AFL-CIO: AOC’s Green New Deal Will ‘Cause Immediate Harm To Millions’

As usual the RWNJ media is twisting the story a bit to make it suit their narrative.

Republ immediately cheered this statement. They avoided, however, mentioning that the letter conveyed the position not of the entire AFL-CIO, but of its “Energy Committee,” predictably dominated by unions in industries involved in the production or consumption of fossil fuels (the letter was signed by the presidents of the United Mine Workers and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers). Last week AFL-CIO president Rich Trumka made more temperate remarks:

“Look, we need to address the environment. We need to do it quickly,” he said. “But we need to do it in a way that doesn’t put these communities behind, and leave segments of the economy behind. So we’ll be working to make sure that we do two things: That by fixing one thing we don’t create a problem somewhere else.”

Some truthful info for ya right here:

Labor Fires Warning Shot on Green New Deal
The ex Executive of Greenpeace also opposes the Green New Schlameel.

Smart people. Smarter than that dingbat AOC.

If implemented that POS she's pushing would bankrupt the country.

She ain't the sharpest knife in anyone drawer.

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