"Adult" Supporters of OWS are like...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
that Uncle we all had who tried to be "cool" and "hip" and with it!
Knowing all the youthful terms.."smashy,smashy".. for example.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) parroted Pelosi by saying that these protests are ““symbolic of the frustration that middle class folks and working people feel that the wealthy always seem to have the wind at their backs.

Pelosi.." "young," "spontaneous," & "focused"

Just after announcing his support for Occupy Wall Street, Congressman Frank headed to a fundraiser – with Wall Street bankers. How’s that for hypocrisy? Of course, he had an answer for that, saying: “If you take money from them, but you don’t vote [for] the things they want, how does that put you in conflict?”

Yea.. these are the hip,cool aunts and uncles that still wear push up sleeve jackets..love disco.. and again just gush over the defecating OWS protesters!

Really look up to these "get the man" leaders eh???
What I also just laugh my head off is the people on this forum that supporter the juvenile OWS protesters!

Really... how totally quaint they are speaking in cliched ohh... those nasty dirty evil 1%!
All the while the rest of Americans are working. Paying their bills and wondering how those people have all that time to moan and groan when there is work out there!
Pick those apples folks.. $150 a day!
Make those phone calls. Make hamburgers... Someone has to do it? Why not get paid?
NAW... it's to easy to especially you OWS supporters on this board to moan and groan and guess what... Americans are passing you by and watching you in their rear view mirrors!
Passe... cliched... out of step... go to jail! Meet some interesting people!
that Uncle we all had who tried to be "cool" and "hip" and with it!
Knowing all the youthful terms.."smashy,smashy".. for example.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) parroted Pelosi by saying that these protests are ““symbolic of the frustration that middle class folks and working people feel that the wealthy always seem to have the wind at their backs.

Pelosi.." "young," "spontaneous," & "focused"

Just after announcing his support for Occupy Wall Street, Congressman Frank headed to a fundraiser – with Wall Street bankers. How’s that for hypocrisy? Of course, he had an answer for that, saying: “If you take money from them, but you don’t vote [for] the things they want, how does that put you in conflict?”

Yea.. these are the hip,cool aunts and uncles that still wear push up sleeve jackets..love disco.. and again just gush over the defecating OWS protesters!

Really look up to these "get the man" leaders eh???

The late Barry Goldwater was very concerned with the direction the conservative movement was heading in his later years. He was a conservative with a conscience, and he didn't see much of that in the movement.

Since these OWS protests began, I hear so much disdain and deep seeded hatred for fellow Americans coming from the right. It is sickening to hear fellow human beings described in such vulgar terms.

I'm sure this is exactly the kind of stuff he was referring to when he said:

"Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."
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What I also just laugh my head off is the people on this forum that supporter the juvenile OWS protesters!

Really... how totally quaint they are speaking in cliched ohh... those nasty dirty evil 1%!
All the while the rest of Americans are working. Paying their bills and wondering how those people have all that time to moan and groan when there is work out there!
Pick those apples folks.. $150 a day!
Make those phone calls. Make hamburgers... Someone has to do it? Why not get paid?
NAW... it's to easy to especially you OWS supporters on this board to moan and groan and guess what... Americans are passing you by and watching you in their rear view mirrors!
Passe... cliched... out of step... go to jail! Meet some interesting people!

You obviously need help so let me avail myself to you. I work two jobs and am not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I am pissed at the welfare people who won't get off their asses and get a job, but I am more pissed that the rich people in charge who run companies and this government. They have made the American dream all but impossible to achieve. I work harder and harder for less and less every year, while the rich get even richer and poor get more and more hand outs. The Democrats take my money and give it to the poor and Republicans take my money and give it to the rich.

I hear people yell at the protesters "get a job".
In their next breath they yell at Obama "Where are the jobs"
Well, which one is it? you can't have it both ways.
What I also just laugh my head off is the people on this forum that supporter the juvenile OWS protesters!

