Al Qaida # 3 Confesses

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
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More success on the war on terror. I wonder how libs will respond?

Perhaps the will question HOW the US military got the confession. Was the more man 'tortured"? Was he given a lawyer? Was his rights violated?

Al-Qaida No. 3 Says He Planned 9/11
By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated Press Writer
1 hour ago

WASHINGTON - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed cemented his position as al-Qaida's most ambitious operational planner when he confessed in a U.S. military tribunal to planning and supporting 31 terrorist attacks, topped by 9/11, that killed thousands of innocent victims since the early 1990s.

The gruesome attacks range from the suicide hijackings of Sept. 11, 2001 _ which killed nearly 3,000 _ to a 2002 shooting on an island off Kuwait that killed a U.S. Marine.

Many plots, including a previously undisclosed plan to kill several former U.S. presidents, were never carried out or were foiled by international counterterror authorities.

"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a statement read Saturday during a Combatant Status Review Tribunal at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the U.S. military who is serving as his personal representative.

The Pentagon released a 26-page transcript of the closed-door proceedings on Wednesday night. Some material was omitted.

Mohammed, known as KSM among government officials, was last seen haggard after his capture in March 2003, when he was photographed in a dingy white T-shirt with an over-stretched neck. He disappeared for more than three years into a secret detention system run by the CIA.

In his first public statements since his capture, his radical ideology and self-confidence came through. He expressed regret for taking the lives of children and said Islam doesn't give a "green light" to killing.

Yet he finds room for exceptions. "The language of the war is victims," he said.

In laying out his role in 31 attacks, his words drew al-Qaida closer to plots of the early 1990s than the group has previously been linked, including the 1993 World Trade Center truck bombing in which six people died.

Six people with links to global terror networks were convicted in federal court and sentenced to life in prison for that attack.

Mohammed made clear that al-Qaida wanted to down a second trans-Atlantic aircraft during would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid's operation.

And he confessed to the beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in a section of the statement that was excised from the public document, The Associated Press has learned. Pearl was abducted in January 2002 in Pakistan while researching a story on Islamic militancy. Mohammed has long been a suspect in the slaying, which was captured on video.

President Bush announced that Mohammed and 13 other alleged terror operatives had been moved from secret CIA prisons to the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay last year. They are considered the 14 most significant captures since 9/11.

The military began the hearings last Friday to determine whether the 14 should be declared "enemy combatants" who can be held indefinitely and prosecuted by military tribunals.

If the 14 are declared enemy combatants, as expected, the military would then draft and file charges against them. The detainees would be tried under the new military commissions law signed by Bush in October.

The military barred reporters or other independent observers from the sessions for the 14 operatives and is limiting the information it provides about them, arguing that it wants to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information.

Legal experts have criticized the U.S. decision, and The Associated Press filed a letter of protest, arguing that it would be "an unconstitutional mistake to close the proceedings in their entirety."

The transcripts refer to a claim by Mohammed that he was tortured by the CIA, although he said he was not under duress at Guantanamo when he confessed to his role in the attacks. The CIA has said its interrogation practices are legal, and it does not use torture.

Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, questioned the legality of the closed-door sessions and whether the confession was actually the result of torture.

"We won't know that unless there is an independent hearing," he said. "We need to know if this purported confession would be enough to convict him at a fair trial or would it have to be suppressed as the fruit of torture?"

In listing the 28 attacks he planned and another three he supported, Mohammed said he tried to kill international leaders including Pope John Paul II, President Clinton and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

He said he planned the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort frequented by Israelis and the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya.

He also said he was responsible for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia. In 2002, 202 were killed when two nightclubs there were bombed.

Other plots he said he was responsible for included planned attacks against the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building and New York Stock Exchange in New York City, the Panama Canal, and Big Ben and Heathrow Airport in London _ none of which happened.

The Pentagon also released transcripts of the hearings of Abu Faraj al-Libi and Ramzi Binalshibh. Both refused to attended the hearings, although al-Libi submitted a statement claiming that the hearings are unfair and that he will not attend unless it is corrected.

"The detainee is in a lose-lose situation," he said.

Al-Libi, whose name means he is a Libyan, reportedly masterminded two bombings 11 days apart in Pakistan in December 2003 that targeted Musharraf for his support of the U.S.-led war on terror.

Binalshibh, a Yemeni, is suspected of helping Mohammed with the 9/11 attack plan on New York City and Washington and is also linked to a foiled plot to crash aircraft into London's Heathrow Airport. His hearing was conducted in his absence.

Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor and Matthew Lee contributed to this report.
Libs will be ranting soon (perhaps today) how this poor man "confessed" without the presence of serious witness after a long secret detention in GTMO.
In his warped mind... he's proud of what he did. Not only proud, but he's basking in the fact that the United States gave him exactly what he wanted. War in the Middle East. That's what Al Queda's goal has always been and we gave them exactly what they wanted. He's going to confess to anything they want him to confess to... the more the better in his eyes.
"More success on the war on terror. I wonder how libs will respond?"

Probably bragging and celebrating the fact that he got an American chimp to give him exactly he wanted......CHAOS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
"More success on the war on terror. I wonder how libs will respond?"

