Alabama and Mississippi will also honor Robert E. Lee on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

I'm not the one denying that economic discrimination took place during segregation or am expecting it to fix itself. If you want to deny history I'm just going to laugh at you for being frail. :dunno: :lol:
No one denies “economic discrimination took place during segregation” ffs….
No one denies “economic discrimination took place during segregation” ffs….
Ok. So let's go over what you are saying then. This country did economically disenfranchise Black Americans.

Did it provide reparations for this economic disenfranchisement?
God bless General Robert Lee, the greatest of Americans.

Ok. So let's go over what you are saying then. This country did economically disenfranchise Black Americans.

Did it provide reparations for this economic disenfranchisement?
Reparations were considered at the time but never happened. That was 60 years ago. That ship has sailed and the absence of a cash pay-out is not what is economically impacting the black community today.

If you want to be technical, multicultural policies like affirmative action and DEI are reparations. Reparations is a concept that spans more than just a cash pay out. But a cash hand-out is all most proponents of reparations really want.
Reparations were considered at the time but never happened. That was 60 years ago. That ship has sailed and the absence of a cash pay-out is not what is economically impacting the black community today.
A ten to one wealth gap and disparity of home ownership and investment in Black communities isn't affecting the Black community today? Based on what besides your feelings?
If you want to be technical, multicultural policies like affirmative action and DEI are reparations. Reparations is a concept that spans more than just a cash pay out. But a cash hand-out is all most proponents of reparations want.
Affirmative action and DEI are not reparations. Not even technically. They can't technically be reparations for discrimination against Black Americans if they're meant to help all minority communities.

So the answer is no on reparations. This country economically disenfranchised Black Americans and hasn't provided economic justice for that injustice.
A ten to one wealth gap and disparity of home ownership and investment in Black communities isn't affecting the Black community today?

No one claimed that.

Affirmative action and DEI are not reparations. Not even technically. They can't technically be reparations for discrimination against Black Americans if they're meant to help all minority communities.
Oh, I didn’t realize black people were the only group who had been marginalized. We either need to kick those other freeloading minorities off DEI or just scrap it all together then.
Robert E. Lee Day was celebrated long before MLK was.

I think its great that blacks and whites can celebrate Lee-King Day together in Alabama and Mississippi

Onlyin places like Alabama and Mississippi.

I think he would have been embarrassed.
No one claimed that.
You claimed that. You said the absence of a cash payout is not was is economically impacting the Black American community and yet economic segregation and housing discrimination have left Black Americans at a deep economic disadvantage.
Oh, I didn’t realize black people were the only group who had been marginalized. We either need to kick those other freeloading minorities off DEI or just scrap it all together then.
Who else in this country went through a hundred years of socioeconomic segregation that only ended 65 years ago after over a hundred in slavery?

Alabama and Mississippi will also honor Robert E. Lee on Martin Luther King Jr. Day​

Yes they do, God bless ‘em. The General’s day of birth is the 19th. It was once a common day of recognition in all of the conquered states.
I have never heard of Robert E Lee day before. Oh well, happy Robert E Lee day, I guess…

“MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — The U.S. is set to mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the federal holiday set aside to honor the life of the civil rights icon. But in Alabama and Mississippi , Monday is also Robert E. Lee Day in honor of the Confederate general.

The two states recognize King and Lee on the third Monday in January. Their state governments created holidays more than a century ago to honor Lee and later combined the day with the federal holiday established in the 1980s to honor King.

The strange juxtaposition of honoring men from vastly different legacies has persisted for decades.”

Alabama and Mississippi will also honor Robert E. Lee on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
If you've never heard of Lee before, you've not studied American history, at all.
If you've never heard of Lee before, you've not studied American history, at all.
Read it again. Slower this time.

“I have never heard of Robert E Lee day before. Oh well, happy Robert E Lee day, I guess…”
You claimed that. You said the absence of a cash payout is not was is economically impacting the Black American community and yet economic segregation and housing discrimination have left Black Americans at a deep economic disadvantage.
Right. I never claimed what you previously said. The above is not what you previously attributed to me. Are you being purposefully obtuse again or is this genuine?

You are falsely assuming that the absence of a cash payout is the reason the black community is economically disadvantaged. I do not make that assumption. However, I do recognize the economic condition of the black community.

Read your comment again, take your time this time -

“A ten to one wealth gap and disparity of home ownership and investment in Black communities isn't affecting the Black community today?”

Notice what is not there? Read it again if you need to. There is NO mention of what is responsible for that disparity. Just that the disparity exists. I never denied that, in fact I recognized it in my comments.

I did not claim the black community wasn’t suffering an economic disparity.

I don’t know if you are just stoned, dishonest or retarded. But if you can’t keep your own words straight, that’s your problem.

Who else in this country went through a hundred years of socioeconomic segregation that only ended 65 years ago after over a hundred in slavery?

That doesn’t change what DEI and affirmative action are intended to do. You tell me why black people are included in those programs.


“….or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.”

DEI and affirmative action are intended to address economic disparities by providing opportunities to “marginalized” groups.

“Reparations is more than financial compensation,” California Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer, who sits on the task force, said in an interview. “Financial compensation will have an inertia that is immediate. The other things that we’re looking at will have generational change.”

Better educational opportunities, major reform to the criminal justice system, and policies to address political disenfranchisement, housing inequities and health disparities are among the systemic changes the task force expects to recommend


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