Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

This is the internet. You can claim anything and it doesn’t mean shit.

NAME the university you got your degree from and taught at….or just make one up. Really, just make one up.

Speaking of saying shit these AGW scammers have been caught (on the Internet) admitting they have lied about the data and have created fraudulent data. Not once but many times.

Also, government agencies like NASA, NOAA and the UN Climate Commission have been caught red handed creating false data.

If man made climate change was real there be no need to lie about it. the data would speak for itself without dishonest manipulation. Also, some of the really stupid predictions would come true every once in awhile.

None the stupid prediction that idiot Al Gore made 20 years ago ever came true. He is a moron but he did get rich selling the lie to you Moon Bats.

You, being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat have been duped to believe the silly dishonest AGW scam. We feel sorry for you.
Climate change is real but AGW is bullshit.

By the way, as a retired Environmental Engineer I have taught university level Environmental Science classes and I teach real science, not scammer bullshit. There is no credible evidence that man made activities (especially CO2 generation) is changing the climate. Just a stupid non scientific correlation and a bunch of shit in - shit out computer models being done by bat shit crazy so called Scientists that admit they are scamming.

Al Gore is a loony tune that has got filthy rich playing you stupid Moon Bats. His book and movie outlining the scam has been debunked for being unscientific with misleading and cherry picked data.
Go ahead. Name a major corporation that thinks Al Gore is wrong. A country ? How about Any ot the major religions. Geesus……anyone.
Speaking of saying shit these AGW scammers have been caught (on the Internet) admitting they have lied about the data and have created fraudulent data. Not once but many times.

Also, government agencies like NASA, NOAA and the UN Climate Commission have been caught red handed creating false data.

If man made climate change was real there be no need to lie about it. the data would speak for itself without dishonest manipulation. Also, some of the really stupid predictions would come true every once in awhile.

None the stupid prediction that idiot Al Gore made 20 years ago ever came true. He is a moron but he did get rich selling the lie to you Moon Bats.

You, being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat have been duped to believe the silly dishonest AGW scam. We feel sorry for you.
Just name some corporations that agrees with YOU. I KNOW YOU THINK everyone else is wrong but you…..gee, name one. Some major institution somewhere has to agree .
Go ahead. Name a major corporation that thinks Al Gore is wrong. A country ? How about Any ot the major religions. Geesus……anyone.
Let me tell you about one corporation that spews this silly horseshit.

Duke Energy. I have a good friend who is a corporate executive.

I asked him why Duke is doing all this silly Green crap. Like building solar and wind farms. He is a real Engineer like me and he knows it is all bullshit.

He says three reasons:

1. They get a lot of financing from European banks. Banks that require Green initiatives under the stupid destructive EU rules. Rules that are causing many Eurotrash countries major problems now.

2. They get all kinds of government subsidies, tax breaks and incentives for building those stupid solar and wind generators.

3. They are allowed to pass the cost onto the consumers so it really doesn't cost them anything.

None of those are valid scientific reasons. Just politically motivated crap that we will all have to pay for.

AGW is a scam and only idiots believe it.
Al Gore is smarter then you dumb fks.
Al Gore agrees with the science taught at every accredited high school, university, government agency and major related corporation in the world.

Who sides with you ignorant shit heads ?
Please, tell us, so we can all have a good laugh at your expense.
Go ahead, start naming them bubba.
Lol. Smarter than...there is NO SCIENCE that shows 120PPM of CO2 doing ANYTHING to temperature...AGW is today's Flat Earth
Let me tell you about one corporation that spews this silly horseshit.

Duke Energy. I have a good friend who is a corporate executive.

I asked him why Duke is doing all this silly Green crap. Like building solar and wind farms. He is a real Engineer like me and he knows it is all bullshit.

He says three reasons:

1. They get a lot of financing from European banks. Banks that require Green initiatives under the stupid destructive EU rules. Rules that are causing many Eurotrash countries major problems now.

2. They get all kinds of government subsidies, tax breaks and incentives for building those stupid solar and wind generators.

3. They are allowed to pass the cost onto the consumers so it really doesn't cost them anything.

None of those are valid scientific reasons. Just politically motivated crap that we will all have to pay for.

AGW is a scam and only idiots believe it.
So, you can’t come up with one corporation any where. Just one.
I'm not going to look up your imaginary emission.

It must be much, much worse than CO2, right?

Must be killing millions a year, if you think it's worse than fossil fuels.
You’re not going to look it up Because the word “emission“ is imaginary. It’s a word in the English Language. You can’t Fking speak English ? You used the word. English your second language illegal alien ?
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Look it up. Name the source.

Should be easy to name one that is as smart as you.
Should be easier to show us all the "heat" the additional 120PPM of CO2 gives off.

But you never do.

But the scientific explanation is that the "heat" from 120PPM of CO2 does NOT register on any thermometer

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