Adult Children of Gays Harassment by Gay Mafia

If they are tolerant, they should behave as if they are tolerant, and tolerate the views of others, even if they disagree.

no one should tolerate hatred and bigotry. in fact, we should take every opportunity to shine a light on hatred.

Well, I guess we're at a philosophical crossroads. It's not hateful in the slightest to believe in Traditional marriage, or to not believe that homosexuality is normal and A-OK. You should know that not everyone who is on this side of the issue is hateful. Same as how not everyone on your side is hateful, either. There are those who believe homosexuality is a sin, but choose to hate the sin and not the sinner, because all have sinned in the eyes of God. For what it's worth I'm between agnostic and atheist.

Feeling disgust thinking or seeing two guys go at it is natural, and not hateful at all. Just because I find that disgusting does not mean I hate them at all. It's simply untrue.

What you are talking about is tolerance, what they gay rights people claim they want. But what they are really after is acceptance, and your views are not acceptance, and thus you have to be lumped in with the bigots et al.
The article linked the OP rings more like a feminist looking for another group of men to accuse of victimizing women and painting herself as some martyr in the process. Some people have bad childhoods and some do not. Likely has less to do with the orientation of their parents (unless they are pedophiles) and more to do with the character of the people involved.

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