Really... how totally quaint they are speaking in cliched ohh... those nasty dirty evil 1%!
All the while the rest of Americans are working. Paying their bills and wondering how those people have all that time to moan and groan when there is work out there!
Pick those apples folks.. $150 a day!
Make those phone calls. Make hamburgers... Someone has to do it? Why not get paid?
NAW... it's to easy to especially you OWS supporters on this board to moan and groan and guess what... Americans are passing you by and watching you in their rear view mirrors!
Passe... cliched... out of step... go to jail! Meet some interesting people!

You obviously need help so let me avail myself to you. I work two jobs and am not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I am pissed at the welfare people who won't get off their asses and get a job, but I am more pissed that the rich people in charge who run companies and this government. They have made the American dream all but impossible to achieve. I work harder and harder for less and less every year, while the rich get even richer and poor get more and more hand outs. The Democrats take my money and give it to the poor and Republicans take my money and give it to the rich.

I hear people yell at the protesters "get a job".
In their next breath they yell at Obama "Where are the jobs"
Well, which one is it? you can't have it both ways.

Too bad you don't have enough time to UNDERSTAND what happened!
You need only look at the MSM!
Their bias put McCain up and voted Obama in!
MSM played on ignorant people like Iowans not wanting to appear racist to stand up for Obama..literally!
Then the idiot GOP voted McCain who thought he had the MSM and they had him!
What I also just laugh my head off is the people on this forum that supporter the juvenile OWS protesters!

Really... how totally quaint they are speaking in cliched ohh... those nasty dirty evil 1%!
All the while the rest of Americans are working. Paying their bills and wondering how those people have all that time to moan and groan when there is work out there!
Pick those apples folks.. $150 a day!
Make those phone calls. Make hamburgers... Someone has to do it? Why not get paid?
NAW... it's to easy to especially you OWS supporters on this board to moan and groan and guess what... Americans are passing you by and watching you in their rear view mirrors!
Passe... cliched... out of step... go to jail! Meet some interesting people!

You obviously need help so let me avail myself to you. I work two jobs and am not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I am pissed at the welfare people who won't get off their asses and get a job, but I am more pissed that the rich people in charge who run companies and this government. They have made the American dream all but impossible to achieve. I work harder and harder for less and less every year, while the rich get even richer and poor get more and more hand outs. The Democrats take my money and give it to the poor and Republicans take my money and give it to the rich.

I hear people yell at the protesters "get a job".
In their next breath they yell at Obama "Where are the jobs"
Well, which one is it? you can't have it both ways.

Too bad you don't have enough time to UNDERSTAND what happened!
You need only look at the MSM!
Their bias put McCain up and voted Obama in!
MSM played on ignorant people like Iowans not wanting to appear racist to stand up for Obama..literally!
Then the idiot GOP voted McCain who thought he had the MSM and they had him!

Answer the question. Are there or are there not jobs to be had for all of the OWS to earn a living to raise their families on? Your post said nothing about racism, so answer the question.
You obviously need help so let me avail myself to you. I work two jobs and am not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I am pissed at the welfare people who won't get off their asses and get a job, but I am more pissed that the rich people in charge who run companies and this government. They have made the American dream all but impossible to achieve. I work harder and harder for less and less every year, while the rich get even richer and poor get more and more hand outs. The Democrats take my money and give it to the poor and Republicans take my money and give it to the rich.

I hear people yell at the protesters "get a job".
In their next breath they yell at Obama "Where are the jobs"
Well, which one is it? you can't have it both ways.

Too bad you don't have enough time to UNDERSTAND what happened!
You need only look at the MSM!
Their bias put McCain up and voted Obama in!
MSM played on ignorant people like Iowans not wanting to appear racist to stand up for Obama..literally!
Then the idiot GOP voted McCain who thought he had the MSM and they had him!

Answer the question. Are there or are there not jobs to be had for all of the OWS to earn a living to raise their families on? Your post said nothing about racism, so answer the question.

Well here's one "family" that may not qualify..
Now, two activists with the movement have been arrested for dealing heroin from their Occupy Boston tent – all with a 6-year-old child in tow.

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