After Steinle verdict, Todd Rokita unveils bill to imprison officials who shelter illegal immigrants

This has nothing to do with the executive branch. This is a bill, by congressional critters, that is being talked about.
There does have to be clarification within the laws as they exist, or new ones written, from what I gather. Sanctuary cities refuse to notify ice when they have illegal criminal aliens in their jurisdiction. How else would they know? Would we accept that from another state with a legal criminal? Even though they are being released for a lesser crime, but are a suspect in a murder in another state, just ‘oh, well, it’s not our responsibility to notify them’, even if they ask. Maybe not a perfect analogy, but I think you get my drift.
In this case, other states’ rights can be infringed upon by those sanctuary states. They do not follow those criminal illegal immigrants once they release them. They can cross borders easily.

Aren't you guys supposed to be all about federalism and state's rights?

How does that change the fact that you guys are currently cheering for what would be the biggest imposition on state sovereignty in the history of this country?

You are arguing that the federal government should have the power to demand that local officials follow federal law enforcement's orders, and be punished with jail time for failing to do so. You are, in effect, demanding that states be entirely subordinate to the executive branch.

"You are, in effect, demanding that states be entirely subordinate to the executive branch."

That's your spin... The request is such that states are subordinate in ways that relate to the prosecution of federal criminals… Do you get it now?


According to the Constitution, states are subordinate to the Judicial branch. That's already a given - if there had been a federal court order demanding that Zarate be held (a warrant or a subpoena), the SFPD would have had to hold him.

But that's not what you're demanding - what you're demanding is that states be subordinate to the whims of the executive branch. The President of the United States isn't a dictator, as much as you may wish him to be one.

The President is not in the chain of command of the SFPD. They don't answer to him, or to the FBI, or to INS.

First of all, that's not what sanctuary city policies do. They do not prevent ICE from being notified that they have an "illegal criminal alien".

They prevent local law enforcement from expending tax dollars to assist ICE. There is no law in San Francisco, for example, that would prevent a detective from contacting ICE for information about a suspect. What the law does do is prohibit affirmative acts on the part of local LEOs to assist in enforcing immigration law.

In this case, the sanctuary city law prevented the SFPD from holding Zarate until ICE came to pick him up.

The law suggested in this thread would compel local LEOs to follow orders given by ICE (which is part of the executive branch) - it would compel them to affirmative act to help them. That goes against every tenant of federalism, and inserts the executive branch into the local chain of command, usurping the power of states to command their own LEOs.
This has nothing to do with the executive branch. This is a bill, by congressional critters, that is being talked about.
There does have to be clarification within the laws as they exist, or new ones written, from what I gather. Sanctuary cities refuse to notify ice when they have illegal criminal aliens in their jurisdiction. How else would they know? Would we accept that from another state with a legal criminal? Even though they are being released for a lesser crime, but are a suspect in a murder in another state, just ‘oh, well, it’s not our responsibility to notify them’, even if they ask. Maybe not a perfect analogy, but I think you get my drift.
In this case, other states’ rights can be infringed upon by those sanctuary states. They do not follow those criminal illegal immigrants once they release them. They can cross borders easily.

How does that change the fact that you guys are currently cheering for what would be the biggest imposition on state sovereignty in the history of this country?

You are arguing that the federal government should have the power to demand that local officials follow federal law enforcement's orders, and be punished with jail time for failing to do so. You are, in effect, demanding that states be entirely subordinate to the executive branch.

"You are, in effect, demanding that states be entirely subordinate to the executive branch."

That's your spin... The request is such that states are subordinate in ways that relate to the prosecution of federal criminals… Do you get it now?


According to the Constitution, states are subordinate to the Judicial branch. That's already a given - if there had been a federal court order demanding that Zarate be held (a warrant or a subpoena), the SFPD would have had to hold him.

But that's not what you're demanding - what you're demanding is that states be subordinate to the whims of the executive branch. The President of the United States isn't a dictator, as much as you may wish him to be one.

