Adults Nearly Kill Kids at Easter Egg Hunt

Some of the biggest most arrogant and rude asses I've ever met are "Christian conservatives." Lol. MDK is right on the money.

You mean you don't like this shoved in your face everywhere you look?


That I don't care about since I don't believe in either. I used to live right next door to a church. Good grief, some of the biggest assholes is what they are. I have first hand knowledge of how some of them behave and then call themselves "Christians." Just like you see here on the forum.

Well, I wouldn't say they are a "minority" in this country. Not yet anyways. It's the older religious folks who are ignorant and closed minded who are chasing people away from "religion." They show everyone how mean, nasty and intolerant they are instead of being embracing, warm and welcoming. :dunno: My auntie is a true Christian. She isn't judgmental or preachy. She actually walks the walk. When she does give the occasional "sermon" she is warm and welcoming and gentle.

they are now on 47 percent of the population down 11 percent from 9 years again and are sinking fast

Pew: White Christians no longer a majority

Pew: White Christians no longer a majority
Here's a good example of another so called "religious" person on another thread. You religious folks need to take action against these types within your midst. They are soiling your religion.

LOLOLOLOLOL. Hell is a condition experienced in this life. It's why your so hot and spicy LOLOLOL. You:


Yeah you're seriously brain-fried LOLOLOLOLOL. You LOLOLOLOL:


Is THAT what religion is all about? If so, I want NO part of it. ;)
Some of the biggest most arrogant and rude asses I've ever met are "Christian conservatives." Lol. MDK is right on the money.

You mean you don't like this shoved in your face everywhere you look?


That I don't care about since I don't believe in either. I used to live right next door to a church. Good grief, some of the biggest assholes is what they are. I have first hand knowledge of how some of them behave and then call themselves "Christians." Just like you see here on the forum.


"I feel blessed."

You should feel blessed, remember I blessed you in February, OMG get with the programme already :whip:
WTF? I completely missed your blessing. I've lost valuable time!

It's okay, as it's you, I absolve you of your sin :smoke:
Well now you tell me. I just got done flagellating myself while saying my hail marys.


Sounds to me like he's making fun of your God and your belief system. ;)
"I feel blessed."

You should feel blessed, remember I blessed you in February, OMG get with the programme already :whip:
WTF? I completely missed your blessing. I've lost valuable time!

It's okay, as it's you, I absolve you of your sin :smoke:
Well now you tell me. I just got done flagellating myself while saying my hail marys.


Sounds to me like he's making fun of your God and your belief system. ;)

Yes I know, but I'd rather not argue darling.

I might not agree with my auntie, but I listen to her and I respect her because SHE is respectful and kind. Most of the people who post here on the board (hopefully they are not an accurate representation, but I fear that they are), are not really at all "Christian like" in their demeanor or their treatment of others. In fact, they are totally the opposite. People see this and realize this.

I love it when anti-Christians whine that Christians don't fit their idea of what Christians are supposed to be.

Because as everybody knows, it's REALLY important to Christians that they gain the approval of those who hate them.

Matt 10:22: "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. "
I might not agree with my auntie, but I listen to her and I respect her because SHE is respectful and kind. Most of the people who post here on the board (hopefully they are not an accurate representation, but I fear that they are), are not really at all "Christian like" in their demeanor or their treatment of others. In fact, they are totally the opposite. People see this and realize this.

I love it when anti-Christians whine that Christians don't fit their idea of what Christians are supposed to be.

Because as everybody knows, it's REALLY important to Christians that they gain the approval of those who hate them.

Matt 10:22: "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. "

Nobody hates you. You just are the opposite of what a true Christian is all about. :D
I might not agree with my auntie, but I listen to her and I respect her because SHE is respectful and kind. Most of the people who post here on the board (hopefully they are not an accurate representation, but I fear that they are), are not really at all "Christian like" in their demeanor or their treatment of others. In fact, they are totally the opposite. People see this and realize this.

I love it when anti-Christians whine that Christians don't fit their idea of what Christians are supposed to be.

Because as everybody knows, it's REALLY important to Christians that they gain the approval of those who hate them.

Matt 10:22: "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. "

I'm not anti "Christian". I'm anti douchebag. :D
I might not agree with my auntie, but I listen to her and I respect her because SHE is respectful and kind. Most of the people who post here on the board (hopefully they are not an accurate representation, but I fear that they are), are not really at all "Christian like" in their demeanor or their treatment of others. In fact, they are totally the opposite. People see this and realize this.

I love it when anti-Christians whine that Christians don't fit their idea of what Christians are supposed to be.

Because as everybody knows, it's REALLY important to Christians that they gain the approval of those who hate them.

Matt 10:22: "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. "

I'm not anti "Christian". I'm anti douchebag. :D
Wrong again.
Oops, forgot hateful. The Senior Chief of Hateful Arses. All hail the chief brown eye! :lol:

You're not too fucking bright. But, you already have been told that throughout life.
Go fuck yourself.

I had a 4.0 grade point average in college, so it's funny you would say that. I was nominated for Who's Who in American Junior Colleges too. :D Stick that in um peace pipe chief.
I might not agree with my auntie, but I listen to her and I respect her because SHE is respectful and kind. Most of the people who post here on the board (hopefully they are not an accurate representation, but I fear that they are), are not really at all "Christian like" in their demeanor or their treatment of others. In fact, they are totally the opposite. People see this and realize this.

I love it when anti-Christians whine that Christians don't fit their idea of what Christians are supposed to be.

Because as everybody knows, it's REALLY important to Christians that they gain the approval of those who hate them.

Matt 10:22: "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. "

I'm not anti "Christian". I'm anti douchebag. :D
Wrong again.

Wrong about what? You consider yourself to be the representative for Christians. You feel that you are following in Jesus' footsteps? Funny that. :)
Face it. Most of you who claim to be Christians are just hateful people who use your religion as an excuse for hatred. You are not kind, you are not welcoming, you are not warm. Those are just the facts. :)