Affirmative action - Obama picks jewish female to replace bernanke as fed chief


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Janet Yellen gets the nod. Has there ever been a Fed chief who was not jewish? Paul Volker, though that was like a million years ago. Jews run banking and that means they run america.

Being female, Yellen is a dummy and can barely add a column of numbers but then, obozo can't do that either.

Janet Yellen to be named Fed chair on Wednesday: White House
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She's unqualified because she's a woman? That's some top notch analysis right there kiddo.
I always frown when I see people mention ethnic backgrounds in their responses. They are irrelevant.
O-SS, gender or culture has nothing to do with this. Please grow up.
News today that Janet Yellen is to be the new chairwoman of Federal Reserve, replacing Ben Bernanke. Not surprising of course is that Yellen is Jewish, continuing a long tradition since the formation of the FRB.

Quite remarkable when you know only around 2.2% of the American population is Jewish.

So what makes Jews especially able to run the most important financial institution in the USA & the world? Is it because they do such a great job in controlling the economy, an economy which to all accounts is about to fall off a precipice? Or could it simply be that Jews tend to hire and /or promote other jews to important positions for the purpose of control.

What is clear is that the Federal Reserve has just since 2008 created 2.9 trillion dollars by a system called “Quantitative Easing”, the simple printing of new money.

$2,900,000,000,000 would clearly take care of all the USA’s internal problems, including decent health care, but instead it’s been given to banks, mostly jewish controlled, although the Federal Reserve itself is unable to explain where most of the money went 9 TRILLION MISSING FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK - YouTube .

So the question is , how long will Americans put up with this embezzlement and who will they blame , because at the end of the day they are the ones who will have to pay these huge debts
Why are Americans totally oblivious to the fact that ?their? Federal Reserve Bank is Jewish? | Uprootedpalestinians's Blog

Did you know The first chairman of the American Federal Reserve was Charles Sumner Hamlin. He was jewish

The Second Jewish chairman, William Proctor Gould Harding.

Third, Daniel Richard Crissinger. jewish descent. Also one of the most famous freemasons of the time.

Fourth, Roy Archibald Young. Jewish

Fifth, Eugene Isaac Meyer. Jewish , Also first president of the World Bank.

Sixth, Eugene Robert Black. Jewish

Tenth, Arthur Frank Burns. Jewish

Twelfth, Paul Adolph Volcker. Jewish descent.

Thirteenth, Alan Greenspan. Jewish

the current (fourteenth) Chairman is Ben Bernanke. Jewish

His replacement will be... Janet Yellen Not surprising of course is that Yellen is Jewish

When the American people wake up, there might come a time when Jews are expelled from the US
When the American people wake up, there might come a time when Jews are expelled from the US
I'm not sure what you want the American people to wake up to.

Are you suggesting the vetting process for a position should include criteria of whether they were Jewish, because some guy on a message board believes there could be a day when Jews are expelled from the United States?
When the American people wake up, there might come a time when Jews are expelled from the US
I'm not sure what you want the American people to wake up to.

Are you suggesting the vetting process for a position should include criteria of whether they were Jewish, because some guy on a message board believes there could be a day when Jews are expelled from the United States?

Nah, he's just in the running for official USMB Nazi. Has trouble getting his jackboots on in the morning. Drinks his morning coffee under a Hitler poster. Yell "Heil!" and he'll put the coffee in his face. Guess who his favorite character in "Blues Brothers" is?
This truly is alarming but Obama is just doing what his Jewish bosses tell him to do. It is clear to me who is in charge of this country and always will be if we don't take a stand against them and do what's right. They control the Fed and the media as well as our politicians with their big lobby firms. This has to end so the American people can take back control of their country.

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Hispanic, Irish, Italian, African, Native, English, German, etc. Americans should be outraged! The Fed position is enormously powerful. How about something approaching fairness?
12% of the USA is black, but we've only had one black President??????

that's not fair!!!!

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