Probably bragging and celebrating the fact that he got an American chimp to give him exactly he wanted......CHAOS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

It must really be depressing for you, the news from Iraq the past week. Maybe the terrorists can adapt and the US military will be unable to, then things will brighten for you.
Libs will be ranting soon (perhaps today) how this poor man "confessed" without the presence of serious witness after a long secret detention in GTMO.

Neither a lib nor conservative, I lay claim to be. For such labels limit the identity of he complex being that is me. My views cross many spectrums, they are well grounded in research and reality, and are beyond the limits accepted by the King of Cut and Paste posting.

Such a broad spectrum of confessions are most questionable indeed! Could it have anything to do with the recent revelation that some news agencies had prior knowledge of events that were to happen on September 11, 2001, proving that the events of that horrible day were preplanned, scripted as it turns out. Who gave scripted news programming to be reported? Certainly it was not a foreign group, such as Al Qiada. This could be why the head lines of today claim that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has confessed responsibility from A to Z in the 9/11 attacks. The Arabic Alphabet goes from A to Y which by the way, would have been the native wording he would have used. Of course this so called confession came from a secret military tribunal, a closed secret trial were no reporters, not even a lawyer for the accused allowed access. This confession came while the CIA is holding his sons, Yousef al-Khalid, 12, and Abed al-Khalid, 10. His “trial” was so secret, because secrets of torture leading back to the Bush and Alberto Gonzales would be exposed. What else did this captive person confess while drowning on the water board and having his testicles electro-shocked? I, myself, under such conditions, would have confessed responsibility to killing Abraham Lincoln, Nicole Simpson, Ron Goldman and Vince Foster, ordering Bush and staff to start taking Cipro just before the anthrax attacks, ordering NORAD to stand down on 9/11, the attack on Pearl Harbor, sinking the Titanic, the downing of both space shuttles, the Reichstag fire, pushing Hurricane Katrina over New Orleans, having Anna Nicoles Smith baby for her, stealing socks out of your dryer, having lunch with Idi Amin, destroying Yellowstone National Park in the future, and single handily flying all the planes by myself on 9/11. I would have confessed to anything and to all, as I suspect would you. So go back to sleep you folks that still buy the lies. Suuurre, you can trust a edited press release from a secret military tribunal, of a tortured detainee conducted by a group of individuals whose every deception, every gross violation of U.S. law, and every act of imperial bloodletting over the last six years, rests on maintaining the illusion of the official 9/11 myth.

This confession story is credited to Lolita C. Baldor. Do a google search and look at the past stories by Lolita C. Baldor that have been discredited.

Does this mean we can forget about Ussama bin Laden now?

And it is also worth mentioning how remarkable that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed recovered from being killed in the media reported shoot out September 11, 2002 in Karachi, Pakistan.

Have I answered your questions Mr. Red State Rules, or could it be that your Crimson State is caused by your Embarrassed State of Confusion?
It must really be depressing for you, the news from Iraq the past week. Maybe the terrorists can adapt and the US military will be unable to, then things will brighten for you.

Cmon, you have to admit. Bush has been more of a friend to the terrorists than Dems. Bush gave terrorists exactly what they wanted. I guess conservatives must stick with each other.
Cmon, you have to admit. Bush has been more of a friend to the terrorists than Dems. Bush gave terrorists exactly what they wanted. I guess conservatives must stick with each other.

You do KNOW that has zip to do with my post?
In his warped mind... he's proud of what he did. Not only proud, but he's basking in the fact that the United States gave him exactly what he wanted. War in the Middle East. That's what Al Queda's goal has always been and we gave them exactly what they wanted. He's going to confess to anything they want him to confess to... the more the better in his eyes.

Yet these are these are the same people libs want to sit down and talk to, grant US Constitutional right to, and rant how there rights are being violated
"More success on the war on terror. I wonder how libs will respond?"

Probably bragging and celebrating the fact that he got an American chimp to give him exactly he wanted......CHAOS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

Sorry about all the progress bening made in Iraq and the war on terror. Any good news for America is bad news for the libs and the Defeatocrats
I think it only a matter of time before he confesses to killing JFK, starting WWII and sinking the Titanic...

Well I right about the kook left.........

KSM Confesses to Murder, Rosie Worries He Was 'Tortured'
Posted by Justin McCarthy on March 15, 2007 - 16:43.
On the March 15 edition of "The View," Rosie O’Donnell brought up the news of Khalid Sheik Mohammed’s many confessions. Rosie, who believes radical Christianity is just as dangerous as radical Islam, was more outraged on unproven allegations of torture than the horrific atrocities Mohammed confessed to. On her latest rant she also demonstrated her lack of knowledge on the extensive al Qaeda network.

O’DONNELL: I think the man has been in custody of the American government, in secret CIA torture prisons in Guantanamo Bay, where torture is accepted and allowed, and he finally is the guy who admits to doing everything. They finally found the guy. It's not that guy bin Laden. It's this guy they've had since ‘93. And look, this is the picture they released of him. Doesn’t, he look healthy?

