Adam Eichen This is how to ultimately defeat the NRA


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians isn't enough without democracy reform.

Cynics are correct to doubt, despite the epidemic of school shootings around the country, that meaningful gun control policy will be forthcoming, even though over two-thirds of Americans want stricter gun laws. And everyone knows that there are two groups to blame: The NRA, and the politicians caught in its thrall.

To break the NRA’s stranglehold on politics, we have to directly address the attributes that make them so effective. This means democratizing political fundraising to limit the NRA’s financial firepower, and expanding the number of active voters to normalize the impact of NRA members in many districts where candidates are held hostage by the organization.


And to improve lackluster youth participation in elections, we can allow 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote — a simple policy that can boost youth turnout up to 13 percent. (There are also great reasons to consider lowering the voting age.)

Engaging young people is especially transformative, as research shows that, once someone votes, they are more likely to do so again.

To break the NRA’s hold on our government, mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians will not be enough without simultaneous efforts to push for democracy reform. This multi-pronged approach won’t be too hard given that pro-democracy initiatives will be on the ballot across the country in 2018. Voters in Nevada, for example, could pass automatic voter registration, and Floridians will have the chance to end a Jim Crow Era policy that bars approximately 1.5 millions people from voting.

There’s no question: We can have sane gun laws. We just have to fix our democracy first.
I'm not sure what to make of this article, it sounds a bit dishonest to me. Do these people want to see the NRA dissolved?
Just get rid of democracy. That will fix everything that ails the left. Two thirds of the public does not want liberal gun grabbig laws. It's made up.

The problem the left has is this. The NRA is protecting my right to self defense. The left protects nothing and wants to remove whatever rights I do have.

Yes it is self defense the left wants to remove. It isn't common sense and sane gun laws. The template is the UK where knives must be rounded and baseball bats are illegal. All forms of self defense are illegal. The common sense way to fight crime is surrender and let some thug throw acid in your face.

Any politician who wants my vote had BETTER support the NRA.
What is democratizing political fund raising....and yeah lets let kids decide the future......sounds like its not about fixing anything but whining that they are not in power....and reeallly...really want it. Beware those who like changing rules to win
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Mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians isn't enough without democracy reform.
I'm not sure what to make of this article, it sounds a bit dishonest to me. Do these people want to see the NRA dissolved?

It appears that argument the author is making is that in order to curb the "outsized influence" of the NRA (i.e. what the author feels is too much lobbying power in the hands of the NRA) that "democracy reform" is needed, it's neither a new argument nor a particularly well thought out one, it boils down to the silly notion that the will of the majority is a solution for all societal problems, of course these same confused individuals are the first to bitch, moan, protest and demand recounts when the vote doesn't go the way they want it to.

Personally I think the whole "increase voter participation" schtick is just a handy way of dumbing down the outcome to the least common denominator of voting goodies for oneself at the expense of ones fellow citizens property and liberty.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. " -- Benjamin Franklin
The template is the UK where knives must be rounded and baseball bats are illegal. All forms of self defense are illegal.
Gods, what rightard shit.

You can use reasonable force to protect yourself or others if a crime is taking place inside your home.

This means you can:
  • protect yourself ‘in the heat of the moment’ - this includes using an object as a weapon
  • stop an intruder running off - for example by tackling them to the ground
Personally I think the whole "increase voter participation" schtick is just a handy way of dumbing down the outcome to the least common denominator of voting goodies for oneself at the expense of ones fellow citizens property and liberty.
What is your preference? Monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy?
Just get rid of democracy. That will fix everything that ails the left. Two thirds of the public does not want liberal gun grabbig laws. It's made up.

The problem the left has is this. The NRA is protecting my right to self defense. The left protects nothing and wants to remove whatever rights I do have.

Yes it is self defense the left wants to remove. It isn't common sense and sane gun laws. The template is the UK where knives must be rounded and baseball bats are illegal. All forms of self defense are illegal. The common sense way to fight crime is surrender and let some thug throw acid in your face.

Any politician who wants my vote had BETTER support the NRA.
You really are an embarrassing, shameless liar. Let's look at polling regarding gun control proposals that are actually on the table and exist in reality (as opposed to only in your insane mind):

Poll: 97 percent support background checks for all gun buyers

Two New Polls Show Widespread Support for Stricter Gun Laws

Poll: Majorities Of Both Parties Favor Increased Gun Restrictions
Mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians isn't enough without democracy reform.

Cynics are correct to doubt, despite the epidemic of school shootings around the country, that meaningful gun control policy will be forthcoming, even though over two-thirds of Americans want stricter gun laws. And everyone knows that there are two groups to blame: The NRA, and the politicians caught in its thrall.

To break the NRA’s stranglehold on politics, we have to directly address the attributes that make them so effective. This means democratizing political fundraising to limit the NRA’s financial firepower, and expanding the number of active voters to normalize the impact of NRA members in many districts where candidates are held hostage by the organization.


And to improve lackluster youth participation in elections, we can allow 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote — a simple policy that can boost youth turnout up to 13 percent. (There are also great reasons to consider lowering the voting age.)

Engaging young people is especially transformative, as research shows that, once someone votes, they are more likely to do so again.

To break the NRA’s hold on our government, mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians will not be enough without simultaneous efforts to push for democracy reform. This multi-pronged approach won’t be too hard given that pro-democracy initiatives will be on the ballot across the country in 2018. Voters in Nevada, for example, could pass automatic voter registration, and Floridians will have the chance to end a Jim Crow Era policy that bars approximately 1.5 millions people from voting.

