AIPAC, administration battle over Iran nuclear deal -

This Iran deal is none of Israel's fucking business!

AIPAC and all you Israeli kiss-ass minions, need to shut your fucking mouths!
Quite a mouth on the ignorant little twit...

Imagine, the Iranian Deal, not being the business of a Nation-State that has been threatened with annihilation by the Iranians !

What is this guy smoking?
Ahmadinejad's moronic statement about "annihilating Israel" was both MIS-translated, and the very "best thing" for the Israeli war-hawks who hold on their power over common citizens there. through unadulterated, fear mongering.

...and if that were not enough, the same Israeli war-hawks have managed to ally themselves with US Obama-haters to prompt our own country to contemplate doing their fighting (and dying) to benefit Israeli interests.....

Never underestimated the cleverness of AIPAC
Ahmadinejad's moronic statement about "annihilating Israel" was both MIS-translated, and the very "best thing" for the Israeli war-hawks who hold on their power over common citizens there. through unadulterated, fear mongering.

...and if that were not enough, the same Israeli war-hawks have managed to ally themselves with US Obama-haters to prompt our own country to contemplate doing their fighting (and dying) to benefit Israeli interests.....

Never underestimated the cleverness of AIPAC
It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!

Ahmadinejad's moronic statement about "annihilating Israel" was both MIS-translated, and the very "best thing" for the Israeli war-hawks who hold on their power over common citizens there. through unadulterated, fear mongering.

...and if that were not enough, the same Israeli war-hawks have managed to ally themselves with US Obama-haters to prompt our own country to contemplate doing their fighting (and dying) to benefit Israeli interests.....

Never underestimated the cleverness of AIPAC
It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!


Tweety-bird....shows his lack of reading comprehension....
By the way, tweety, how did Israel....our "ally"......compensate us for deliberately bombing our own ship (the USS Liberty)??
Ahmadinejad's moronic statement about "annihilating Israel" was both MIS-translated, and the very "best thing" for the Israeli war-hawks who hold on their power over common citizens there. through unadulterated, fear mongering.

...and if that were not enough, the same Israeli war-hawks have managed to ally themselves with US Obama-haters to prompt our own country to contemplate doing their fighting (and dying) to benefit Israeli interests.....

Never underestimated the cleverness of AIPAC
It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!


Tweety-bird....shows his lack of reading comprehension....
By the way, tweety, how did Israel....our "ally"......compensate us for deliberately bombing our own ship (the USS Liberty)??
Yeeeeeeeeeee---haaawwwwwwwwww... time to trot-out the old USS Liberty dog-and-pony show...

How's that smelly old Divide-and-Conquer tactic comin' along for ya there, Achmed?
Have you ever wondered why Israel does not lobby those other countries (besides the U.S.) who signed off on the deal???

Well, part of the answer is that Israeli Zionists have found an ally in the evangelicals in this country who.....because of their hatred toward Obama.....will cut their noses to spite their own ugly faces.

Yep, expect ANY criticism of Israel to be met with "anti-Semitic" labels for whomever dares......The tail is definitely wagging the dog.

or the other countries don't have a corrupt form of government that allows politicians to be bought and sold

Well I do have to agree with that statement, our politicians are hired now days.

And the best hirer is Saudi Arabia followed by Pakistan. Israel comes in at number 10 on the list. This when seen in perspective shows just how far team Palestine will go to demonise Israel and the Jews, and how brainwashed you are to believe that Israel has bought the US government.
We really should not listen to someone who is wrong more often that right and is a whole lot
.:uhoh3: Really MR. Netanyahu, one can only cry wolf so many times.

It is worth remembering, however, that Netanyahu has said much of this before. Almost two decades ago, in 1996, Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress where he darkly warned, “If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, this could presage catastrophic consequences, not only for my country, and not only for the Middle East, but for all mankind,” adding that, “the deadline for attaining this goal is getting extremely close.”

Almost 20 years later that deadline has apparently still not passed, but Netanyahu is still making dire predictions about an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon. Four years before that Congressional speech, in 1992, then-parliamentarian Netanyahu advised the Israeli Knesset that Iran was “three to five years” away from reaching nuclear weapons capability, and that this threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the U.S.”

