Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

SUVs did it
You’re not going to look it up Because the word “emission“ is imaginary. It’s a word in the English Language. You can’t Fking speak English ? You used the word. English your second language illegal alien ?

Are you going to hide under your bed tonight because of these dangerous nuclear power plant emissions? Maybe you've already been dosed? Your low IQ is probably proof of your exposure.
/——-/ Then explain all the companies getting WOKE and killing off their heritage brands.
Let’s see, all the countries, corporations, universities, science and informed are wrong, and the few idiots on the right think it’s a Chinese hoax. It’s Hillary all over again

Like Trump said…..
” I luv the poorly educated “ ie, they’re so fking gullible.
Stop huffing those reactor emissions!!!!
So you admit. Nuclear reactors give off radiation emissions. Dah. They aren’t free. Not only does the nuke waste have to be guarded and stored for thousands of years, but it can be used to make weapons grade nuclear bombs. The plants are also highly likely to contaminate huge areas if damaged by conventional bombs idiot. Check the war in Ukraine. Idiot Putin is now storing regular weapons in one of Europe’s largest reactors and holding all of Europe hostage from the war time potential contamination.
NUCLEAR ENERGY plays into the hands of terrorism. Conservatives are ignorant, sick feckless clowns.
It is amusing that whenever the left cannot get anything done, its because democracy is broken.

Because democracy works ONLY for them.

No, it's because Republicans have abandoned democracy completely, and are now ensuring that they remain in office regardless of who the voters elect. If Democrats are elected, the State House will disregard the election and appoint whoever they want.

It's because Republicans no longer even attempt to have a platform or an agenda to sell to the American people. They will give you Donald Trump as President, and he will do whatever he wants, with no regard to the American people or their wishes at all.

Republicans will oppose ANYTHING Democrats propose. Then turn around and vote for some of the very things they voted against when they get in power. Last week, 200 Republicans House members voted against a Bill legalizing birth control.
You're absolutely right. Trump Cult members think they're the sane ones.

Republicans are the sane ones and it isn’t even close. We also aren’t nearly as gullible in general. There is a reason that the overwhelming majority of losers in this country vote for Democrats and it most certainly isn’t because they are more sane.
Republicans are the sane ones and it isn’t even close. We also aren’t nearly as gullible in general. There is a reason that the overwhelming majority of losers in this country vote for Democrats and it most certainly isn’t because they are more sane.
Really ?
Al Gore your whipping boy because he’s smarter and believes in science ? Oh btw. Al Gore walks the walk.

“Three months following his graduation from Harvard, Gore enlisted in the United States Army. Despite growing up with a father who was an outspoken anti-war Senator and being anti-war himself, Gore felt a sense of duty to serve in the Vietnam War. Gore probably could have found a way around military service, but he truly believed it was his civic duty to serve his country.”

In Vietnam…
Record heat in Europe this month.

However, there was record cold in the Southern Hemisphere last month. Lowest temperatures on record in Australia.

AGW is a scam.
Really ?
Al Gore your whipping boy because he’s smarter and believes in science ? Oh btw. Al Gore walks the walk.

“Three months following his graduation from Harvard, Gore enlisted in the United States Army. Despite growing up with a father who was an outspoken anti-war Senator and being anti-war himself, Gore felt a sense of duty to serve in the Vietnam War. Gore probably could have found a way around military service, but he truly believed it was his civic duty to serve his country.”

In Vietnam…
Al Gore is a mkoron and corward you are gthe fecjless idiot for worshipping his fat ass.

First of all his service was cut short and protected he had body guards and never saw combat or went to the field.

Second it is fucking IRRELEVANT whether any major university or corporation agrees with him as consensus does not equal truth.

He is proven a feckless FOOL becauuse every prediction he has made based on SCIENCE has FAILED to materialize. He is a fucking embarrassmenet DEAL WITH IT

HE is an elitist and liar but you love the man.

Stop licking the toes of yuour fake gods and pay attention to facts
Democracy from the right doesn’t even exist. They have no policies that are majority backed and have to govern as a minority, white supremest apartheid style autocracy. They are fascists.
/-----/ "Democracy from the right doesn’t even exist. "
Democracy exists alright, but mostly in socialist countries. Fortunately, we are a Representative Republic.
Democracy from the right doesn’t even exist. They have no policies that are majority backed and have to govern as a minority, white supremest apartheid style autocracy. They are fascists.
Democracy from the right looks like Republicism, which is what this country is. The Constitutional Republic.

I have noted, however; you did not deny that you think democracy is at risk if you don't get your way.
Democracy from the right doesn’t even exist. They have no policies that are majority backed and have to govern as a minority, white supremest apartheid style autocracy. They are fascists.
I does, but is constantly blocked by the anti-Democratic left. BTW, who knew you were such a 'mobocracy' kind of person.

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