After a felon serves their sentence


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Should they be able to own guns?
I ask because them being able to vote is all the rage now.
Shouldn't we be consistent in policy? Meaning all rights restored?
Should they be able to own guns?
I ask because them being able to vote is all the rage now.
Shouldn't we be consistent in policy? Meaning all rights restored?


Once they have served their debt to society they should be given full rights back.

If they cannot be trusted with those rights, then they should not be let out of prison.
Should they be able to own guns?
I ask because them being able to vote is all the rage now.
Shouldn't we be consistent in policy? Meaning all rights restored?


Once they have served their debt to society they should be given full rights back.

If they cannot be trusted with those rights, then they should not be let out of prison.
Good answer gator
I don't really know, seems something that you need to look at in a case by case bases.

I don't see how you can universally state that a felon should have his rights fully restored.

You give the example of guns, I'll give the examples of phedophiles. Should someone convicted of something like that be allowed to own a daycare center for instance. I would argue it's a safety issue to not allow it.

Same can be said for gun ownership. Someone with a history of violence no. A guy jailed for a non-violent crime... Probably. The thing is voting has no public safety questions. Gun ownership does.
I don't really know, seems something that you need to look at in a case by case bases.

I don't see how you can universally state that a felon should have his rights fully restored.

You give the example of guns, I'll give the examples of phedophiles. Should someone convicted of something like that be allowed to own a daycare center for instance. I would argue it's a safety issue to not allow it.

Same can be said for gun ownership. Someone with a history of violence no. A guy jailed for a non-violent crime... Probably. The thing is voting has no public safety questions. Gun ownership does.
Umm they are voting on public safety. And many other things that impact everyone.
o bullshit...they should be allowed to own guns.....mfers only if the og crime was not with a gun etc and so forth....i have total issues with returning guns to people who use them to harm others
Restoring rights is good. I'm not for rights being restored for child pedophiles, rapists, or murderers though.

If I ruled the world, none of the aforementioned would ever be let out of prison.
okay here we go.....lets think about this mdk if you make a life sentence for those crimes....exp murder i agree there....then why would the prep kept a child or rape victim alive... ???
Once they have served their debt to society they should be given full rights back.

If they cannot be trusted with those rights, then they should not be let out of prison.

I agree.

I think it should be pointed out that it used to be the case that if someone was convicted of a truly serious crime,such that society had good reason to think he could never be trusted with the freedoms and rights of a free person, his sentence was served at the end of a rope.

We've expanded the category of “felonies” to include crimes that probably should not be so categorized, and we've gone soft on felonies in general, such that even those who commit such serious crimes that in older days they would have been put to death now are free again after not nearly enough years.
Should they be able to own guns?
I ask because them being able to vote is all the rage now.
Shouldn't we be consistent in policy? Meaning all rights restored?

It would be the WHOLE sentence, including any parole or post release supervision. Only then could they be given full rights back.
o bullshit...they should be allowed to own guns.....mfers only if the og crime was not with a gun etc and so forth....i have total issues with returning guns to people who use them to harm others
So they should only lose rights that relate to the crime?
I don't really know, seems something that you need to look at in a case by case bases.

I don't see how you can universally state that a felon should have his rights fully restored.

You give the example of guns, I'll give the examples of phedophiles. Should someone convicted of something like that be allowed to own a daycare center for instance. I would argue it's a safety issue to not allow it.

Same can be said for gun ownership. Someone with a history of violence no. A guy jailed for a non-violent crime... Probably. The thing is voting has no public safety questions. Gun ownership does.

Restoring rights is good. I'm not for rights being restored for child pedophiles, rapists, or murderers though.

Like I just said, some criminals ought to serve their sentence at the end of a rope, or the modern equivalent.

After that, if they really want to keep their guns, they can have them buried with them in their graves.
okay here we go.....lets think about this mdk if you make a life sentence for those crimes....exp murder i agree there....then why would the prep kept a child or rape victim alive... ???

To be honest, I really don't have an answer to this query.
okay here we go.....lets think about this mdk if you make a life sentence for those crimes....exp murder i agree there....then why would the prep kept a child or rape victim alive... ???

Because most of them probably don't have the balls to kill the victims, only assault them?

The ones capable of murder probably already include that in their criminal activity.
Should they be able to own guns?
I ask because them being able to vote is all the rage now.
Shouldn't we be consistent in policy? Meaning all rights restored?

It would be the WHOLE sentence, including any parole or post release supervision. Only then could they be given full rights back.
Indeed. I probably should have clarified. Some think parole isnt part if a sentence lol
i still go with no....all rights should not be restored... are guns a right or a fucking privilege ...i think voting is a right and owning a gun is a privilege
Of course not, he should also be prohibited from voting....After all a simple incarceration is certainly NOT ENOUGH to prevent a criminal from repeating his crime again AS WE HAVE SEEN BY THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS MAYBE MILLIONS OF REPEAT OFFENDERS....but idiot, bleeding hearts and DemonRATS who are the ones that would be most affected by these sensible rules would be denied the vote (MOST IMPORTANTLY TO THEM) ....Face it, if NOT for the VOTE, demonRATS could care less!!!!!

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