AG Barr Orders US Attorney To Review Unmasking Antics That Occurred Before and After 2016 Election


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
If there is one thing that we’ve learned since the 2016 election, it’s that the deep state is not some myth. It’s real. It’s working against this administration. And William Barr is doing his best to uncover their activities during the 2016 election. US Attorney John Durham has been spearheading an investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion myth and how it became such cancer within the halls of the Obama DOJ. While Barack Obama and Joe Biden might escape charges, this is now a full-blown criminal investigation.

The Trump-Russia fiasco was probably one of the worst journalistic catastrophes—ever. It was grounded in the Trump dossier, compiled by ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele, funded by the Democrats, and was pretty much virtually unverified. All of it. It was used to set off the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into collusion and was cited as credible evidence to secure a spy warrant against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official. Part of this was the Crossfire Hurricane operation, which essentially spied on the Trump team during the 2016 election. The DOJ of a Democratic president was weaponized to spy on the opposing presidential campaign of the rival party. And Obama had no problems with this, as The Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strassel noted, Barry is an advocate for “politicized justice.” It’s how this clown show totally went off the rails.

BJ- The Democrats and The Democratic Media will end up taking a huge hit on all of this. - Good they earned it.

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