Advice for the Non-Progs during this Oligarch-Fascist Era


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Our Republic is dormant, perhaps dead. We now live in Fascist Oligarchy controlled by the Globalist Dems, BigTech, Academia, Crony Corporatists, BigMedia-Entertainment, and of course The Global Financial "interests", with the extra added "bonus" of our FICUS being a tool of China.

So how do we cope? The economy and culture are going to get uglier. On the bright side, most of us have had a great deal of practice isolating over the past year. Here are suggestions for coping with the current situation. Note, I have no debt. We paid off our house in 2019 and have no car payments, so mr. boe and I "just" need to cover living expenses, insurance and taxes. The latter are the largest expenditures by far.

1. Opt out as much as possible from the suveillance economy. No Facebook, No Twitter, No Google etc. I do have to use Google Suite for work, but that is on a computer separate from my personal one, and I dedicate one browser to Google suite. I use a VPN, protonmail and Brave browser. Do what you can to maintain as much privacy as possible. Move to services that support free speech and privacy.

2. Opt out of the Corporatist economy as much as possible. Cut out as much discretionary spending as possible. I started this policy a few years to pay off our house early. Buy locally, handmade and used items. Don't buy cheap crap from China. A good used item will last longer and support a small business person. If you have to make a major purchase, buy from a locally owned store. It may cost you a bit more, but the local service is worth it, imo. If you can afford it, aggressively pay down your debt to accelerate being debt free and lowering your overhead.

3. Live from the inside outward. Spend most of your energy on your partner, family, loved ones, friends, work colleagues, community, church, etc. The people closest to you matter orders of magnitude more than swamp creatures in DC. Protect your private life and inner circle.

4. If you are religious, keep the faith burning. Think of the Irish monks in the Dark Ages. We may be heading into another.

5. Buy physical books and DVD/Blu-rays. You can't count on the streaming services keeping a back catalogue of classics. You can buy great used copies online or at local stores.

6. Do not submit to the Cultural Revolution Red Guard. They can't control what you think or believe. Stay firm in that.

7. Arm yourself well and be prepared for self-defense.

8. Be prepared for the opening when we can push back against the Fascist Oligarchs. This may happen sooner than you think given how the Left are poor winners as well as poor losers. Their infighting has already begun.

A few ideas.
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Or, you could just back away from the radio, stop falling for every freaking paranoid conspiracy theory that you hear, get a grip and get some air.


Thank you for your concern, but I do not listen to the radio. I just pay attention to all the hateful things being done and said by Leftwing Fascist Oligarchs who now control our country.
Or, you could just back away from the radio, stop falling for every freaking paranoid conspiracy theory that you hear, stop seeing everything in terms of simplistic absolutes, get a grip and get some air.


War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

And an Inauguration after a Free and Fair Election requires 12 foot barbed wire fences, no audience, 26,000 National Guard Troops, and body armor for the Ruling Elite
I see, having power rest on three branches of the govt, involving almost a thousand people is an oligarchy?

Me thinks not.
When they are all corrupt, you fucking bet it is. This election proved they are thoroughly corrupt.
Or, you could just back away from the radio, stop falling for every freaking paranoid conspiracy theory that you hear, get a grip and get some air.


Thank you for your concern, but I do not listen to the radio. I just pay attention to all the hateful things being done and said by Leftwing Fascist Oligarchs who now control our country.

But you were fine with the Rightwing Fascist Kleptocrats over the past four years?
Or, you could just back away from the radio, stop falling for every freaking paranoid conspiracy theory that you hear, get a grip and get some air.


Thank you for your concern, but I do not listen to the radio. I just pay attention to all the hateful things being done and said by Leftwing Fascist Oligarchs who now control our country.

But you were fine with the Rightwing Fascist Kleptocrats over the past four years?

Link to prominent rightwing leaders calling for Truth & Reconciliation Commissions, Deplatforming, Cancellation, Reeducation Camps? Your side has the assassination porn and violent wet dreams, hun
Our Republic is dormant, perhaps dead. We now live in Fascist Oligarchy controlled by the Globalist Dems, BigTech, Academia, Crony Corporatists, BigMedia-Entertainment, and of course The Global Financial "interests", with the extra added "bonus" of our FICUS being a tool of China.

So how do we cope? The economy and culture are going to get uglier. On the bright side, most of us have had a great deal of practice isolating over the past year. Here are suggestions for coping with the current situation. Note, I have no debt. We paid off our house in 2019 and have no car payments, so mr. boe and I "just" need to cover living expenses, insurance and taxes. The latter are the largest expenditures by far.

