‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable

What child?
Look, if you can't do something because your religion forbids it - fine. That's good. But if you say I can't do something because your religion forbids it, that's a problem.

Religion has nothing to do with it. Humans go through various stages of development from fertilization to natural death. Feel free to argue with biology all you want. One thing I won't do is argue semantics with an obviously evil person.

How many of these anti-abortion, women hating misogynists have murdered women's health care workers???

Get back to us with a number

It's a sad statement on a country when there's a National Abortion Foundation.

It's time we reshaped the narrative on abortion.

The radical left likes to call themselves “pro-choice” and they call us radical in our stance.

Yet, our goal is to help women by giving them the choice to save their baby.

They don’t provide women with a choice when they step into a clinic.

Their ONLY goal is to push abortion up until birth.

There is NOTHING more radical than that.

The vast majority of Americans do not support abortion that late.

Let’s offer REAL choices.

Every woman who walks into an abortion clinic should be educated on financial help or adoption services so that she can make an educated choice.

Your argument was did "the FBI arrest anybody." You asked without telling us why it is important, so, marty, you have no argument.

Those protesting outside of clinics and wailing to God are their for religious reasons,

And how is being there for religious reasons any different than any other reason?

My argument is the left thinks their protesters are allowed to be violent, but the right's protesters are violent just by protesting.
Correct. Its about science and human rights. The DNA science says that the child in the womb is a unique individual, and human rights says that child has a right to not be murdered.

They have to frame it around religion since that is the only way they can defend against it, if it's for religious reasons then they can scream (as some idiot posters in here have done) that you can't force your religious principles on them. When you frame it around human rights and science, they have nothing. :dunno: They're desperate to keep flinging the religious mud, they need it.

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