Addressed to people who are not racists

Jesus H Christ.

This is really easy, in fact it's so easy, you'd even expect the forum morons to understand it.
Sadly, they're too stupid.

Take one race of people.
Enslave them and treat them like shit.
Eventually, force their freedom through war but treat them like shit anyway (Add a few lynchings)
Refuse to give them the same chances in education and in the job market and never trust them with anything.
Of course, these people end up poorly educated and far more prone to crime.

Then blame them for what you did to them.

Thats no good at all. Those are just excuses. They need to snap out of the mind fuck pronto and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Track down that real history that was hidden or destroyed and realize where they come from while the goal posts are being moved again and again. Thats not too much to overcome in a year.
I would like to ask people who are not racists if they have ever had friends or family who were racists...

Nope, never. Wouldn't be my friend if they were and none in my family are. Of course, when some of those family members espouse free markets and free minds, they'll be ACCUSED of being racist, but that does not make it so.

Sorry I can't help.
Jesus H Christ.

This is really easy, in fact it's so easy, you'd even expect the forum morons to understand it.
Sadly, they're too stupid.

Take one race of people.
Enslave them and treat them like shit.
Eventually, force their freedom through war but treat them like shit anyway (Add a few lynchings)
Refuse to give them the same chances in education and in the job market and never trust them with anything.
Of course, these people end up poorly educated and far more prone to crime.

Then blame them for what you did to them.
Then what is your excuse for all the Negros that are not in America
Jesus H Christ.

This is really easy, in fact it's so easy, you'd even expect the forum morons to understand it.
Sadly, they're too stupid.

Take one race of people.
Enslave them and treat them like shit.
Eventually, force their freedom through war but treat them like shit anyway (Add a few lynchings)
Refuse to give them the same chances in education and in the job market and never trust them with anything.
Of course, these people end up poorly educated and far more prone to crime.

Then blame them for what you did to them.
Then what is your excuse for all the Negros that are not in America

European colonization and the spreading of lies. More or less the US model but on a more global scale. The only reason racism exists toward Black people can be traced directly to the Europeans imperialism.
Jesus H Christ.

This is really easy, in fact it's so easy, you'd even expect the forum morons to understand it.
Sadly, they're too stupid.

Take one race of people.
Enslave them and treat them like shit.
Eventually, force their freedom through war but treat them like shit anyway (Add a few lynchings)
Refuse to give them the same chances in education and in the job market and never trust them with anything.
Of course, these people end up poorly educated and far more prone to crime.

Then blame them for what you did to them.
Then what is your excuse for all the Negros that are not in America

'Don't know. Perhaps these two niggas can explain.

2 Gulf Coast men admit 'sex tourism' trip to Thailand to have sex with young boys; facing prison time |

Sorry, they're white. Why do so many white American men like to screw young boys in Asia?
What, these are exceptions, ah, ok.
Jesus H Christ.

This is really easy, in fact it's so easy, you'd even expect the forum morons to understand it.
Sadly, they're too stupid.

Take one race of people.
Enslave them and treat them like shit.
Eventually, force their freedom through war but treat them like shit anyway (Add a few lynchings)
Refuse to give them the same chances in education and in the job market and never trust them with anything.
Of course, these people end up poorly educated and far more prone to crime.

Then blame them for what you did to them.
Then what is your excuse for all the Negros that are not in America

European colonization and the spreading of lies. More or less the US model but on a more global scale. The only reason racism exists toward Black people can be traced directly to the Europeans imperialism.
[ame=]Tribe meets white man for the first time 1/3 (with narration) - YouTube[/ame]
Then what is your excuse for all the Negros that are not in America

European colonization and the spreading of lies. More or less the US model but on a more global scale. The only reason racism exists toward Black people can be traced directly to the Europeans imperialism.
[ame=]Tribe meets white man for the first time 1/3 (with narration) - YouTube[/ame]

LOL! Where do you find this stuff? According to this guy abu afak those people are not Black Africans since they are Melanesian. I guess they even fooled you Tank. Little did they know what was in store for them. Some say this video is a fake though Tank.
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Warning. May be offensive to some!

Here they are years later wishing to god they had just killed the guy instead.

[ame=]Black People of Papua New Guinea Speak - YouTube[/ame]
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I'm sure if all whites from the past could see today what has happened, they would have never removed any blacks from Africa
Being you,re black you could never understand what a white man thinks

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