1. Opt out as much as possible from the suveillance economy. No Facebook, No Twitter, No Google etc. I do have to use Google Suite for work, but that is on a computer separate from my personal one, and I dedicate one browser to Google suite. I use a VPN, protonmail and Brave browser. Do what you can to maintain as much privacy as possible. Move to services that support free speech and privacy.

2. Opt out of the Corporatist economy as much as possible. Cut out as much discretionary spending as possible. I started this policy a few years to pay off our house early. Buy locally, handmade and used items. Don't buy cheap crap from China. A good used item will last longer and support a small business person. If you have to make a major purchase, buy from a locally owned store. It may cost you a bit more, but the local service is worth it, imo. If you can afford it, aggressively pay down your debt to accelerate being debt free and lowering your overhead.

3. Live from the inside outward. Spend most of your energy on your partner, family, loved ones, friends, work colleagues, community, church, etc. The people closest to you matter orders of magnitude more than swamp creatures in DC. Protect your private life and inner circle.

4. If you are religious, keep the faith burning. Think of the Irish monks in the Dark Ages. We may be heading into another.

5. Buy physical books and DVD/Blu-rays. You can't count on the streaming services keeping a back catalogue of classics. You can buy great used copies online or at local stores.

6. Do not submit to the Cultural Revolution Red Guard. They can't control what you think or believe. Stay firm in that.

7. Arm yourself well and be prepared for self-defense.

8. Be prepared for the opening when we can push back against the Fascist Oligarchs. This may happen sooner than you think given how the Left are poor winners as well as poor losers. Their infighting has already begun.

A few ideas.
A litany of lies and tedious rightwing ignorance.

The Republic is just fine and will flourish now that the Trump malignancy is gone.
Or, you could just back away from the radio, stop falling for every freaking paranoid conspiracy theory that you hear, get a grip and get some air.


Thank you for your concern, but I do not listen to the radio. I just pay attention to all the hateful things being done and said by Leftwing Fascist Oligarchs who now control our country.
No, the only thing you’re doing is exhibiting your ignorance, hate, and dishonesty.

For example, fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum.
Our Republic is dormant, perhaps dead. We now live in Fascist Oligarchy controlled by the Globalist Dems, BigTech, Academia, Crony Corporatists, BigMedia-Entertainment, and of course The Global Financial "interests", with the extra added "bonus" of our FICUS being a tool of China.

So how do we cope? The economy and culture are going to get uglier. On the bright side, most of us have had a great deal of practice isolating over the past year. Here are suggestions for coping with the current situation. Note, I have no debt. We paid off our house in 2019 and have no car payments, so mr. boe and I "just" need to cover living expenses, insurance and taxes. The latter are the largest expenditures by far.

1. Opt out as much as possible from the suveillance economy. No Facebook, No Twitter, No Google etc. I do have to use Google Suite for work, but that is on a computer separate from my personal one, and I dedicate one browser to Google suite. I use a VPN, protonmail and Brave browser. Do what you can to maintain as much privacy as possible. Move to services that support free speech and privacy.

2. Opt out of the Corporatist economy as much as possible. Cut out as much discretionary spending as possible. I started this policy a few years to pay off our house early. Buy locally, handmade and used items. Don't buy cheap crap from China. A good used item will last longer and support a small business person. If you have to make a major purchase, buy from a locally owned store. It may cost you a bit more, but the local service is worth it, imo. If you can afford it, aggressively pay down your debt to accelerate being debt free and lowering your overhead.

3. Live from the inside outward. Spend most of your energy on your partner, family, loved ones, friends, work colleagues, community, church, etc. The people closest to you matter orders of magnitude more than swamp creatures in DC. Protect your private life and inner circle.

4. If you are religious, keep the faith burning. Think of the Irish monks in the Dark Ages. We may be heading into another.

5. Buy physical books and DVD/Blu-rays. You can't count on the streaming services keeping a back catalogue of classics. You can buy great used copies online or at local stores.

6. Do not submit to the Cultural Revolution Red Guard. They can't control what you think or believe. Stay firm in that.

7. Arm yourself well and be prepared for self-defense.

8. Be prepared for the opening when we can push back against the Fascist Oligarchs. This may happen sooner than you think given how the Left are poor winners as well as poor losers. Their infighting has already begun.

A few ideas.
A litany of lies and tedious rightwing ignorance.

The Republic is just fine and will flourish now that the Trump malignancy is gone.
Especially when you fascists put everyone you disagree with in camps.

You know, like you yourself have advocated.
Our Republic is dormant, perhaps dead. We now live in Fascist Oligarchy controlled by the Globalist Dems, BigTech, Academia, Crony Corporatists, BigMedia-Entertainment, and of course The Global Financial "interests", with the extra added "bonus" of our FICUS being a tool of China.

