After the crisis has passed and normalcy is restored, let's kick Texas out of the USA

If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
Not just Texas. The country can peacefully separate.
We are fine with it we are tired of paying for your dumb southern asses. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. We will take the Hispanics the blacks, the Asians, and the LGBQ. We will also take the college elites, and the other educated. Ysll can sit with your fat king Trump and y your white supremist.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.
Meanwhile windmills in Antarctica work year round. Gas lines froze and thus ain't the first time fuck those worthless braggards. They wanna secedie let them. Hope they don't let the door hit them in the ass.
So? You think those windmills are exactly the same as those in TX?
Please tell us you aren't that dumb.
I really don't give a fuck you red trash has to say. Fuck Texas let the fucki g bastards secede. Let all the red state secede you can have your fucking horse shit, your mismanagement and your fat ass king. I am quite frankly tired of paying for your dumb asses.
So, you don’t know if those windmills are the same as the ones in Texas.
I know that the ones buit up north where we have regulations work as well as the ones in Antarctica. Texas unregulated profit above all do not. Let your dumb ases succeed and stay on all fossil fuels the blue states will invest in a wide variety of technologies. You can have your horseshit lies and conspiracy theories. Hell we will make it so you can vote from the comfort of your own home. We will take the Hispanics the blacks the Asians and the college elites. The thing we will love the most is keeping our tax dollars home and quit paying for the red states.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
There is a well run Democratic State? Where?
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
Amazing how people are leaving Democratically controlled States for Texas and Florida in massive numbers, Mustang! Yes, this was a terrible storm and it's wrecked havoc on Texas' economy but I'd STILL take Texas over New York...or California...or Michigan...when it comes to the strength of their economy. Your claim of "well -run" Democratic States is laughable! At the rate they're going at the moment they'll be telling the last person to shut off the lights as they're leaving! Just saying...
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.

Yeah take that dunce hat off once in a while as it is know to cut off the circulation of common sense.

Solar or wind does not proved that much energy in oil/gas rich Texas. It really does require that much common sense to figure that out. I would suggest you give up your right wing sites of having any truth. They exist only to tell you what you want to hear.
25 percent you say.

The category of renewable (Sun, Wind) is at lease 7th on the list.

That doesn't even account for how much is sent to other states like California who likes renewable and will buy it from other states.

If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

"well run Democratic state" is any oxymoron.
Yet they have giant economies.

That is no argument for "well run".
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.
Meanwhile windmills in Antarctica work year round. Gas lines froze and thus ain't the first time fuck those worthless braggards. They wanna secedie let them. Hope they don't let the door hit them in the ass.

The obvious truth is I have not heard any other state tht lost power because of the low temperatures. Even those in the northern part of the country. Just in Texas. So if no other states lost power then it is a problem with Texas.

Still even power related to nuclear, gas and oil also failed in Texas. Yet they want to blame wind mills and ignore the rest of the sources that failed also.

The easy answer is Texas deregulated the industry 30 years ago. So they are solely dependent on the free market and the activities of that market. They have no clue what the industry is doing because they do not care. They just will pin their hopes on the industry and hope they can provide.

Now they will have to figure something out. Texas and other southern states general population does not know how to deal with extreme cold weather. Whenever it is ice or snow on the road, the amount of car accidents triple because the people are not use to it and they do not bother to slow down. They have their trucks and figure that they do not need to slow down.

That huge pile up in Dallas/FT worth area was unreal. They were just driving to fast on icy roads.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

April fools is still several weeks away.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
Should we kick Cali out next time there is a massive earthquake or a wildfire?
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.
Meanwhile windmills in Antarctica work year round. Gas lines froze and thus ain't the first time fuck those worthless braggards. They wanna secedie let them. Hope they don't let the door hit them in the ass.
So? You think those windmills are exactly the same as those in TX?
Please tell us you aren't that dumb.

The difference is that windmills in the colder climates are made to work even when it gets cold. Texas windmills owners do not want to spend the extra money to make then resistant to cold in warm sunny Texas.
Deicing and other tools to retain heating are not used in windmills in Texas. It is a business decision. Since the state does not regulate them then it is the owner's decision to spend the extra money on deicing and heating equipment.

