Alarmism and the AGW Cult Explained..


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Alarmism and the AGW Cult Explained..

AN excellent article on the roots of the CAGW lie and how they took root..

The global warming / CO2 agenda fit the needs of the transnational enviroleft perfectly. It provided a “problem” which could not be solved – both because it is not a problem and because emitting CO2 is a part of the existence of industrial society and human life. Contrast that to the real problem of automobile exhaust gases, which was solved by the auto industry through the development of catalytic filters, without any damage to society and without much profit to the environmentalists. But the unique advantage of the global warming agenda was its global nature. While enviros are capable of making up an “issue” out of nothing in any place at any time (as the case of Dihydrogen Monoxide has amply proven), environmental issues are usually local or regional. The only other alleged global problem was “ozone hole,” which was being addressed at that time. A “global problem” justified a global collusion, and demands to punish and loot America.

This article exposes the lie for what it is and where it came from and who was pushing it..
If you follow the money trail it leads to Marxists and anti-capitalists in Europe and the Soviet Union.. The useful idiots over here just sucked it up and did as they were told. One of the biggest hoaxes and direct attacks on the US since its founding.
If you follow the money trail it leads to Marxists and anti-capitalists in Europe and the Soviet Union.. The useful idiots over here just sucked it up and did as they were told. One of the biggest hoaxes and direct attacks on the US since its founding.

My GOD are you stupid.
Alarmism and the AGW Cult Explained..

AN excellent article on the roots of the CAGW lie and how they took root..

The global warming / CO2 agenda fit the needs of the transnational enviroleft perfectly. It provided a “problem” which could not be solved – both because it is not a problem and because emitting CO2 is a part of the existence of industrial society and human life. Contrast that to the real problem of automobile exhaust gases, which was solved by the auto industry through the development of catalytic filters, without any damage to society and without much profit to the environmentalists. But the unique advantage of the global warming agenda was its global nature. While enviros are capable of making up an “issue” out of nothing in any place at any time (as the case of Dihydrogen Monoxide has amply proven), environmental issues are usually local or regional. The only other alleged global problem was “ozone hole,” which was being addressed at that time. A “global problem” justified a global collusion, and demands to punish and loot America.

This article exposes the lie for what it is and where it came from and who was pushing it..

for the record---guess what catalytic converters change automobile gases into.
Billy nice OP. It drew the warmer normals out and they followed in lock step with nothing more than insults and adhomens. Funny, I would never have considered the Soviets smart enough to concoct a story like that. I highly doubt the warmers can post any actual rebuttal, but you know what they say about blind squirrels and all.
To what would we be posting a rebuttal? Do you see any sign of evidence in that article? Facts? Logic? Reason? I see nothing but McCarthyist paranoia. If that's really what Billy Boy believes (and I have no reason to doubt that it is), there is just no point in wasting time here. The load of you are ignorant, senile fools.
Billy nice OP. It drew the warmer normals out and they followed in lock step with nothing more than insults and adhomens. Funny, I would never have considered the Soviets smart enough to concoct a story like that. I highly doubt the warmers can post any actual rebuttal, but you know what they say about blind squirrels and all.

They posted nothing of substance. They did not show me where the roots of the cult actually began according to them.. The article is a damning hit on the left wing socialist agenda. THEIR RESPONSES WERE EXACTLY WHAT I EXPECTED... They have been exposed for who they are and what they are.. Fools led astray by lies and deceptions..

Sadly they are who they are and the useful idiots will be useful fools even if their own misguided crap kills them..

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