nothing but have no problem taking.

If it were up to me. There would be no Welfare.

Welfare is fine, as human beings it is only right and proper that we do what we can to help the less fortunate not only survive but also have the opportunity to thrive (reach their individual potential), however providing such "help" should always be the choice of the individual.

That being said I believe that the problem isn't "welfare" in itself, it's the current form that "welfare" takes which does a poor job with respect to the survival portion and does almost nothing with respect to the opportunity portion. Essentially our current system is just a vehicle for the state to increase the number of it's dependents, which of course are then beholden to the state and thus are more easily manipulated by those in power and those seeking power.

The state has never been any good at helping the poor and from the prospective of what's currently going on in the United States, it's not only NOT helping the poor it actually hurts them, while at the same time hurting everybody else.
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