After Brexit, a united Ireland is the democratic way forward

The dismantling of the UK, thank you Brexiters!!!! Wonderful news.

What do you know about this, you don't even know that N.I. is still part of Britain and cant just leave. It would cost them more money than they could raise in 100 years
Bitter? Ecstatic you mean. I have always supported a united Ireland.
The dismantling of the UK, thank you Brexiters!!!! Wonderful news.

What do you know about this, you don't even know that N.I. is still part of Britain and cant just leave. It would cost them more money than they could raise in 100 years

What's he so bitter about?

Because he is being shown to be wrong every time he posts, and he is laughed at by everyone. He thinks he knows it all when in reality he picks little bits out of other peoples reports and passes them off as being thewhole of the truth
BY REUTERS ON 7/3/16 AT 10:21 AM

"Protestant unionists are queuing for Irish passports in Belfast and once quiet Catholic nationalists are openly campaigning for a united Ireland, signs of deep shifts in the United Kingdom's most troubled province since Britain voted to leave the EU......"I was always a 'small u' unionist. But I could not in all good conscience say I could vote for Northern Ireland to remain a member of the United Kingdom," said Christopher Woodhouse, a 25-year-old from Belfast.

"I am softening to the idea of Irish unity, purely on economic issues," he said. "I am a European."

"People are saying for the first time in their life they would vote for united Ireland, having never contemplated it before,"

Brexit inspires many to dream of the unthinkable—a united Ireland

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