AHA! 9-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Kills Shooting Range Instructor with Uzi

The true dirt bags are those that refuse to have any mature discussion about gun laws and where they need to go in the 21st century. Burying your head in the sand to make a stand on a "right" is ignorant and childish.
Welcome to the new NRA!

According to your title you find that amusing. WTF is wrong with you? Two families are likely shattered and you're laughing.

What a dirtbag
According to your title you find that amusing. WTF is wrong with you? Two families are likely shattered and you're laughing.

What a dirtbag

I know, it's like he finally found a case of a legal firearm killing someone that tickled his fancy.

Shit will happen. People make mistakes every day and sometimes it costs them or another person their life. We should always strive to be as safe as possible, but achieving 100% safety is impossible. It doesn't mean we all surrender all potentially dangerous objects or live in a bubble. We learn from things and move on, but the left would rather disarm the country and pretend that we'll all be safer. They can't face the real problem so will forever chase after gun owners and take advantage of every opportunity to ridicule them.

The real problem is, and always will be, those who intend to harm others and will continue to find ways to do so.

The left could be posting several times a day about senseless shootings in cities, but since those don't fit their agenda, they move along and look for something that does 'amuse' them. Legal gun owners training a youngster to shoot certainly fits the bill. Now they will use this incident to paint all gun owners as crazed monsters who want their children to become just as dangerous. The left will get a lot of mileage out of this tragedy while turning a blind eye to the rampant violence on city streets by those who likely aren't legal gun owners. How many parents know that their children are in gangs, doing drugs and carrying weapons, but still pretend that they are little angels who could do no wrong? And the left carries the ball for them and only attacks those who disagree with their politics. The Ferguson case is a great example of how the left can tolerate criminals, even dangerous ones, simply because of color. Had the cop been a minority, we wouldn't have heard about it on the national news.

This will be given more air time than more important stories, but since this supports the left's narrative that people shouldn't own guns, get ready to listen to more liberals in the media spin this with delight.
According to your title you find that amusing. WTF is wrong with you? Two families are likely shattered and you're laughing.

What a dirtbag

My "title" was meant to display amazement at the criminal behavior of many gun-nuts who put their children in harms way and end up killing them!
My amazement comes from the epic stupidity that leads you to conclude that one guy acting stupidly means all 2nd Amendment supporters are stupid.

One guy acting stupidly is one too many... isn't it? It's all too common nowdays with so many freaking guns out there. Live by the gun, die by the gun or so it seems.

Thank God our home is a gun-free zone!
You need to post that outside so people feel better about you.

No I don't. But the parents of that little girl need to proudly post a sign on their lawn that says... "Our little girl killed someone with an uzi!"


Just pointing out the stupidity of people who think we need to broadcast our home as a 'gun-free zone'.

Oh, excuse us. It's okay to post signs stating that our children in schools are not protected by armed guards, but you wouldn't be stupid enough to let criminals know that your family has no protection.

The gun-free zone signs are stupid and just whose idea was that?
Trust this. Every liberal is laughing about this story. All of them.

I tell you now as I have been saying for a long time. Liberals deserve absolutely zero respect. Not any kind of respect.

They are nothing but deranged brainwashed hacks. All of them. No exception. Just little pawns being used to usher in socialism. Nothing more. Absolutely nothing.

I resent your entire post.
My wife is a liberal and is quite proud of that fact. My wife is also a multi-gun owner. Her position on gun control is that no new laws need to be introduced, just enforce the existing laws.
But according to you she's a brainwashed hack.
The only brainwashed hack in the room is you! When someone paints a group/demographic with a broad brush, complete with fucking bullshit that isn't even close to real life,,they are an absolute brainwashed hack.
Get a life and explore the world and it's people and while you're doing that, throw out your preconceived opinion about people you don't even know.
Let's break this down for a moment. A nine year old, in the USA, is being trained to use an Uzi on full automatic.

Trained for WHAT??

I repeat, WHAT??

Easy now. Don't act like she was at some terrorist camp here. She wasn't being trained for anything more than how to use a gun, exactly no different than if she was being trained to ride a horse. You wouldn't claim that she was being trained to invade DC on horseback would you?
Let's break this down for a moment. A nine year old, in the USA, is being trained to use an Uzi on full automatic.

Trained for WHAT??

I repeat, WHAT??

Easy now. Don't act like she was at some terrorist camp here. She wasn't being trained for anything more than how to use a gun, exactly no different than if she was being trained to ride a horse. You wouldn't claim that she was being trained to invade DC on horseback would you?

That wasn't my point, Yogi. There is no legitimate purpose for training a 9 year old to use an Uzi on full automatic;

I find it objectionable that they are calling it training, or instruction.
Let's break this down for a moment. A nine year old, in the USA, is being trained to use an Uzi on full automatic.

Trained for WHAT??

I repeat, WHAT??

uzi's are designed to kill large numbers of people indiscriminately. Except for the fact that only one man died, the training session was a success.
Let's break this down for a moment. A nine year old, in the USA, is being trained to use an Uzi on full automatic.

Trained for WHAT??

I repeat, WHAT??

Easy now. Don't act like she was at some terrorist camp here. She wasn't being trained for anything more than how to use a gun, exactly no different than if she was being trained to ride a horse. You wouldn't claim that she was being trained to invade DC on horseback would you?

We really need a Dumb Post Of The Day Award.

You'd win, hands down.
Let's break this down for a moment. A nine year old, in the USA, is being trained to use an Uzi on full automatic.

Trained for WHAT??

I repeat, WHAT??

Easy now. Don't act like she was at some terrorist camp here. She wasn't being trained for anything more than how to use a gun, exactly no different than if she was being trained to ride a horse. You wouldn't claim that she was being trained to invade DC on horseback would you?

We really need a Dumb Post Of The Day Award.

You'd win, hands down.

Oh, come on. There have been LOTS of dumb posts today.
Let's break this down for a moment. A nine year old, in the USA, is being trained to use an Uzi on full automatic.

Trained for WHAT??

I repeat, WHAT??

Easy now. Don't act like she was at some terrorist camp here. She wasn't being trained for anything more than how to use a gun, exactly no different than if she was being trained to ride a horse. You wouldn't claim that she was being trained to invade DC on horseback would you?

That wasn't my point, Yogi. There is no legitimate purpose for training a 9 year old to use an Uzi on full automatic;

I find it objectionable that they are calling it training, or instruction.

The wonderful thing about our country is that we don't have to have a legitimate purpose for things we do. Have you ever taken an Uzi out and fired it full auto? It's fun. Completely pointless and expensive, but fun. My guess would be the parents enjoyed shooting and wanted their daughter to learn to enjoy it to. Nine is a little young for such a gun IMHO , but the cold hard reality again is that instructor failed in his job, If I were the instructor I would have declined to let her fire such a weapon on my range.

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