Afghanistan Soldier Attacks On American, Foreign Troops Underreported


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
We need to get our men and women out of that shit hole.

Afghanistan Soldier Attacks On American, Foreign Troops Underreported


WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan is under-reporting the number of times that Afghan soldiers and police open fire on American and other foreign troops.

The coalition routinely reports deliberate attacks in which a coalition soldier is killed by an Afghan in uniform. But it does not report the instances in which an Afghan wounds U.S. or NATO troops or misses his target.

Officials acknowledge the attacks are a worrisome problem for the U.S. and its military partners as they work increasingly closely with Afghan troops in preparation for handing off security responsibility by the end of 2014.

Afghanistan Soldier Attacks On American, Foreign Troops Underreported
Are you surprised? State controlled Media is in Campaign mode.

The biggest reason for this is to keep people from caring, if the average Joe doesn't hear about our Troops getting shot up in A-Stan chances are he won't care, I have met many Americans who don't even know we have Troops in Afghanistan anyways.:cuckoo: The more people think like this, the longer we can stay in that shit box.
I agree with High_Gravity. Bring 'em home. Bring them all home from the Middle East. Quit sending money to those folks over there. Fuck 'em.
Are you surprised? State controlled Media is in Campaign mode.

The biggest reason for this is to keep people from caring, if the average Joe doesn't hear about our Troops getting shot up in A-Stan chances are he won't care, I have met many Americans who don't even know we have Troops in Afghanistan anyways.:cuckoo: The more people think like this, the longer we can stay in that shit box.

Yes, Exactly, those are the people the DNC counts on in Elections. The only time Soldier Casualties are important to the DNC, is when the RNC is in control.
Are you surprised? State controlled Media is in Campaign mode.

The biggest reason for this is to keep people from caring, if the average Joe doesn't hear about our Troops getting shot up in A-Stan chances are he won't care, I have met many Americans who don't even know we have Troops in Afghanistan anyways.:cuckoo: The more people think like this, the longer we can stay in that shit box.

Yes, Exactly, those are the people the DNC counts on in Elections. The only time Soldier Casualties are important to the DNC, is when the RNC is in control.

People need to hear about Afghan Police and Soldiers turning their guns on our men and women, we really shouldn't even be there anymore.
The biggest reason for this is to keep people from caring, if the average Joe doesn't hear about our Troops getting shot up in A-Stan chances are he won't care, I have met many Americans who don't even know we have Troops in Afghanistan anyways.:cuckoo: The more people think like this, the longer we can stay in that shit box.

Yes, Exactly, those are the people the DNC counts on in Elections. The only time Soldier Casualties are important to the DNC, is when the RNC is in control.

People need to hear about Afghan Police and Soldiers turning their guns on our men and women, we really shouldn't even be there anymore.

Totally agree. The Mission has surely changed.

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