Token non-liberal Elisabeth Hasselbeck was unusually assertive through the course of the discussion, and even exposed how shallow Rosie’s opinions are. Just as Rosie did not answer whether or not she wanted the United States to win in Iraq, she did not answer what she would do with the detained terrorists.

HASSELBECK: What do think should happen? What do you think should happen?

O’DONNELL: We should uphold the standards of the Geneva Convention and lead the free world in democracy.


HASSELBECK: I believe that. But what, specifically, if there was someone, say, who had been plotting an attack, how do you think they should be interrogated? What methods do you think would be fair?

O’DONNELL: I don't think the United States should ever, ever, ever torture other people.

Rosie, who claimed terrorists are mothers and fathers, was concerned about robbing the "humanity" of terrorists.

O’DONNELL: Because you don't think terrorists, you don’t think terrorists- you think that robs them of their humanity. That name "terrorist" makes them not human any more? They don’t-

While giving the full benefit of the doubt to a known terror leader, Rosie asserted without doubt, and without any hard evidence to prove, that the United States tortured this information out of the al Qaeda leader.

O’DONNELL: But I think this man, for whatever he did or didn’t do, he is not the be-all and end-all of terrorism in America and our government has not found the answer and this one thing –

BEHAR: One thing: He does, he does-

HASSELBECK: But he said he was.

O’DONNELL: After hood on his head and beaten to death.

HASSELBECK: Do you know that a hood was on his head that he was beaten?

O’DONNELL: Oh dear God, Elisabeth.

HASSELBECK: He’s still alive.

O’DONNELL: Why, since March 2003 has he not admitted it until now?
Rosie O’Donnell Blames U.S. for Al Qaeda Terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Confession
Posted by Noel Sheppard on March 15, 2007 - 13:14.
ABC’s Rosie O’Donnell has said some pretty disgraceful things on “The View” since her arrival. However, this might be the worst.

On Thursday’s installment, O’Donnell actually said that the only reason al Qaeda terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to any of his actions is because he is being held and tortured by the United States government.

For any right-thinking American, this is some pretty disturbing footage of a so-called fellow citizen actually defending one of the most heinous terrorists in history (h/t and video available here courtesy of Ian at Hot Air, partial transcript available here courtesy of Justin McCarthy).

As Debbie Schlussel reported on this issue (emphasis mine throughout):

This is the last straw. If Barbara Walters doesn't fire Rosie O'Donnell from "The View" over comments O'Donnell made on today's episode, then she never will.

Today, O'Donnell said she feels bad for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM). She doesn't believe he's responsible for anything in 9/11 or any of the 26 plots which he volunteered to American authorities. Among the worst of her comments, O'Donnell derided airhead pseudo-conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck (who is ZERO match for O'Donnell on the intellectual scale) for calling KSM a "terrorist," saying, "So, calling him a terrorist robs him of all of his humanity?"

Schlussel continued:

Then, there are O'Donnell's comments about KSM admitting to planning the 9/11 attacks. She yelled, "So we finally got the guy. He just so happened to admit to all of these things. And it's not Bin Laden? It's this guy?" She then said that she doesn't believe he's responsible for any of it, and that we Americans tortured him and got him to admit to it. She shrieked on and on that we Americans torture these poor people.

Shocking stuff to say the least.

UPDATE: For those interested, here is an AP report discussing Mohammed's confession. Furthermore, the Smoking Gun has a copy of the actual signed confession here (h/t Drudge for both).
In his warped mind... he's proud of what he did. Not only proud, but he's basking in the fact that the United States gave him exactly what he wanted. War in the Middle East. That's what Al Queda's goal has always been and we gave them exactly what they wanted. He's going to confess to anything they want him to confess to... the more the better in his eyes.

so if i come to your house and kill your entire family....will you give me what i want?
Cmon, you have to admit. Bush has been more of a friend to the terrorists than Dems. Bush gave terrorists exactly what they wanted. I guess conservatives must stick with each other.

please tell me you are being flip.....
so if i come to your house and kill your entire family....will you give me what i want?

Hw would try to find out what prvoked you. Was it the foreign policy of the US? Was it the arrogrance of Pres Bush? Was it because the US sucks up all the wealth in the world?
Hw would try to find out what prvoked you. Was it the foreign policy of the US? Was it the arrogrance of Pres Bush? Was it because the US sucks up all the wealth in the world?

so if i gave you the right answer would you forgive me and let me go?

couple of things ....

they blew up lots of shit during the blow job years ....

as for foriegn policy ... why do you get to kill me for mine but i don't get to kill you for yours?

you get to kill people for arrogance now? ... cool

actually the US is in debt so it is not sucking up the wealth .... are you aware of the amount of forigen aid the us shells out .... and the terrorists foriegn aid would be........
so if i gave you the right answer would you forgive me and let me go?

couple of things ....

they blew up lots of shit during the blow job years ....

as for foriegn policy ... why do you get to kill me for mine but i don't get to kill you for yours?

you get to kill people for arrogance now? ... cool

actually the US is in debt so it is not sucking up the wealth .... are you aware of the amount of forigen aid the us shells out .... and the terrorists foriegn aid would be........

libs would try and take you to the shrink for anger management classes
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