ACLU Threatens To Sue MBTA over Ban on Picture Taking


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
ACLU Threatens To Sue MBTA
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts is threatening to sue the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) if it does not change their policy that prohibits photography on MBTA stations. According to the ACLU, the restrictuion is a "violation" of First Amendment rights, and state constitution.

MBTA officials acknowledge that the T has no written policy on photography on the T system. Spokesman Joe Pesaturo said the agency handles those issues on a case-by-case basis. Tourists generally are allowed to photograph family members in key transit spots , he said .

However, Pesaturo said T police are allowed to question photographers and, if necessary, ask them to stop taking pictures.

Pesaturo said the T has made no arrests of photographers who have not abided by the restriction, which officials said has been around for at least a decade.

The T also issues photography permits, which are good for about a month and given to journalists or hobbyists working on long-term projects.

MBTA General Manager Daniel A. Grabauskas said the ACLU letter was ``insulting and naive" to the T's security concerns, citing the terrorist bombings in London and Madrid as examples of the agency's need to be vigilant.

``We need to consider ourselves as prime targets for terrorism," he said. ``One of the things that has been abundantly clear in all of these attacks is that the terrorists have been meticulous . . . and cased the joint in just about every case."

This threat by the ACLU is absolutely ridiculous, and is yet another example of how twisted the ACLU is. They want wiretapping of terrorists to stop, arguing it is a violation of privacy rights, and now, they are taking a position that arguably puts privacy (and security) at risk. Seems to me that the only constant objective they have is to undermine our security.
If ever there was an organization that has more money than brains, morals or common sense, it's the ACLU.

Btw, the last time I rode the T. I thought it was very clean. And no bad smells. Was I just lucky?
How about reading the ACLU's actual letter, which had to do with concerns about passanger civil rights not photography at the station. Here's the letter:

There is NO threat of a lawsuit, just a request for a meeting to discuss concerns. I think many of you will actually find the ACLU's questions and concerns to be very reasonable. Please read the letter, the title of this thread is extremely misleading.


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