Ahmed, the "Clock Boy" Inspiring Al Qaeda on How to Attack Americans


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The whole thing felt like a set up from the start. The kid knew what he was doing, or likely what he was told to do. After being advised to put the clock away, which was after Clock Boy admitted that people would think it was a bomb, he kept showing it to teachers until he got the desired reaction. Then he complained about that reaction and his family sued. Then they moved to Fuckistan, or some similar hell hole where radicals rule. No surprise that the terrorist group uses the story to teach terrorists how easy it is to fool politically correct Americans.

"In the latest issue of Inspire, the group’s propaganda magazine, Clock Boy is revered as a source of inspiration. PJ Media reports:

The new al-Qaeda issue featured a picture of the two meeting as well as the clock bomb, with the notation: "Obama, 'because of his sensitivity towards Muslim discrimination,' sees an opp to further his PR by acknowledging a brilliant 14 yr old Muslim boy (who in fact even inspired us in a way)."

The Inspire issue features step-by-step photos of how to build a parcel bomb, a magnetic car bomb, and a door-trap bomb.

The magazine is distributed by Al Qaeda’s main affiliate in Yemen, known to Western security officials as AQAP, or Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Inspire’s latest cover features a large headline reading "Professional Assassinations," with articles entitled "Home Assassinations,"instructing potential recruits about the logistics of killing Americans in their homes in the dark of night.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, the issue "provides detailed

information and instructions on preparing for and carrying out various targeted assassinations. It stresses that an assassin should possess different options to carry out an attack, which gives him or her a greater chance for success, and elevates the operation to a more ‘professional’ level."

In recent months, Ahmed, aka Clock Boy, has done quite a lot to tear into the Leftist allegation that he’s somehow an innocent victim of big bad American racists. Actually, Ahmed has single-handedly undermined the myth of the moderate Muslim. After suing the Texas police department, he fled to Qatar, an Islamic hellhole infamous for its abuse of women and subjugation of religious minorities. So much for tolerance. When reports surfaced that Ahmed had met with Muslim Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir, we all thought it couldn’t get worse. Well, it did. As The Daily Wire reported, Clock Boy’s "moderate" Muslim father may actually be a 9/11 truther and anti-American agitator.

All of this comes as the White House continues to sow racial strife and propagate the false narrative of "Islamophobia.""

He has nothing to do with Al Queda - he can't control what they do with his image. People sure are desperate if they're still attacking this kid.
I thought people were retarded when this happened. "he knew what he was doing" I was like WTF? Seriously?
THEN that family of fuckin morons move to the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world to show America they weren't terrorists. Like REALLY?
Clock boy was one of the biggest farces of the year, the left got played again
Running out of people to hate, Clementine? Don't worry. There are plenty of people that you can did up out of old newspapers.

Don't forget Patty Hearst!
He has nothing to do with Al Queda - he can't control what they do with his image. People sure are desperate if they're still attacking this kid.

You missed the point, as libs usually do. Clock Boy's family demonstrated how to take advantage of political correctness. The kid didn't invent shit. He took a clock and removed it from the case and put it in a briefcase, if he even did it himself. Any kid would have been in trouble, but they made a big deal out of him being Muslim and he got invited to the WH. Terrorists now know how it will be dealt with when a Muslim brings something suspicious into a building. People will be reticent to say anything for fear of being labelled Islamophobic. That is likely what Ahmed's family intended. Now, they have money from the lawsuit and are living in a radical Muslim country.

The kid's father is clearly radical and probably put the kid up to this little trick. Obama supported the family despite the obvious flaws in the kid's story. The world now knows how our president will treat suspicious activity by Muslims. Couldn't be more perfect for them.
The Muslim Fake Bomb Hoaxer is what the Muslim terrorist wannabe should be called. As everyone knows, Muslim Fake Bomb Hoaxer bought a Radio Shack alarm clock, bought a box and combined them to make it look like a bomb. The fact that all the racist douchebags like Obama and the qu33rs who send him free gear do not publically admit what actually happened means they are using this hoax for their own personal purposes. They simply cannot be that stupid to think Muslim Fake Bomb Hoaxer actually invented something.
He has nothing to do with Al Queda - he can't control what they do with his image. People sure are desperate if they're still attacking this kid.