The President is not in the chain of command of the SFPD. They don't answer to him, or to the FBI, or to INS.

First of all, that's not what sanctuary city policies do. They do not prevent ICE from being notified that they have an "illegal criminal alien".

They prevent local law enforcement from expending tax dollars to assist ICE. There is no law in San Francisco, for example, that would prevent a detective from contacting ICE for information about a suspect. What the law does do is prohibit affirmative acts on the part of local LEOs to assist in enforcing immigration law.

In this case, the sanctuary city law prevented the SFPD from holding Zarate until ICE came to pick him up.

The law suggested in this thread would compel local LEOs to follow orders given by ICE (which is part of the executive branch) - it would compel them to affirmative act to help them. That goes against every tenant of federalism, and inserts the executive branch into the local chain of command, usurping the power of states to command their own LEOs.
In effect, they think it allows them to harbor illegals and hide them from ICE officials.
Sanctuary cities have been refusing to share information with ice on criminal aliens within their jails, when requested.

And I already agreed it is a slippery slope, and either the current laws must be clarified or new ones passed.
This has nothing to do with the executive branch. This is a bill, by congressional critters, that is being talked about.
There does have to be clarification within the laws as they exist, or new ones written, from what I gather. Sanctuary cities refuse to notify ice when they have illegal criminal aliens in their jurisdiction. How else would they know? Would we accept that from another state with a legal criminal? Even though they are being released for a lesser crime, but are a suspect in a murder in another state, just ‘oh, well, it’s not our responsibility to notify them’, even if they ask. Maybe not a perfect analogy, but I think you get my drift.
In this case, other states’ rights can be infringed upon by those sanctuary states. They do not follow those criminal illegal immigrants once they release them. They can cross borders easily.

How does that change the fact that you guys are currently cheering for what would be the biggest imposition on state sovereignty in the history of this country?

You are arguing that the federal government should have the power to demand that local officials follow federal law enforcement's orders, and be punished with jail time for failing to do so. You are, in effect, demanding that states be entirely subordinate to the executive branch.

"You are, in effect, demanding that states be entirely subordinate to the executive branch."

That's your spin... The request is such that states are subordinate in ways that relate to the prosecution of federal criminals… Do you get it now?


According to the Constitution, states are subordinate to the Judicial branch. That's already a given - if there had been a federal court order demanding that Zarate be held (a warrant or a subpoena), the SFPD would have had to hold him.

But that's not what you're demanding - what you're demanding is that states be subordinate to the whims of the executive branch. The President of the United States isn't a dictator, as much as you may wish him to be one.

The President is not in the chain of command of the SFPD. They don't answer to him, or to the FBI, or to INS.

First of all, that's not what sanctuary city policies do. They do not prevent ICE from being notified that they have an "illegal criminal alien".

They prevent local law enforcement from expending tax dollars to assist ICE. There is no law in San Francisco, for example, that would prevent a detective from contacting ICE for information about a suspect. What the law does do is prohibit affirmative acts on the part of local LEOs to assist in enforcing immigration law.

In this case, the sanctuary city law prevented the SFPD from holding Zarate until ICE came to pick him up.

The law suggested in this thread would compel local LEOs to follow orders given by ICE (which is part of the executive branch) - it would compel them to affirmative act to help them. That goes against every tenant of federalism, and inserts the executive branch into the local chain of command, usurping the power of states to command their own LEOs.
All Officials who create 'Sanctuary Cities', should be held accountable for all Illegal Alien crimes committed in those locations. They are complicit in the crimes. It's time for accountability
But what we currently do is kind of nuts. We have all these jobs Americans don't want to do, and then act all surprised when people sneak into the country to take them.

All what jobs Americans dont want to do?

What job did Jose Ines Garcia Zarate have when he shot Kate Steinle?

