Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in jail shower


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Mar 18, 2014
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The hate-filled South Carolina man accused of slaughtering nine worshipers inside a church last year was roughed up in jail Thursday morning, officials said.

Dylann Roof was getting ready for his morning shower when he was assaulted by another inmate inside the Charleston County Detention Center, Sheriff Al Cannon said at a Thursday press conference.

Inmate Dwayne Stafford, 25, “punched (Roof) a number of times and assaulted him quickly” before a jail guard pulled the two apart, Cannon said.

Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in Charleston jail shower
Any bets how long this guy lasts?

The hate-filled South Carolina man accused of slaughtering nine worshipers inside a church last year was roughed up in jail Thursday morning, officials said.

Dylann Roof was getting ready for his morning shower when he was assaulted by another inmate inside the Charleston County Detention Center, Sheriff Al Cannon said at a Thursday press conference.

Inmate Dwayne Stafford, 25, “punched (Roof) a number of times and assaulted him quickly” before a jail guard pulled the two apart, Cannon said.

Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in Charleston jail shower

So, what's your answer to this problem, Guno?
Jailhouse justice is sometimes more just than the legal justice system.

Roof committed a heinous crime and hurt a lot of good people.

There is no doubt about his guilt.

Someone should take him out and save the taxpayers a lot of money and time.
Probably wont last long in prison.
With luck, he'll end up like Jeffrey Dahmer
Jailhouse justice is sometimes more just than the legal justice system.

Roof committed a heinous crime and hurt a lot of good people.

There is no doubt about his guilt.

Someone should take him out and save the taxpayers a lot of money and time.

So, due process doesn't apply to this guy and why is that?
If this guy is just now getting a taste of what he is in serious need of, can I ask what took so long?

God bless you and the families of his victims always!!!

Any bets how long this guy lasts?

The hate-filled South Carolina man accused of slaughtering nine worshipers inside a church last year was roughed up in jail Thursday morning, officials said.

Dylann Roof was getting ready for his morning shower when he was assaulted by another inmate inside the Charleston County Detention Center, Sheriff Al Cannon said at a Thursday press conference.

Inmate Dwayne Stafford, 25, “punched (Roof) a number of times and assaulted him quickly” before a jail guard pulled the two apart, Cannon said.

Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in Charleston jail shower

Good. I hope Dwayne Stafford got some good shots in.
Any bets how long this guy lasts?

Inmate Dwayne Stafford, 25, “punched (Roof) a number of times and assaulted him quickly” before a jail guard pulled the two apart, Cannon said.

Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in Charleston jail shower

Poor Dylann. I'm sure given his sexual orientation (and the fact that he chose a church to open random fire in the day after a Southern church announced it wouldn't support gay marriage), he was hoping that prison shower assault would be of the more "bend over and grab the soap" type. Don't worry Dylann. I'm sure there will be more chances for the type of shower assault you wanted while you are in prison.

You didn't have to shoot those Christians in a fit of anger after another church announced it wouldn't support your agenda. Though, your gay black boyfriend did say that you had a seething mind and all it would take was some trigger. You were going to shoot up a mostly white school but on that particular day you changed your mind. I guess it's a coincidence you were gay, had a gay black boyfriend and the day after a church announced it wouldn't support gay marriage, you chose a church instead...

The Dylann Roof shooting had NOTHING to do with race..

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Any bets how long this guy lasts?

The hate-filled South Carolina man accused of slaughtering nine worshipers inside a church last year was roughed up in jail Thursday morning, officials said.

Dylann Roof was getting ready for his morning shower when he was assaulted by another inmate inside the Charleston County Detention Center, Sheriff Al Cannon said at a Thursday press conference.

Inmate Dwayne Stafford, 25, “punched (Roof) a number of times and assaulted him quickly” before a jail guard pulled the two apart, Cannon said.

Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in Charleston jail shower

He's a little faggot, thought he'd be your hero for shooting up bigot Christians that are against gay marriage.
If he isn't a candidate for the death penalty, then get rid of the death penalty.

He is and should get it. What I haven't seen is any of the usual anti death penalty folks complaining about the death penalty in this case.
Good, all violent criminals should be attacked and hopefully killed. Him, Trayvon and Mike Brown should rot in hell.
Any bets how long this guy lasts?

The hate-filled South Carolina man accused of slaughtering nine worshipers inside a church last year was roughed up in jail Thursday morning, officials said.

Dylann Roof was getting ready for his morning shower when he was assaulted by another inmate inside the Charleston County Detention Center, Sheriff Al Cannon said at a Thursday press conference.

Inmate Dwayne Stafford, 25, “punched (Roof) a number of times and assaulted him quickly” before a jail guard pulled the two apart, Cannon said.

Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in Charleston jail shower

Good. I hope Dwayne Stafford got some good shots in.

Dwayne Stafford should spend the rest of his time in solitary confinement in a 5x8' cell, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If he does ANYTHING other than totally and instantly obey each and every instruction by all guards, he should be horribly killed.
Even the incarcerated know a racist killer when they see one and I'm sure this young man will have a very hard time in prison....if he lives it's because he will be completely separated from all other inmates.
Any bets how long this guy lasts?

The hate-filled South Carolina man accused of slaughtering nine worshipers inside a church last year was roughed up in jail Thursday morning, officials said.

Dylann Roof was getting ready for his morning shower when he was assaulted by another inmate inside the Charleston County Detention Center, Sheriff Al Cannon said at a Thursday press conference.

Inmate Dwayne Stafford, 25, “punched (Roof) a number of times and assaulted him quickly” before a jail guard pulled the two apart, Cannon said.

Dylann Roof assaulted by inmate in Charleston jail shower

Good. I hope Dwayne Stafford got some good shots in.

Dwayne Stafford should spend the rest of his time in solitary confinement in a 5x8' cell, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If he does ANYTHING other than totally and instantly obey each and every instruction by all guards, he should be horribly killed.

He'll get 30-45 days in segregation for fighting, then back on the yard.

Why you so protective of that little white murderer?
Even the incarcerated know a racist killer when they see one and I'm sure this young man will have a very hard time in prison....if he lives it's because he will be completely separated from all other inmates.

Depends on his threat level inside.
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