Adam Schiff Releases All Declassified Transcripts Related To Trumps Russia Scandal. Collusion Rampant


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
From the website of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee:

In 2017 and 2018, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) undertook an investigation into Russia’s interference campaign targeting the 2016 U.S. election. The Committee’s investigation came on the heels of an Intelligence Community assessment, which found:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

Democrats on the Committee affirmed that judgement, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. Throughout its investigation, the Committee uncovered significant evidence of Trump campaign efforts to seek, make use of, and cover up Russian help in the 2016 presidential election. To date, two witnesses have been convicted and sentenced to prison terms for lying and attempting to obstruct the Committee’s investigation.

Ultimately, this pattern of misconduct and deceit continued when President Trump once again sought to coerce a foreign government into providing him illicit assistance with his reelection campaign, this time from Ukraine. For his efforts, President Trump was impeachedin the House and became the first ever U.S. President to to receive bipartisan votes to convict in the Senate.

As part of its commitment to transparency, today the Committee is releasing fifty-seven transcripts of witness interviews during the course of the Russia inquiry, as well as additional relevant material, so that every American can see the facts and decide for themselves.
All 57 transcripts can be read here:…

Witnesses include Felix Sater, Rinat Akhmetshin, Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon, Rob Goldstone, Rhona Graff and many other sketchball traitors.

This might explain why Flynn was basically pardoned today, of all days.

Off now to read the transcripts!

Trump’s Putin-led administration is doing all it can to destroy this country, but we will not let it happen.


Some Democratic chairman of any committee related to this matter can enter into the record the full unredacted transcripts with impunity so long as they are doing so in the normal course of business of Congress. I forget his name, but a congressman did that and released the full Pentagon papers in the 70s by reading most of it then entering the remainder into the record.

This is just getting started boys and girls. Going to be long, hot summer of misery for MAGAT America.
1588894551980.png would be good to have everything released rather than partisan trickles here and there...
He's in CYA mode now and it's amusing watching him squirm

I don't think so. So far the Republicans have largely controlled what information get's released. About time to just get it all. would be good to have everything released rather than partisan trickles here and there...

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) has wanted to release all of the information heard in a classified setting about President Donald Trump’s involvement in the Russia scandal, but the director of national intelligence had been dragging their feet on declassifying it.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) went on Fox News Thursday, to blame Schiff for the slow release. Schiff, along with the staff, have been off of Capitol Hill due to the Washington, D.C. stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus. Schiff advocated for the release of the transcripts, but that wasn’t enough for Nunes, who whined about it taking too long.

I couldn't agree more. The partisan hackery by congressional Republicans has been a crime unto itself. With the new Office of the DNI now being headed by one of those Republican hacks, that wait for it now...Was one of the Republicans on the Impeachment committee in the House, that would be this puke


John Ratcliffe, a Republican congressman who fiercely defended the president in last year’s impeachment hearings, told the Senate intelligence committee that he would speak truth to power if confirmed as DNI.

I'm sure he will be releasing the rest of it in droves within a week.
From the website of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee:

In 2017 and 2018, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) undertook an investigation into Russia’s interference campaign targeting the 2016 U.S. election. The Committee’s investigation came on the heels of an Intelligence Community assessment, which found:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

Democrats on the Committee affirmed that judgement, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. Throughout its investigation, the Committee uncovered significant evidence of Trump campaign efforts to seek, make use of, and cover up Russian help in the 2016 presidential election. To date, two witnesses have been convicted and sentenced to prison terms for lying and attempting to obstruct the Committee’s investigation.

Ultimately, this pattern of misconduct and deceit continued when President Trump once again sought to coerce a foreign government into providing him illicit assistance with his reelection campaign, this time from Ukraine. For his efforts, President Trump was impeachedin the House and became the first ever U.S. President to to receive bipartisan votes to convict in the Senate.

As part of its commitment to transparency, today the Committee is releasing fifty-seven transcripts of witness interviews during the course of the Russia inquiry, as well as additional relevant material, so that every American can see the facts and decide for themselves.
All 57 transcripts can be read here:…

Witnesses include Felix Sater, Rinat Akhmetshin, Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon, Rob Goldstone, Rhona Graff and many other sketchball traitors.

This might explain why Flynn was basically pardoned today, of all days.

Off now to read the transcripts!

Trump’s Putin-led administration is doing all it can to destroy this country, but we will not let it happen.


Some Democratic chairman of any committee related to this matter can enter into the record the full unredacted transcripts with impunity so long as they are doing so in the normal course of business of Congress. I forget his name, but a congressman did that and released the full Pentagon papers in the 70s by reading most of it then entering the remainder into the record.

This is just getting started boys and girls. Going to be long, hot summer of misery for MAGAT America.

So? Hillary lost, and that's all that matters.
Schitt's gonna be a popular prison bitch... sissified and effeminate with those bug eyes looking wantonly at splooging convict dicks.... let's say 30 years of servicing federal inmates and I'll call it square.

You know Dirty Donny is going to prison right?

And probably followed by Donny Jr. and Ivanka right?

