After Trump is acquitted, Democrats will admit they made a mistake, and we'll all be friends...

According to Al Green:

Congressman Al Green Wants To Impeach Trump Again and Again
Joe For America - News & Entertainmental-green-impeach-trump-again-again
Congressman Al Green Declares Democrats Can Impeach Trump Again and Again and AGAIN ... He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and didn’t take up impeachment. He will say we have a constitutional duty to do it if it was there and we didn’t. He will say he’s been vindicated.” ... Keep the popcorn coming! 0 1,474.

All useless efforts. If the PMS/DSA Leftists used the same energy to pass laws to raise American economy and fix our roads we would all be wealthy.

It is all just for show anyhow....they were all friends enough to pass a whole slew of bills right before the end of 2019 when everyone was distracted by the impeachment.

Nothing will change. The same Trump-haters will continue to spew their hatred on here, call for "impeachment 2.0", quote the "200 legal experts" who believe he should be re-impeached, and protest every time Trump does something good.

We'll probably see more acts of left-wing violence too, which is to be expected. Violence is coming from the left, whether they win or lose. You probably want to stay frosty and armed for the next four years.
Just think most Americans don't really care one way or the other. And those of you who think all this is important....lmao

Trump won’t be ‘acquitted’ of anything.

Democrats were correct to impeach Trump; his impeachment was perfectly appropriate and warranted given the fact that Trump engaged in contempt of Congress and abuse of power.

Trump will remain forever disgraced by impeachment, regardless the outcome in the Senate.

Trump won’t be ‘acquitted’ of anything.

Democrats were correct to impeach Trump; his impeachment was perfectly appropriate and warranted given the fact that Trump engaged in contempt of Congress and abuse of power.

Trump will remain forever disgraced by impeachment, regardless the outcome in the Senate.

Do you really think a silly little "impeachment" is going to stop him from continuing on with his agenda? Has that, the Mueller "investigation", and everything else you've thrown at him even slowed him down?

Hardly. :laughing0301:
Democrats should never be forgiven for what they are doing and what they have done.

Oh, I see you don't want to live in a free country.
You prefer monarchies or dictatorships instead?
The president should not be questioned or challenged?
Bow down, bitch. On your knees, serf.
Schiff, Nadler and party all called the Republican Senators liars cheats and crooks. They can kiss cooperation good bye.

Yet somehow they had all sorts of cooperation at the end of 2019...weird.

Don't fall for the show...that is all this is.

A show for what? Whom?
The Republicans are appeasing the Democrats?
Why would they do that and risk the peril of an impetuous, ignorant and impulsive POTUS who can rip them to shreds with a few Tweets?

Clinton's impeachment was a show.
A lot of other politicians got blow jobs that year, too.

Nixon's impeachment was NOT a show.
And neither is this one.

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