So how do we cope? The economy and culture are going to get uglier. On the bright side, most of us have had a great deal of practice isolating over the past year. Here are suggestions for coping with the current situation. Note, I have no debt. We paid off our house in 2019 and have no car payments, so mr. boe and I "just" need to cover living expenses, insurance and taxes. The latter are the largest expenditures by far.

1. Opt out as much as possible from the suveillance economy. No Facebook, No Twitter, No Google etc. I do have to use Google Suite for work, but that is on a computer separate from my personal one, and I dedicate one browser to Google suite. I use a VPN, protonmail and Brave browser. Do what you can to maintain as much privacy as possible. Move to services that support free speech and privacy.

2. Opt out of the Corporatist economy as much as possible. Cut out as much discretionary spending as possible. I started this policy a few years to pay off our house early. Buy locally, handmade and used items. Don't buy cheap crap from China. A good used item will last longer and support a small business person. If you have to make a major purchase, buy from a locally owned store. It may cost you a bit more, but the local service is worth it, imo. If you can afford it, aggressively pay down your debt to accelerate being debt free and lowering your overhead.

3. Live from the inside outward. Spend most of your energy on your partner, family, loved ones, friends, work colleagues, community, church, etc. The people closest to you matter orders of magnitude more than swamp creatures in DC. Protect your private life and inner circle.

4. If you are religious, keep the faith burning. Think of the Irish monks in the Dark Ages. We may be heading into another.

5. Buy physical books and DVD/Blu-rays. You can't count on the streaming services keeping a back catalogue of classics. You can buy great used copies online or at local stores.

6. Do not submit to the Cultural Revolution Red Guard. They can't control what you think or believe. Stay firm in that.

7. Arm yourself well and be prepared for self-defense.

8. Be prepared for the opening when we can push back against the Fascist Oligarchs. This may happen sooner than you think given how the Left are poor winners as well as poor losers. Their infighting has already begun.

A few ideas.
A litany of lies and tedious rightwing ignorance.

The Republic is just fine and will flourish now that the Trump malignancy is gone.
Especially when you fascists put everyone you disagree with in camps.

You know, like you yourself have advocated.

Or outright kill them instead. That's the Totalitarian way.

I have another item to add to the list in the OP:

9. Poke fun at and ridicule the lies, lack of logic, immorality and pathology of the Fascist Oligarch Left.
Our Republic is dormant, perhaps dead. We now live in Fascist Oligarchy controlled by the Globalist Dems, BigTech, Academia, Crony Corporatists, BigMedia-Entertainment, and of course The Global Financial "interests", with the extra added "bonus" of our FICUS being a tool of China.

So how do we cope? The economy and culture are going to get uglier. On the bright side, most of us have had a great deal of practice isolating over the past year. Here are suggestions for coping with the current situation. Note, I have no debt. We paid off our house in 2019 and have no car payments, so mr. boe and I "just" need to cover living expenses, insurance and taxes. The latter are the largest expenditures by far.

1. Opt out as much as possible from the suveillance economy. No Facebook, No Twitter, No Google etc. I do have to use Google Suite for work, but that is on a computer separate from my personal one, and I dedicate one browser to Google suite. I use a VPN, protonmail and Brave browser. Do what you can to maintain as much privacy as possible. Move to services that support free speech and privacy.

2. Opt out of the Corporatist economy as much as possible. Cut out as much discretionary spending as possible. I started this policy a few years to pay off our house early. Buy locally, handmade and used items. Don't buy cheap crap from China. A good used item will last longer and support a small business person. If you have to make a major purchase, buy from a locally owned store. It may cost you a bit more, but the local service is worth it, imo. If you can afford it, aggressively pay down your debt to accelerate being debt free and lowering your overhead.

3. Live from the inside outward. Spend most of your energy on your partner, family, loved ones, friends, work colleagues, community, church, etc. The people closest to you matter orders of magnitude more than swamp creatures in DC. Protect your private life and inner circle.

4. If you are religious, keep the faith burning. Think of the Irish monks in the Dark Ages. We may be heading into another.

5. Buy physical books and DVD/Blu-rays. You can't count on the streaming services keeping a back catalogue of classics. You can buy great used copies online or at local stores.

6. Do not submit to the Cultural Revolution Red Guard. They can't control what you think or believe. Stay firm in that.

7. Arm yourself well and be prepared for self-defense.

8. Be prepared for the opening when we can push back against the Fascist Oligarchs. This may happen sooner than you think given how the Left are poor winners as well as poor losers. Their infighting has already begun.

A few ideas.
Do you even know what an "oligarch" is? Because it's ironic as hell for tRumpling to accuse the Democratic party of being them.

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