All 4 former Ukraine regions vote to join Russia

What in the name of Jesus H. Christ does the referendum in Ukraine have to do with “deviants warping children”?

I just explained why Democrats admire Putin. If it's over your head, don't worry about it.
Assuming that’s true, why on earth would the other 9% (presumably ethnic Ukrainians) also vote to join Russia?

No election gets 99%.

Obama didn’t get 99% of the Black vote in DC.

Trump didn’t get 99% of the White vote in Alabama.

It just doesn’t happen.
1) its not just Ukrainians. There's Jews, Georgians, Tartars, Belarusians, Armenians and some Greeks

2) the geopolitical differences of DC and Donetsk are not even similar enough to make that comparison

3) Again Alabama is not Ukraine

You can it didn't happen all you like but if you really understood what has been happening over there since the USSR collapsed I think you'd sing a different tune
No, they didn’t.

The whole point of the article is that they believe the results are fake.

They reported that those were the results as reported by Russia.
You just contradicted yourself. They can say its a "so called referendum" all the like but the totals they reported as "results" match what I posted in my first post

If you don't like that....

Instead of eating protein and lifting this dude should really read a book or watch some unbiased historical documentaries sometime

lol and of course you know those don't exist in mainstream media. Instead of being a giant stupid fag why not just admit you're a deviant who loves corrupt pols and Putin makes you horny.
You just contradicted yourself. They can say its a "so called referendum" all the like but the totals they reported as "results" match what I posted in my first post

If you don't like that....

View attachment 702470
From the article you linked to:

The referendums are widely viewed as an initial Kremlin move toward formal Russian annexation of the territories, even as the exact timetable remains unclear.

Results reported Tuesday by Russian state media allegedly showed over 98% voting in favor of the measure in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics
lol and of course you know those don't exist in mainstream media. Instead of being a giant stupid fag why not just admit you're a deviant who loves corrupt pols and Putin makes you horny.
Rainbow Randolph is a Robin Williams character from a movie. I originally was going to troll the left on here but they do so well making themselves look dumb I went a different direction. Nice job going for low hanging fruit, I'm sure that's not all low hanging you go for, to attempt an insult but you fail
From the article you linked to:

The referendums are widely viewed as an initial Kremlin move toward formal Russian annexation of the territories, even as the exact timetable remains unclear.

Results reported Tuesday by Russian state media allegedly showed over 98% voting in favor of the measure in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic
Now go back to the front page
1) Donetsk - 99%
2) Luhanks - 98%

That means both voted over 98% to join Russia.

Fuck sake you're slow
Russians and Russian speakers have long been in that region since before 2014. These regions are known to be Pro Russia and supported the President that Obama admin ousted in that year.

So you have mostly ethnic Russians in a region. They see a coup happen in 2014, they've dealt with attempts to ethnically cleanse the region of Russians, you don't think they'd overwhelmingly vote to leave those abusing them? Would you?

Buddy. I'm asking you to use common sense here.

As of the 2001 census, about 58% of the population of Luhansk Oblast and 56.9% of the population of Donetsk Oblast are formed by ethnic Ukrainians. Besides this, about 39% of Luhansk Oblast’s population and 38.2% of Donetsk Oblast’s population are formed by ethnic Russians. Between 3-6 million people lived there.

When in the history of anything, have three to six million people voted 99% in favor of anything? And the 60% ethnic Ukrainian population doesn't care? It's really fishy.

Now go back to the front page
1) Donetsk - 99%
2) Luhanks - 98%

That means both voted over 98% to join Russia.

Fuck sake you're slow
They’re simply saying that’s what the Russian government is *reporting*. The Russians can make up whatever numbers they want. The article *explicitly* questions the legitimacy of the referendum.
Buddy. I'm asking you to use common sense here.

As of the 2001 census, about 58% of the population of Luhansk Oblast and 56.9% of the population of Donetsk Oblast are formed by ethnic Ukrainians. Besides this, about 39% of Luhansk Oblast’s population and 38.2% of Donetsk Oblast’s population are formed by ethnic Russians. Between 3-6 million people lived there.

When in the history of anything, have three to six million people voted 99% in favor of anything? And the 60% ethnic Ukrainian population doesn't care? It's really fishy.

I'm asking you to use some pal. You're going with 2001 numbers, ok
1) what happened in 2004? Color Revolution under Bush
2) what happened in 2014? Color Revolution under Obama
3) what's the Bucha Massacre?
4) 90% of the people in Donesk speak Russian (that part is further down on the wiki page you quoted)
5) 94% voted in Crimea in 2014 to join Russia you saying that is false too with everything else I've just posted?
Absurdly obvious boneheaded nonsense. No one in the world buys this complete sham "referendum." Putin has lost his shit as badly as Biden.
The 4 areas that voted to be annexed by Russia were majority populated by ethnic Russian people who primarily spoke the Russian language, and were treated like 2nd class citizens by the Ukrainian government.
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