You missed the point, as libs usually do. Clock Boy's family demonstrated how to take advantage of political correctness. The kid didn't invent shit. He took a clock and removed it from the case and put it in a briefcase, if he even did it himself. Any kid would have been in trouble, but they made a big deal out of him being Muslim and he got invited to the WH. Terrorists now know how it will be dealt with when a Muslim brings something suspicious into a building. People will be reticent to say anything for fear of being labelled Islamophobic. That is likely what Ahmed's family intended. Now, they have money from the lawsuit and are living in a radical Muslim country.

The kid's father is clearly radical and probably put the kid up to this little trick. Obama supported the family despite the obvious flaws in the kid's story. The world now knows how our president will treat suspicious activity by Muslims. Couldn't be more perfect for them.

I suspect that the kid had a plot hatched to blow up Burger King for serving bacon cheeseburgers, but was diverted by the high school terrorism squad over this clock thing....
The Muslim Fake Bomb Hoaxer is what the Muslim terrorist wannabe should be called. As everyone knows, Muslim Fake Bomb Hoaxer bought a Radio Shack alarm clock, bought a box and combined them to make it look like a bomb. The fact that all the racist douchebags like Obama and the qu33rs who send him free gear do not publically admit what actually happened means they are using this hoax for their own personal purposes. They simply cannot be that stupid to think Muslim Fake Bomb Hoaxer actually invented something.

True that the kid didn't do a damn thing other than take a digital clock out of it's case and put it in a smaller case. The left said it didn't look like a real bomb. Duh! None of the little plastic squirt guns look like real guns either but the rules say no weapons, whether real or pretend.

The kid knew it looked like a bomb and said as much to the very first teacher he showed it to. He was advised at that point to put it in his locker lest there be any misunderstanding. So, no question that the kid knew what he was doing (I bet what he was told to do by his dad) when he continued to show the clock to anyone who would look. I wonder if he got frustrated because it took so long for a teacher to get concerned. And how many other times did the kid ask teachers if they thought it was a bomb. He bought that up first.

The family got a huge chunk of cash, visited the WH and then moved to a radical terrorist supporting country. If there had been any questions before about the motives of the family, their choice of where to live should have solved any mystery. If you're not a terrorist or terrorist supporter, you stay the hell away from states that sponsor terrorism. Simple as that. Maybe part of the plan was filing a lawsuit so they'd have money to buy a house in their new radical country.

The whole point proved by the scam was that political correctness would prevail in the end and the president would choose to side with a Muslim regardless of facts. That was all they needed to know. There have been so many young students expelled or suspended for toys and yet no invites to the WH or even a mention by Obama. No, only the Muslim kid got his attention despite his infraction being deliberate and he choose to replicate a weapon that is by far the most dangerous. While anyone can tell that a Hello Kitty squirt gun is harmless, few people have ever seen a real bomb. The clock was fashioned like a bomb and was clearly running. Far more disturbing than an L-shaped Pop Tart.

It was a test. So, the next time a terrorist group wants to strike, they send a suspicious device with a young student. Just watch as the school looks the other way to avoid being accused of Islamophobia. Killing infidels just got easier.
"It was a test. So, the next time a terrorist group wants to strike, they send a suspicious device with a young student. Just watch as the school looks the other way to avoid being accused of Islamophobia. Killing infidels just got easier."

It's all a conspiracy!!!!!!!!!
"It was a test. So, the next time a terrorist group wants to strike, they send a suspicious device with a young student. Just watch as the school looks the other way to avoid being accused of Islamophobia. Killing infidels just got easier."

It's all a conspiracy!!!!!!!!!