I guess they decided it wasn't worth it and the state not going to say anything.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.
Meanwhile windmills in Antarctica work year round. Gas lines froze and thus ain't the first time fuck those worthless braggards. They wanna secedie let them. Hope they don't let the door hit them in the ass.

You can please support your claim with a link.

Also, you'd need to show us the generating capability of the windmills and how that applys to the average yearly demand.

Would be good to see you math.

If Texas leaves, a whole lot of other states are going to be right behind them.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
Good fucking idea Mustang. These cock sucking red states want no regulations, no common sense, white supremacy, mis management, Trumps fucking fat ass, Cruz, DeSantis and the like let them go. Does not need to be shot fired and blue states can quit paying for red states. Spread the idea amongst democrats. We don't need the Republicans and their crazy conspiracy horseshit. Let them go!

Tissue ?
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.
Meanwhile windmills in Antarctica work year round. Gas lines froze and thus ain't the first time fuck those worthless braggards. They wanna secedie let them. Hope they don't let the door hit them in the ass.

The obvious truth is I have not heard any other state tht lost power because of the low temperatures. Even those in the northern part of the country. Just in Texas. So if no other states lost power then it is a problem with Texas.

Still even power related to nuclear, gas and oil also failed in Texas. Yet they want to blame wind mills and ignore the rest of the sources that failed also.

The easy answer is Texas deregulated the industry 30 years ago. So they are solely dependent on the free market and the activities of that market. They have no clue what the industry is doing because they do not care. They just will pin their hopes on the industry and hope they can provide.

Now they will have to figure something out. Texas and other southern states general population does not know how to deal with extreme cold weather. Whenever it is ice or snow on the road, the amount of car accidents triple because the people are not use to it and they do not bother to slow down. They have their trucks and figure that they do not need to slow down.

That huge pile up in Dallas/FT worth area was unreal. They were just driving to fast on icy roads.
Yep and I am tired of paying for the southern states they can grow a freaking brain. We have to pick up the tab for all their hurricanes also. We send them our tax dollars on a regular basis. Texas is the only one that pays a fair share of taxes but we bail them out with fema over and over again as well as with flood insurance. Meanwhile they point their fingers at us for the problems they create and threaten to succeed. I say don't let the door hit them in the ass.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.
Meanwhile windmills in Antarctica work year round. Gas lines froze and thus ain't the first time fuck those worthless braggards. They wanna secedie let them. Hope they don't let the door hit them in the ass.

You can please support your claim with a link.

Also, you'd need to show us the generating capability of the windmills and how that applys to the average yearly demand.

Would be good to see you math.

If Texas leaves, a whole lot of other states are going to be right behind them.
I ain't gotta do shit. Fuck Texas and fuck you let those cock suckers succeed and your ass can go with them.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Texas problem is another George Bush ( Texas oil man) gift. Lets deregulate the industry in the late 90's and depend on fossil fuel to provides us energy without government intervention. Well it work for awhile but when disaster strikes, it is the state government that looks foolish by believing " absolute faith in deregulation".

Should we kick them out of course not. They have oil so they still are useful.
Hey Stupid, the govt intervention was the subsidizing wind and solar that failed miserably. It accounts for 25% of energy in TX, and was 39% of the failed energy in TX. That overloaded the natural gas and coal portion of the grid.
Meanwhile windmills in Antarctica work year round. Gas lines froze and thus ain't the first time fuck those worthless braggards. They wanna secedie let them. Hope they don't let the door hit them in the ass.

You can please support your claim with a link.

Also, you'd need to show us the generating capability of the windmills and how that applys to the average yearly demand.

Would be good to see you math.

If Texas leaves, a whole lot of other states are going to be right behind them.
I ain't gotta do shit. Fuck Texas and fuck you let those cock suckers succeed and your ass can go with them.

Well, that is about all you've done.

Except, you've also demonstrated that whatever school system educated you should give you back your money. They did a miserable job.

You can rant all you only look more like a fool. What makes you think anyone pays attention to you ?
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

"well run Democratic state" is any oxymoron.

Not at all.

The historic flood plain in Denver is not built up due to zoning restrictions in order to prevent loss from major floods.

Denver has a very good mass transit system.. City planning has created a vibrant economy without the kind of mess and chaos known in cities like Houston which don't engage in any planning whatsoever.

