Al-Qassam: We back the national unity but not with an Israeli-allied party

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said it backs the Palestinian reconciliation, but it should not be with parties working for the Israeli occupation and the Americans.

"We hope there can be an honest intention to reach reconciliation, confront the occupation and join forces for the sake of the Palestinians," the spokesman added.

Al-Qassam: We back the national unity but not with an Israeli-allied party
The Messiah will come before Hamas and Fatah will get along.

As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Arab/Moslem terrorist organizations come and go. It wasn't so long ago that the terrorists from Hamas and fatah were murdering each other within the context of a nasty civil war for control of the U.N. welfare dollars that are heaped on the Palestinian beggars and squatters. I remember reading reports wherein terrorists from one side of the Dark Ages types were capturing and torturing terrorists from the competing Dark Age ensemble.

Their low-lifes are actually more adept at mass murder and mayhem than they are at actually building a productive society. Of course, we that dynamic played out across the islamist middle east. When you believe the perfect example for humanity is an ancient Arab warlord who took no issue with assassination of political rivals to further his own position, in a twisted, amoral way, you believe such behavior is following in the way of Islam's inventor and thus makes you a pious Moslem.

The relevant world defines such behavior as immoral, retrograde and regressive.
The Messiah will come before Hamas and Fatah will get along.

As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.
The Messiah will come before Hamas and Fatah will get along.

As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Arab/Moslem terrorist organizations come and go. It wasn't so long ago that the terrorists from Hamas and fatah were murdering each other within the context of a nasty civil war for control of the U.N. welfare dollars that are heaped on the Palestinian beggars and squatters. I remember reading reports wherein terrorists from one side of the Dark Ages types were capturing and torturing terrorists from the competing Dark Age ensemble.

Their low-lifes are actually more adept at mass murder and mayhem than they are at actually building a productive society. Of course, we that dynamic played out across the islamist middle east. When you believe the perfect example for humanity is an ancient Arab warlord who took no issue with assassination of political rivals to further his own position, in a twisted, amoral way, you believe such behavior is following in the way of Islam's inventor and thus makes you a pious Moslem.

The relevant world defines such behavior as immoral, retrograde and regressive.

WOW! What a load of crap.
The Messiah will come before Hamas and Fatah will get along.

As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.

You live in Israel. You miss a lot. You are mushrooms.

How the PA helps Israel occupy | Jesse Rosenfeld | Comment is free |
The Messiah will come before Hamas and Fatah will get along.

As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.
... and with the sharks.
As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.

You live in Israel. You miss a lot. You are mushrooms.

How the PA helps Israel occupy | Jesse Rosenfeld | Comment is free |

Can you speak in a NORMAL English, please? I don't get the American slang, always, I have told you that already.
As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Arab/Moslem terrorist organizations come and go. It wasn't so long ago that the terrorists from Hamas and fatah were murdering each other within the context of a nasty civil war for control of the U.N. welfare dollars that are heaped on the Palestinian beggars and squatters. I remember reading reports wherein terrorists from one side of the Dark Ages types were capturing and torturing terrorists from the competing Dark Age ensemble.

Their low-lifes are actually more adept at mass murder and mayhem than they are at actually building a productive society. Of course, we that dynamic played out across the islamist middle east. When you believe the perfect example for humanity is an ancient Arab warlord who took no issue with assassination of political rivals to further his own position, in a twisted, amoral way, you believe such behavior is following in the way of Islam's inventor and thus makes you a pious Moslem.

The relevant world defines such behavior as immoral, retrograde and regressive.

WOW! What a load of crap.

Your posts are much more coherent when you limit yourself to meaningless sentences, six words or less exclusively of monosyllables.
As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.

You live in Israel. You miss a lot. You are mushrooms.

How the PA helps Israel occupy | Jesse Rosenfeld | Comment is free |


It is time for the PA to be dissloved, I think Palestinian American Christian activist Mazin Qumsiyeh has been saying that now for over a year, in his widely circulated newsletters about the conflict, reported from near Bethlehem where he lives , and he even had relatives, I think some of his deceased brother in laws, who were associated with Fatah.

They have become just a tool keeping the Occupation alive, the PA, corrupted by US money, US puppets. And I know the plan is to try to use them to coerce the Palestinians into some unjust peace deal. That has been the plan for a very long time, using the unauthorized Quartet, that the US also controls.