Attorney General Kamala Harris already has several folders full of evidence waiting to be investigated next year after she is sworn in. I'm sure a new head of the CIA, and DNI, will be happy to assist in adding to that evidence folder all of the top secret information they can fill it with, along with what they give the Attorney General of New York, will go a long way in assuring those air tight convictions all of those judicial appointees by Moscow Mitch, aren't going to be able to make go away. Especially the state convictions.

The Mar A Lago hillbillies may never see Florida alive again.
From the website of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee:

In 2017 and 2018, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) undertook an investigation into Russia’s interference campaign targeting the 2016 U.S. election. The Committee’s investigation came on the heels of an Intelligence Community assessment, which found:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

Democrats on the Committee affirmed that judgement, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. Throughout its investigation, the Committee uncovered significant evidence of Trump campaign efforts to seek, make use of, and cover up Russian help in the 2016 presidential election. To date, two witnesses have been convicted and sentenced to prison terms for lying and attempting to obstruct the Committee’s investigation.

Ultimately, this pattern of misconduct and deceit continued when President Trump once again sought to coerce a foreign government into providing him illicit assistance with his reelection campaign, this time from Ukraine. For his efforts, President Trump was impeachedin the House and became the first ever U.S. President to to receive bipartisan votes to convict in the Senate.

As part of its commitment to transparency, today the Committee is releasing fifty-seven transcripts of witness interviews during the course of the Russia inquiry, as well as additional relevant material, so that every American can see the facts and decide for themselves.
All 57 transcripts can be read here:…

Witnesses include Felix Sater, Rinat Akhmetshin, Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon, Rob Goldstone, Rhona Graff and many other sketchball traitors.

This might explain why Flynn was basically pardoned today, of all days.

Off now to read the transcripts!

Trump’s Putin-led administration is doing all it can to destroy this country, but we will not let it happen.


Some Democratic chairman of any committee related to this matter can enter into the record the full unredacted transcripts with impunity so long as they are doing so in the normal course of business of Congress. I forget his name, but a congressman did that and released the full Pentagon papers in the 70s by reading most of it then entering the remainder into the record.

This is just getting started boys and girls. Going to be long, hot summer of misery for MAGAT America.

So? Hillary lost, and that's all that matters.

Good for you skeeter. Hillary will be sitting at home living a sweet life with her family, watching the Trump trials on television next year.

Won't it be funny seeing pictures of her waving to Dirty Donny from Disneyland in Florida, while hes sitting in a prison cell in upstate New York? Maybe one of the guards will post one on the wall outside of his cell, so he can see it all day.
I'm sure the hyper partisans will cherry pick what they think supports their narrative it does not change the fact we had special prosecutor do very long investigation that got some guilty pleas and convictions for crimes not related to the 2016 election but nothing for anyone trying collude with Russia to sway the 2016 election.
From the website of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee:

In 2017 and 2018, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) undertook an investigation into Russia’s interference campaign targeting the 2016 U.S. election. The Committee’s investigation came on the heels of an Intelligence Community assessment, which found:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

Democrats on the Committee affirmed that judgement, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. Throughout its investigation, the Committee uncovered significant evidence of Trump campaign efforts to seek, make use of, and cover up Russian help in the 2016 presidential election. To date, two witnesses have been convicted and sentenced to prison terms for lying and attempting to obstruct the Committee’s investigation.

Ultimately, this pattern of misconduct and deceit continued when President Trump once again sought to coerce a foreign government into providing him illicit assistance with his reelection campaign, this time from Ukraine. For his efforts, President Trump was impeachedin the House and became the first ever U.S. President to to receive bipartisan votes to convict in the Senate.

As part of its commitment to transparency, today the Committee is releasing fifty-seven transcripts of witness interviews during the course of the Russia inquiry, as well as additional relevant material, so that every American can see the facts and decide for themselves.
All 57 transcripts can be read here:…

Witnesses include Felix Sater, Rinat Akhmetshin, Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon, Rob Goldstone, Rhona Graff and many other sketchball traitors.

This might explain why Flynn was basically pardoned today, of all days.

Off now to read the transcripts!

Trump’s Putin-led administration is doing all it can to destroy this country, but we will not let it happen.


Some Democratic chairman of any committee related to this matter can enter into the record the full unredacted transcripts with impunity so long as they are doing so in the normal course of business of Congress. I forget his name, but a congressman did that and released the full Pentagon papers in the 70s by reading most of it then entering the remainder into the record.

This is just getting started boys and girls. Going to be long, hot summer of misery for MAGAT America.

So? Hillary lost, and that's all that matters.

Good for you skeeter. Hillary will be sitting at home living a sweet life with her family, watching the Trump trials on television next year.

Won't it be funny seeing pictures of her waving to Dirty Donny from Disneyland in Florida, while hes sitting in a prison cell in upstate New York? Maybe one of the guards will post one on the wall outside of his cell, so he can see it all day.

That's quite an imagination you have there. :laughing0301:
De-classified? Who makes that judgement? Didn't we see every secret and every faked document pertaining to the Trump-Russia investigation? What's left to classify?

Seems they have been declassified, I suppose you can read them and decide if what is in them would not have been released by the White House, then see if they were kept classified, and for what reason.

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