Benjamin Netanyahu s Long History of Crying Wolf About Iran s Nuclear Weapons

Why has Iran enriched so much uranium when they have agreed with Russia that they will supply the fuel rods as part of the deal if they are not moving towards nuclear weapons ?
Until the US elected a muslim into power there was no chance of Iran ever getting the ability to enrich enough ore to weapons purity. Now Obama is selling America to the highest bidder and laughing all the way to the Swiss bank he has all his ill gotten gains stashed

You call this a Muslim:

Yes as he was born a muslim. Shoving a piece of paper in a wall proves nothing kithman and taqiya springs to mind
Only idiots call Obama a Muslim (and many such idiotic right wingers are on these forums).........Since they've realized that calling Obama some other derogatory names for blacks......they've reverted to calling him a "Muslim" as a way to vent their spleen.

Iran WILL have a nuke within the next couple of decades....Israel opened the "Pandora Box" when that country built its own arsenal.

The best that we can hope......and for this saner people should thank for a postponement of a decade for Iran' nukes, in the hope that moderates in that country overthrow the religious zealots as leaders.

Once a muslim always a muslim and there is a price on his head for his apostacy
Ahmadinejad's moronic statement about "annihilating Israel" was both MIS-translated, and the very "best thing" for the Israeli war-hawks who hold on their power over common citizens there. through unadulterated, fear mongering.

...and if that were not enough, the same Israeli war-hawks have managed to ally themselves with US Obama-haters to prompt our own country to contemplate doing their fighting (and dying) to benefit Israeli interests.....

Never underestimated the cleverness of AIPAC
It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!


Tweety-bird....shows his lack of reading comprehension....
By the way, tweety, how did Israel....our "ally"......compensate us for deliberately bombing our own ship (the USS Liberty)??

When all else fails resort to the USS liberty incident. While on this subject how did the US compensate the UK when it murdered hundreds of UK soldiers in Iraq flying the Union jack and transmitting the correct codes ?
At the same time what Israel does to the Palestinians is none of your business and you should keep your nose out until it affects you personally. xxxxxxxxxxx
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Iran hasn't attacked another country in over 200 years.

So WTF are you talking about them acting "Peaceful"?

Apart from Yemen, Saudi, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Israel. All by proxy using extremists and Iran funded terrorists. Wasn't an Iranian general captured this year in Syria helping the IS and rebels ?
Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!

Check the facts and see that it is Saudi pushing for the US to be involved in another war in the M.E.

I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

Yet, but if Obama signs of on the agreement expect Iran to send one special delivery to Israel

How can it send one when it doesn't have one. Also Iran has never done anything like that, even when Iraq used chemical weapons against them. Iran has said more than once they would never use WMD , unlike Israel who threatens the Sampson Option.

How do you know they don't have one. They posture with missiles and rockets capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. They have enriched enough Uranium ore to supply 2000 power stations,
They have the means to build a nuclear bomb as powerful as those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How about a link to Israel making the threats then from an unbiased non partisan source

For your own good, Rylah......its actually therapeutic coming to terms with YOUR racism...Come on, let it out.....use the "N" word and stop hiding behind that "Obama is a Muslim" façade.

Do You know about the Shadow concept of C.G. Jung?
It's an accepted fact that there's a tendency to 'project' Your own dark sides, that You can't deal with onto other people.
You see a person You dislike without even knowing's Your 'Shadow', the qualities You don' like, or can't accept in Yourself that You project onto the targeted person.

So CHOOCH we're left with 2 options:
1. Either You can't handle a jooo who's not like Your perceived image of a monster
2. Or You see me as a racist, because You yourself still can't accept it about Yourself.

Either way You can see in a person only what You found in YOURSELF. Basic psychology.

RylaGood luck next time CHOOCH :)

Do you know about the Shadow concept of C.G. Jung?
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!

You're actually leaving US no other option than WAR, not the AIPAC.
Neglecting a great opportunity for US to gain trust in the Iranian citizens who want Iran back to it's civilized ways.
Otherwise it's a mere legitimizing a government built around a foreign agent, to submit this great nation even more.
Let Israel fight Iran on her own!

Yes lets. and no interference from the UN in any form. Start with the Iranian proxy army of hamas and eradicate them, no assistance from UNWRA and the US. Then move on hezbolla and eradicate them, finally move on Tehran and wipe out the ayotollahs
Ahmadinejad's moronic statement about "annihilating Israel" was both MIS-translated, and the very "best thing" for the Israeli war-hawks who hold on their power over common citizens there. through unadulterated, fear mongering.