There’s no question: We can have sane gun laws. We just have to fix our democracy first.
I'm not sure what to make of this article, it sounds a bit dishonest to me. Do these people want to see the NRA dissolved?
Do you think this/these tactic would also be useful against the first amendment advocates?
Defeat the NRA? JFK was a life member. The NRA ain't the enemy. Why not defeat the AAA because of the estimated 40,000 automobile related deaths every year?
Haha, fine, make that comparison. Let's compare the AAA, which lobbies for "car control" nonstop. Way to shoot yourself in the foot, there, professor.
Personally I think the whole "increase voter participation" schtick is just a handy way of dumbing down the outcome to the least common denominator of voting goodies for oneself at the expense of ones fellow citizens property and liberty.
What is your preference? Monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy?

Voting as an earned privilege, not an automatic one.
Mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians isn't enough without democracy reform.

Cynics are correct to doubt, despite the epidemic of school shootings around the country, that meaningful gun control policy will be forthcoming, even though over two-thirds of Americans want stricter gun laws. And everyone knows that there are two groups to blame: The NRA, and the politicians caught in its thrall.

To break the NRA’s stranglehold on politics, we have to directly address the attributes that make them so effective. This means democratizing political fundraising to limit the NRA’s financial firepower, and expanding the number of active voters to normalize the impact of NRA members in many districts where candidates are held hostage by the organization.


And to improve lackluster youth participation in elections, we can allow 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote — a simple policy that can boost youth turnout up to 13 percent. (There are also great reasons to consider lowering the voting age.)

Engaging young people is especially transformative, as research shows that, once someone votes, they are more likely to do so again.

To break the NRA’s hold on our government, mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians will not be enough without simultaneous efforts to push for democracy reform. This multi-pronged approach won’t be too hard given that pro-democracy initiatives will be on the ballot across the country in 2018. Voters in Nevada, for example, could pass automatic voter registration, and Floridians will have the chance to end a Jim Crow Era policy that bars approximately 1.5 millions people from voting.

There’s no question: We can have sane gun laws. We just have to fix our democracy first.
I'm not sure what to make of this article, it sounds a bit dishonest to me. Do these people want to see the NRA dissolved?
The NRA is here to stay.

This is because if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

And the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.

From my cold dead hands.
Personally I think the whole "increase voter participation" schtick is just a handy way of dumbing down the outcome to the least common denominator of voting goodies for oneself at the expense of ones fellow citizens property and liberty.
What is your preference? Monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy?

Voting as an earned privilege, not an automatic one.
Well you earn that privilege by making it to age 18 without a felony criminal conviction.
Mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians isn't enough without democracy reform.
I'm not sure what to make of this article, it sounds a bit dishonest to me. Do these people want to see the NRA dissolved?

It appears that argument the author is making is that in order to curb the "outsized influence" of the NRA (i.e. what the author feels is too much lobbying power in the hands of the NRA) that "democracy reform" is needed, it's neither a new argument nor a particularly well thought out one, it boils down to the silly notion that the will of the majority is a solution for all societal problems, of course these same confused individuals are the first to bitch, moan, protest and demand recounts when the vote doesn't go the way they want it to.

Personally I think the whole "increase voter participation" schtick is just a handy way of dumbing down the outcome to the least common denominator of voting goodies for oneself at the expense of ones fellow citizens property and liberty.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. " -- Benjamin Franklin
I'm going to add you to my follow list NightFox .

This is the highest honor that I can confer on anyone at USMB.

Thank you.
Just get rid of democracy. That will fix everything that ails the left. Two thirds of the public does not want liberal gun grabbig laws. It's made up.

The problem the left has is this. The NRA is protecting my right to self defense. The left protects nothing and wants to remove whatever rights I do have.

Yes it is self defense the left wants to remove. It isn't common sense and sane gun laws. The template is the UK where knives must be rounded and baseball bats are illegal. All forms of self defense are illegal. The common sense way to fight crime is surrender and let some thug throw acid in your face.

Any politician who wants my vote had BETTER support the NRA.
You too Tipsycatlover . Follow list. Thank you.
Watch out when lefties start preaching "democracy reform". They sound so much like their fellow travelers in the 50's CUSA that it is chilling. God help us if the crazy hard core anti-democracy left ever gets it's slimy claws on the Constitution.
Mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians isn't enough without democracy reform.

Cynics are correct to doubt, despite the epidemic of school shootings around the country, that meaningful gun control policy will be forthcoming, even though over two-thirds of Americans want stricter gun laws. And everyone knows that there are two groups to blame: The NRA, and the politicians caught in its thrall.

To break the NRA’s stranglehold on politics, we have to directly address the attributes that make them so effective. This means democratizing political fundraising to limit the NRA’s financial firepower, and expanding the number of active voters to normalize the impact of NRA members in many districts where candidates are held hostage by the organization.


And to improve lackluster youth participation in elections, we can allow 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote — a simple policy that can boost youth turnout up to 13 percent. (There are also great reasons to consider lowering the voting age.)

Engaging young people is especially transformative, as research shows that, once someone votes, they are more likely to do so again.

To break the NRA’s hold on our government, mobilizing against NRA-backed politicians will not be enough without simultaneous efforts to push for democracy reform. This multi-pronged approach won’t be too hard given that pro-democracy initiatives will be on the ballot across the country in 2018. Voters in Nevada, for example, could pass automatic voter registration, and Floridians will have the chance to end a Jim Crow Era policy that bars approximately 1.5 millions people from voting.

There’s no question: We can have sane gun laws. We just have to fix our democracy first.
I'm not sure what to make of this article, it sounds a bit dishonest to me. Do these people want to see the NRA dissolved?

So you want to grab the guns of Americans?

Best of luck, the only way to get there is through lots and lots of bullets. I hope you are bullet resistant.

Other than that, it's not going to happen.

As for the rest of us, NRA backing has now become a requirement. Otherwise no vote shall be given. Shall not be infringed...

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