Active Shooter in Pittsburgh

This shit over a simple eviction ( And Far Left & Left think LEO no knock stack entries on Weapons confiscations will go over so well that they will be ramped up Nation wide 😆🤣
I bet he is a right winger!

No pun intended.
Street view shows a black 'hood

Apparently his father died and the house was sold but he never left the home so the company that bought the house got an eviction in court and it was being served.
I'm hearing that he's a Moorish sovereign........ always so much fun! ;)

So this guy didn't pay taxes on his inherited house, cool.
Government sells it at auction, gay.
Guy doesn't leave house, cool.
Both parties just dump massive amounts of bullets everywhere but no one is hit?

Well it appears both he and the police are not good shots, maybe they're both just shooting in the air like a middle east wedding

This is a pretty great story!

Perhaps this guy going by the name.

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So the takeaway is...."pay all of your made up taxes or the government will stop at nothing to kill you"?

Not really news, I guess. ;)
The house had been sold....the gunman 's father owned it, died, and it was sold....

The gunman was given 6 months to remove all the belongings and vacate the premises. He did nothing.
So the owner got a court order to evict the squatter....and now we have the events of today.
Street view shows a black 'hood

View attachment 818586

That looks a lot like my old neighborhood only the houses were older.

I was the only White on the block but had a very good relationship with my neighbors.

About two blocks north was where street corner entrepreneurs were a little more trigger happy although any holiday served as an excuse for some celebratory gunfire.

Never a dull moment in da 'hood...

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