Age of Easy Money


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
What ironic timing to release this 2 hour special.

Tonight’s special charts our economy’s tumultuous course from the 2008 crisis, in which investors, speculators and Wall Street bankers nearly brought down the global economy, to the current uncertainty — including the pivotal role of the Federal Reserve, the country’s central bank. The film investigates the experiment the Fed undertook to revive the economy by lowering interest rates to almost zero and creating and injecting new money into the financial system

It’s been called an “easy money” policy — and as the documentary explores, now that the Fed has been pulling back and raising interest rates in an effort to combat inflation, the risks and excesses that had been building in the age of easy money are starting to be exposed.

“We lived in a bubble, in a dream, and this dream in a bubble is bursting,” economist and author Nouriel Roubini, who became famous for his accurate prediction of the 2008 financial crisis, warns in the documentary.

Age of Easy Money explores the wide-ranging and sometimes unintended consequences of the Fed’s experiment, and why the Fed chose last year to start hiking interest rates at a historic pace to stem inflation.

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