All Officials who create 'Sanctuary Cities', should be held accountable for all Illegal Alien crimes committed in those locations. They are complicit in the crimes. It's time for accountability

It's simpler than that. Charge them with treason. Their conduct exactly fits the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution. Prosecute them, and on conviction, put them to death by firing squad, as is the traditional and proper punishment for traitors. It might only take a few high-profile cases of this to put an end to all this nonsense once and for all.

I'd be pleased if they started with Fairy Moonbeam Brown.

Aren't you guys supposed to be all about federalism and state's rights?
Clearly you are all about letting illegals off scot free for murder.


Clearly, you're an emotional wreck who can't follow a conversation.
Why you post crap like that? It's exactly what we are talking about. The guy got away with murder. Maybe not 1st degree but murder no less.


You're talking about how emotional, outraged and upset you are at this verdict. You're talking about what you think is "right" and "fair" and how unfair and wrong this is. You're talking about how you feel.

I'm talking about the law and the facts. We're not talking about the same thing.

Aren't you guys supposed to be all about federalism and state's rights?
Clearly you are all about letting illegals off scot free for murder.


Clearly, you're an emotional wreck who can't follow a conversation.
Why you post crap like that? It's exactly what we are talking about. The guy got away with murder. Maybe not 1st degree but murder no less.


You're talking about how emotional, outraged and upset you are at this verdict. You're talking about what you think is "right" and "fair" and how unfair and wrong this is. You're talking about how you feel.

I'm talking about the law and the facts. We're not talking about the same thing.
No I'm talking about punishing a murderer. To me it seems you are truly an evil person, so I guess we'll just have to disagree.

Aren't you guys supposed to be all about federalism and state's rights?
Clearly you are all about letting illegals off scot free for murder.


Clearly, you're an emotional wreck who can't follow a conversation.
Why you post crap like that? It's exactly what we are talking about. The guy got away with murder. Maybe not 1st degree but murder no less.


You're talking about how emotional, outraged and upset you are at this verdict. You're talking about what you think is "right" and "fair" and how unfair and wrong this is. You're talking about how you feel.

I'm talking about the law and the facts. We're not talking about the same thing.
No I'm talking about punishing a murderer. To me it seems you are truly an evil person, so I guess we'll just have to disagree.

Let me put this another way:

I don't give a fuck about your feelings.

I don't care that you feel bloodlust towards this guy. I don't care that you feel the verdict was unfair. I don't care that you feel that I'm an "evil" person.

Your emotions are not relevant to me.
Clearly you are all about letting illegals off scot free for murder.


Clearly, you're an emotional wreck who can't follow a conversation.
Why you post crap like that? It's exactly what we are talking about. The guy got away with murder. Maybe not 1st degree but murder no less.


You're talking about how emotional, outraged and upset you are at this verdict. You're talking about what you think is "right" and "fair" and how unfair and wrong this is. You're talking about how you feel.

I'm talking about the law and the facts. We're not talking about the same thing.
No I'm talking about punishing a murderer. To me it seems you are truly an evil person, so I guess we'll just have to disagree.

Let me put this another way:

I don't give a fuck about your feelings.

I don't care that you feel bloodlust towards this guy. I don't care that you feel the verdict was unfair. I don't care that you feel that I'm an "evil" person.

Your emotions are not relevant to me.
You keep parroting the same lie you made up. Why is that?
The filthy Democrats are going to lose seats in the Senate because they have to defend 24 seats and some of them are in states that Trump carried.

Unlikely. By the time 2018 gets here, Trump will be so unpopular they won't even want to run with R's after their names.

The House will continue to remain in Republican hands despite what the fake news media is predicting.

I think you need to do a little simple math.

The Democrats only have to flip 3 Senate Seats and 23 house seats to get control. The average for the out of white house part in midterms is 5 senate seats and 30 house seats. Even with a sub-par performance, the Dems are looking pretty good. More to the point, though, the higher the president's disapproval rating, the more of a pasting his party will take.

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