I can't help but think about how the US tried to use Dahlan to overthrow Hamas, well they failed in that coup attempt, and they will fail in their goals of using their PA puppets to force an unjust peace deal down the throats of Palestinians.

I love this comment posted to the article you provided a link to, I think it says it all, referring to the PA as a quisling outfit doing Israel and the CIA's bidding. (Tony Karon has had a lot of good posts about quislings, among the Palestinians, on his Rootless Cosmopolitan blog.)

23 February 2010 3:02PM

Jesse Rosenfeld

Excellent piece -- such clarity and accuracy in analysis from a 'man on the ground'.

Yes, someone else remarked on an earlier thread that Abbas and the so-called Palestinian Authority are merely (no, tragically) a quisling outfit doing Israel and the CIA's bidding. How right they were"

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Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.

You live in Israel. You miss a lot. You are mushrooms.

How the PA helps Israel occupy | Jesse Rosenfeld | Comment is free |

Can you speak in a NORMAL English, please? I don't get the American slang, always, I have told you that already.

Mushroom is a US term for people who are kept in the dark and fed shit.
Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.

You live in Israel. You miss a lot. You are mushrooms.

How the PA helps Israel occupy | Jesse Rosenfeld | Comment is free |

It is time for the PA to be dissloved, I think Palestinian American Christian activist Mazin Qumsiyeh has been saying that now for over a year, in his widely circulated newsletters about the conflict, reported from near Bethlehem where he lives , and he even had relatives, I think some of his deceased brother in laws, who were associated with Fatah.

They have become just a tool keeping the Occupation alive, the PA, corrupted by US money, US puppets. And I know the plan is to try to use them to coerce the Palestinians into some unjust peace deal. That has been the plan for a very long time, using the unauthorized Quartet, that the US also controls.

I can't help but think about how the US tried to use Dahlan to overthrow Hamas, well they failed in that coup attempt, and they will fail in their goals of using their PA puppets to force an unjust peace deal down the throats of Palestinians.


Excellent post.

We must remember that Abbas left the government in June of 2007 and with US money and weapons set up an illegal government in the West Bank that is called the PA.
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Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.

You live in Israel. You miss a lot. You are mushrooms.

How the PA helps Israel occupy | Jesse Rosenfeld | Comment is free |

It is time for the PA to be dissloved, I think Palestinian American Christian activist Mazin Qumsiyeh has been saying that now for over a year, in his widely circulated newsletters about the conflict, reported from near Bethlehem where he lives , and he even had relatives, I think some of his deceased brother in laws, who were associated with Fatah.

They have become just a tool keeping the Occupation alive, the PA, corrupted by US money, US puppets. And I know the plan is to try to use them to coerce the Palestinians into some unjust peace deal. That has been the plan for a very long time, using the unauthorized Quartet, that the US also controls.

I can't help but think about how the US tried to use Dahlan to overthrow Hamas, well they failed in that coup attempt, and they will fail in their goals of using their PA puppets to force an unjust peace deal down the throats of Palestinians.

You might want to spend a moment and think through what you write out. The billions of dollars that have been heaped on the various Islamic terrorist organizations that have had a turn at stealing infidel welfare dollars is the responsibility of those Islamic terrorists along with the fools and apologists who expected Islamic terrorists to behave in a way foreign to Islamic terrorists.

Your consistent need to blame others for the actions of Islamic terrorists is nothing more than perpetuating that nightmare.
Mushroom is a US term for people who are kept in the dark and fed shit.

Oh. Like leftists. LOL

There are mushrooms all over the world. The only thing people can do is to get away from those who shovel shit and learn what is really happening.

You cannot do that in a world that is controled mostly but media with secret agendas. the media always takes a side. One time it can be yours, the other time it can be your enemy. Everybody knows the media always tell half truths, but everybody also believe in that without checking first.
As long as Fatah works for Israel, you are probably correct.

Fatah works for Israel???

LMFAO! what did I miss.?

Hamas and Fatah both want israel to be destroyed.

And we don't really care what Hamas wants. In a perfect world, every Hamas terrorist will be in the ocean. Without a snorkel.
... and with the sharks.


I think I will start calling you shark girl, due to the homage you pay to sharks.


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