Against the law to take down confederate statues in Florida

Chain immigration

May Ted Kennedy rot in hell
Sure. That's what he should rot in hell for. Not leaving a woman to drown in a lake after he drove drunk and crashed into it and then used his influence to escape justice. 😄
So that you can make up stuff as you go along
I don't need to make anything up. My reality is better than any fiction I could invent. 😄
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Sure. That's what he should rot in hell for. Not leaving a woman to drown in a lake after he drove drunk and crashed into it and then used his influence to eek escape justice. 😄

I don't need to make anything up. My reality is better than any fiction I could invent. 😄
You should be better informed

Ted Kennedy is the patron saint of chain immigration that made it possible so many (unneeded) foreigners to come here
/——/ I never asked that q. You just made that up. My question was specific: When did the South attack Washington, DC?
because they wanted to be there own country they didn't like change. it was only the southern leader that did it. it was the rest of the southern americans who where stuck in the middle and forced to choose sides.
First, the fighting war was started by the South.
The South seceded which means that Lincoln keeping Yankee troops at Fort Sumter in the Confederacy was an act of war. Lincoln should have respected South Carolina's 10th Amendment right to secede. 620,000 dead just to assuage Lincoln's ego.
Lincoln was much smarter than those who thought it would not be a problem for the Souith to secede.
The number of democracies throughout the world increased substantially after the success of the US.
Lincoln was a big thinker and did big things. There are small thinkers like the confederacy and MAGA,. Small people but they do big damage.

"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln

The US has never been a democracy.
You don't think the Republican party is fighting each other in congress? Are you living in a cave or just a liar?
What are you gabbing about today? Why can't you post proof? Do you ignore the democrats fighting each other?
They didn't try to overthrow the US gov they wanted to break away from it
Lincoln and many felt secession would destroy our democracy.
"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln
What are you gabbing about today? Why can't you post proof? Do you ignore the democrats fighting each other?
The South seceded which means that Lincoln keeping Yankee troops at Fort Sumter in the Confederacy was an act of war. Lincoln should have respected South Carolina's 10th Amendment right to secede. 620,000 dead just to assuage Lincoln's ego.

The US has never been a democracy.
Read article 1 and article 2 of the Constitution in reference to the 10th ammendment . That negates the 10th ammendment allows a state to secede.
They SCOTUS confirmed that in Texas v. White, 74 U.S. (7 Wall.) 700 (1869)

You continue to show your lack of unserstanding of our government

It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot. It is a republic because the Government derives its power from the people.

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