...and if that were not enough, the same Israeli war-hawks have managed to ally themselves with US Obama-haters to prompt our own country to contemplate doing their fighting (and dying) to benefit Israeli interests.....

Never underestimated the cleverness of AIPAC

And yet they are ranked number 10 in the buying of US politicians lower than the NRA, Pakistan and Saudi. So why aren't you posting about these groups, is it because you are a Nazi Jew hating RACIST?
Check the facts and see that it is Saudi pushing for the US to be involved in another war in the M.E.

I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

Yet, but if Obama signs of on the agreement expect Iran to send one special delivery to Israel

How can it send one when it doesn't have one. Also Iran has never done anything like that, even when Iraq used chemical weapons against them. Iran has said more than once they would never use WMD , unlike Israel who threatens the Sampson Option.

How do you know they don't have one. They posture with missiles and rockets capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. They have enriched enough Uranium ore to supply 2000 power stations,
They have the means to build a nuclear bomb as powerful as those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How about a link to Israel making the threats then from an unbiased non partisan source

And when did Israel threaten this Samson option again, from a non partisan source and not your usual islamonazi propaganda ones ?
I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

Yet, but if Obama signs of on the agreement expect Iran to send one special delivery to Israel

How can it send one when it doesn't have one. Also Iran has never done anything like that, even when Iraq used chemical weapons against them. Iran has said more than once they would never use WMD , unlike Israel who threatens the Sampson Option.

How do you know they don't have one. They posture with missiles and rockets capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. They have enriched enough Uranium ore to supply 2000 power stations,
They have the means to build a nuclear bomb as powerful as those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How about a link to Israel making the threats then from an unbiased non partisan source

And when did Israel threaten this Samson option again, from a non partisan source and not your usual islamonazi propaganda ones ?

What do you think 911 was about and do you really think the US sucks up to such a rogue regime because we so love them. Why do you see so many of our Pres. at the western wall wearing a skull cap? Get real. We ourselves are afraid of the Zionist. We never had a war on terror till they decided we do.
Yet, but if Obama signs of on the agreement expect Iran to send one special delivery to Israel

How can it send one when it doesn't have one. Also Iran has never done anything like that, even when Iraq used chemical weapons against them. Iran has said more than once they would never use WMD , unlike Israel who threatens the Sampson Option.

How do you know they don't have one. They posture with missiles and rockets capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. They have enriched enough Uranium ore to supply 2000 power stations,
They have the means to build a nuclear bomb as powerful as those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How about a link to Israel making the threats then from an unbiased non partisan source

And when did Israel threaten this Samson option again, from a non partisan source and not your usual islamonazi propaganda ones ?

What do you think 911 was about and do you really think the US sucks up to such a rogue regime because we so love them. Why do you see so many of our Pres. at the western wall wearing a skull cap? Get real. We ourselves are afraid of the Zionist. We never had a war on terror till they decided we do.

Because the US was a thorn in the side of extremist islam and they needed an excuse to attack, so they blamed the Israeli/US friendship, Iraq and America arming the Afgahni's against Russia. The reason America sucks up to islam is because of OIL, as it cant produce enough for its own needs. Public relations and showing the world of the special relationship between the US and Israel, and to send out a clear message to the muslims. Why are you scared of a person who believes the Jews have a right to a homeland and the right to defend that homeland from attack. We have had a war on terror since mo'mad started the genocide of the Jews and Christians way back in the 7C, what do you think the crusades were over.
I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

Yet, but if Obama signs of on the agreement expect Iran to send one special delivery to Israel

How can it send one when it doesn't have one. Also Iran has never done anything like that, even when Iraq used chemical weapons against them. Iran has said more than once they would never use WMD , unlike Israel who threatens the Sampson Option.

How do you know they don't have one. They posture with missiles and rockets capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. They have enriched enough Uranium ore to supply 2000 power stations,
They have the means to build a nuclear bomb as powerful as those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How about a link to Israel making the threats then from an unbiased non partisan source

And when did Israel threaten this Samson option again, from a non partisan source and not your usual islamonazi propaganda ones ?

If you bothered to watch the video you would see the 'threats' made...

When you watch the video, tell me who made them!

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