Twenty-five years ago, the greater Denver area started a light rail (and commuter rail) system which has expanded and reduced much of the traffic snarl known in other cities. To that end, our Union Station downtown was restored and refurbished which brought in restaurants and shops. The streets are plowed in the winter, and the streets are expanded when the traffic is warranted. In fact, there's an exit from I-70 not far from where I live that has recently been enhanced to 2 right turn lanes due to need. Another traffic light was removed to keep from impeding the flow of traffic.

Coors Field and the Pepsi Center have brought businesses and foot traffic to an aging lower downtown area where old warehouses were converted to lofts instead of being torn down. It's a great city, and I feel fortunate to live here. There are also several very fine library systems in the area where you can request books, music, DVDs, and CDs, and WiFi hotspots both on-line and over the phone that will be delivered to the branch of your choice, and you will receive an E-mail or phone notification when they're ready. I feel lucky. But it's mostly due to good representation and excellent planning. After all, this didn't happen by accident,

The last time I looked, Denver was a city in Colorado and not a state.
How did the far right lose all their patriotism?

They didn't, you commies are just trying to redefine what the word means. Guess what commie, no one with any intelligence is buying the shit you're selling.

It means you love your country. If you want to break up the country, you are not a patriot.

I know what it means, but it's more than just love of country. It's about respecting it's founding and it's ideas of freedom and liberty. When you start trying to destroy people that simply hold different opinions, it's you that is anti-American and unpatriotic.

You were once a great man. I'm sure you can come back.
Don't worry about me. I've already come to terms with the leftists' destruction of my country...but hopefully we can salvage enough of the spirit of America to rescue it.

The only question is whether we do it with or without you.

My vote is without. I believe our ideologies are 100% incomparable.

Can't live with ya, can't kill ya.

Seperation is the only alternative.
Leftists destruction? Did you miss the whole trump thing? Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, mexico didn't pay for a wall, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, economy never even hit 3% growth, most pandemic deaths... What exactly is it you think you want? You are in a sad state when you don't want to be part of the greatest country in the history of the world.
4 years of leftists destruction cost insurance companies billions
Why is civil unrest leftist?
because it was leftists who were rioting the last four years
I doubt any of them even vote. What are you basing that on? You must have a clip of some dem telling them to go riot? Please share.
leftist shitholes where these riots took place who do you think was involved?
Who are the social justice warriors? Wasn't it the social justice warriors in blue leftist-run cities rioting?
So you don't have any proof? You don't have any dem leaders telling them to riot? You don't seem to have much...

That's another fucking lie. Palousey said "I'm surprised there aren't uprisings all over the country, maybe there will be.". Kneepad harriss said "it won't stop before the election, it won't stop after, and it shouldn't"

There are more examples, feel free to find them yourself. Fucking commie.

You were once a great man. I'm sure you can come back.
Don't worry about me. I've already come to terms with the leftists' destruction of my country...but hopefully we can salvage enough of the spirit of America to rescue it.

The only question is whether we do it with or without you.

My vote is without. I believe our ideologies are 100% incomparable.

Can't live with ya, can't kill ya.

Seperation is the only alternative.
Leftists destruction? Did you miss the whole trump thing? Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, mexico didn't pay for a wall, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, economy never even hit 3% growth, most pandemic deaths... What exactly is it you think you want? You are in a sad state when you don't want to be part of the greatest country in the history of the world.
4 years of leftists destruction cost insurance companies billions
Why is civil unrest leftist?
because it was leftists who were rioting the last four years
I doubt any of them even vote. What are you basing that on? You must have a clip of some dem telling them to go riot? Please share.
leftist shitholes where these riots took place who do you think was involved?
Who are the social justice warriors? Wasn't it the social justice warriors in blue leftist-run cities rioting?
So you don't have any proof? You don't have any dem leaders telling them to riot? You don't seem to have much...

That's another fucking lie. Palousey said "I'm surprised there aren't uprisings all over the country, maybe there will be.". Kneepad harriss said "it won't stop before the election, it won't stop after, and it shouldn't"

There are more examples, feel free to find them yourself. Fucking commie.

he's a damn liar he knows he's defending terrorist who committed terrorist acts for 4 years
What we are seeing is the rewrite of modern-day history.

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