Accused Benghazi ringleader convicted of terrorism charges in 2012 attacks


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Not Guilty on Murder charges:

Accused Benghazi ringleader convicted of terrorism charges in 2012 attacks that killed U.S. ambassador

"A Libyan militant accused of being a ringleader of the 2012 Benghazi attacks on U.S. facilities was convicted on terrorism charges Tuesday in the assaults that killed U.S. ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. But the jury declined to find the militant directly responsible for any of the deaths of Americans.

The case was seen as a test of detention and interrogation policies developed under the Obama administration to capture terror suspects overseas for criminal trial, with the result likely to factor into assessments of the suitability of civilian courts for terrorism prosecutions.

The jury in Washington, D.C., deliberated for five days after a seven-week trial. They convicted Ahmed Abu Khattala, 46, in the attack the night of Sept. 11 at a U.S. diplomatic mission that killed Stevens and State Department employee Sean Smith in a fire, and in a second attack that took place before dawn Sept. 12 on a nearby CIA annex, where CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty were killed by mortar strikes"

Still...he'll do life--very hard case to actually prosecute in a US civilian court--Kudos to the US Attorney.
so, the mafia Don, is not guilty of murder b/c there's no proof he did the actual killing.


he'll be out in 20 years
Somehow..i doubt the Federal System..the min. would be 25 years..and given the profile of this probably the sentence...he was guilty of 4 doubt he'll be out..ever again
Not Guilty on Murder charges:

Accused Benghazi ringleader convicted of terrorism charges in 2012 attacks that killed U.S. ambassador

"A Libyan militant accused of being a ringleader of the 2012 Benghazi attacks on U.S. facilities was convicted on terrorism charges Tuesday in the assaults that killed U.S. ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. But the jury declined to find the militant directly responsible for any of the deaths of Americans.

The case was seen as a test of detention and interrogation policies developed under the Obama administration to capture terror suspects overseas for criminal trial, with the result likely to factor into assessments of the suitability of civilian courts for terrorism prosecutions.

The jury in Washington, D.C., deliberated for five days after a seven-week trial. They convicted Ahmed Abu Khattala, 46, in the attack the night of Sept. 11 at a U.S. diplomatic mission that killed Stevens and State Department employee Sean Smith in a fire, and in a second attack that took place before dawn Sept. 12 on a nearby CIA annex, where CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty were killed by mortar strikes"

Still...he'll do life--very hard case to actually prosecute in a US civilian court--Kudos to the US Attorney.

the federal courts in the US have had great success prosecuting terrorists. the blind sheikh is away for life, too.

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