According to the left its xenophobic to want illegals deported and to want a secure border


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
Ive said it time and time again, trump is not perfect, but his message on imigration resonates with a lot of people. And the lefts' answer to those people is that they are bigots. Its right out of the liberal playbook. Im not saying trump's plans on imigration are pratical or even possible, but its not bigotry to want illegals out, and to want a sealed border.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.
Ive said it time and time again, trump is not perfect, but his message on imigration resonates with a lot of people. And the lefts' answer to those people is that they are bigots. Its right out of the liberal playbook. Im not saying trump's plans on imigration are pratical or even possible, but its not bigotry to want illegals out, and to want a sealed border.

The Leftists are Extremists, they're Immigration Extremists, so just refer to them on this issue as that, start calling them what they are Extremists and Immigration Extremists.

If they call you a bigot, or a racist, then give them this :fu:

Remember, do NOT give in to these Leftist Extremists and do NOT take any prisoners, have NO mercy on these creatures.

Closed borders, protected borders are both normal and natural, they also are sensible and logical.

Leftism is a mental illness.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

I didn't realize we had a problem with Canadians flocking across our border. Oh wait, that's because we don't.

Go back to sleep Timmy.
As though the Right is just ducky about losing cheap labor.

The whole concept of Uncontrolled Immigration isn't just about cheap labour, it's predominantly about disrupting long established communities and causing division within society in the shape of Culture Clashes.

The cheap labour aspect isn't the reason why the Leftist Extremists want Open Borders and Uncontrolled Immigration.

The Leftist Extremists want to fragment all Western society, which is why they're fanatically pushing for Worldwide Open Borders.
Illegals are being deported in record numbers. Where did you read that they're not?

So why is it bigoted when Trump says he wants to deport more illegals?

It's not bigoted and remember whenever the Leftist Extremists call people bigots and racists, they do this simply to attempt to shut people up, never give in to these creatures, never shut up.

Also as soon as the Leftist Extremists start the name calling, you know you've won and they've lost.

Illegals are being deported in record numbers. Where did you read that they're not?

You must provide a link to support this please.
Seriously, you can't google this on your own?

So you're deporting more illegals, whilst at the same time Obama is airlifting tons of Muslims from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq into America and Hillary will quadruple the amount of Muslims being airlifted in.

So you're deporting Central Americans etc and exchanging them for X amount of Islamists.

Which is why I commented that the agenda is the disrupting of long established communities and causing division within society in the shape of Culture Clashes.
The left is losing voters and support. They have to replace that support by allowing uneducated or bigoted people into our nation in hopes they will one day send them money or vote for them. The left needs a growing underclass to remain in power. Wake up America! Trump will do the right thing for America. He is not everyone's first choice but at least we will be electing someone that really loves America and the American people. Hillary is way out of touch and she is still being investigated by the FBI. Back when we asked for the world to send us their tired and poor we didn't have a welfare program.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Oh, when did that become our job? Mexico has a policy of basically exporting their undesirables to the U.S.

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