Get real. Is there anyone who wasn't aware that children were being suspended for bringing squirt guns to school or even drawing pictures, biting food into gun shapes or holding their fingers in a gun shape? It's not like the kid put a clock together from different parts. He didn't do shit. No invention. No building. Nothing special at all. I thought the kid was supposed to be smart, yet he has no clue what an invention is. Clue: it's not changing the case on a digital clock to make it look more like a suitcase bomb than a clock.

You don't find anything strange about the parents letting the kid take that to school? Incredible!

Either the parents set it up hoping for a lawsuit after the kid got in trouble or they are the most incredibly stupid people alive. There is no excuse for not knowing the strict rules at school regarding kids bringing anything that even remotely resembles a weapon, even though many toys do. If a kid gets suspended over a Pop Tart, of course another kid will be in trouble for bringing a mock bomb.

Obama was sure quick to jump in and he did because the kid was Muslim. Obama didn't say a word about the innocent children getting suspended for just talking about squirt guns. No, he invites a kid to show him his "invention" that isn't even an invention.

Terrorists have gotten the message that the administration isn't serious about getting terrorists and spends more time trying to improve the image of Muslims than going after radicals. Yes, they are emboldened and the existence of ISIS proves that. Terrorist attacks have greatly increased under Obama. Political correctness is always the top priority and nothing is more important, not even national security.
Absolutely! the kid was a terrorist in training! Actually, to be precise, he was a terroristet, which is kind of like being a Cub Scout before graduating to Boy Scouts. He gets to learn the secret handshake for making the clock, but does not earn his suicide vest until he has earned at least 10 merit badges.
The whole thing felt like a set up from the start. The kid knew what he was doing, or likely what he was told to do. After being advised to put the clock away, which was after Clock Boy admitted that people would think it was a bomb, he kept showing it to teachers until he got the desired reaction. Then he complained about that reaction and his family sued. Then they moved to Fuckistan, or some similar hell hole where radicals rule. No surprise that the terrorist group uses the story to teach terrorists how easy it is to fool politically correct Americans.

"In the latest issue of Inspire, the group’s propaganda magazine, Clock Boy is revered as a source of inspiration. PJ Media reports:

The new al-Qaeda issue featured a picture of the two meeting as well as the clock bomb, with the notation: "Obama, 'because of his sensitivity towards Muslim discrimination,' sees an opp to further his PR by acknowledging a brilliant 14 yr old Muslim boy (who in fact even inspired us in a way)."

The Inspire issue features step-by-step photos of how to build a parcel bomb, a magnetic car bomb, and a door-trap bomb.

The magazine is distributed by Al Qaeda’s main affiliate in Yemen, known to Western security officials as AQAP, or Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Inspire’s latest cover features a large headline reading "Professional Assassinations," with articles entitled "Home Assassinations,"instructing potential recruits about the logistics of killing Americans in their homes in the dark of night.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, the issue "provides detailed

information and instructions on preparing for and carrying out various targeted assassinations. It stresses that an assassin should possess different options to carry out an attack, which gives him or her a greater chance for success, and elevates the operation to a more ‘professional’ level."

In recent months, Ahmed, aka Clock Boy, has done quite a lot to tear into the Leftist allegation that he’s somehow an innocent victim of big bad American racists. Actually, Ahmed has single-handedly undermined the myth of the moderate Muslim. After suing the Texas police department, he fled to Qatar, an Islamic hellhole infamous for its abuse of women and subjugation of religious minorities. So much for tolerance. When reports surfaced that Ahmed had met with Muslim Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir, we all thought it couldn’t get worse. Well, it did. As The Daily Wire reported, Clock Boy’s "moderate" Muslim father may actually be a 9/11 truther and anti-American agitator.

All of this comes as the White House continues to sow racial strife and propagate the false narrative of "Islamophobia.""

Doesn't seem like a very reliable article. It describes the place the kid and his family "fled" to, Qatar, as an Islamic hell hole.

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