Accept all the accusations against Clinton, but reject all of those against Trump...Excuse me?

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.
So what you guys are saying is that being a douche nozzle with no cooth equals being a rapist????? I dont like Trump but come on this is absurd!
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?
Accept all the accusations against Clinton, but reject all of those against Trump...Excuse me?

Malignant narcissists always reserve the right to do the worst things to people, all while projecting those things onto others to demonize and hound them for.

I wish I could say you could convince Trump of his hypocrisy. But you would spend a lifetime trying and not succeed even one inch of ground on that. The narcissistic mind is like a giant clam. At the tiniest tap on its exterior it SLAMS shut and you and your toothpick have no hope of getting in there..

It would be wise instead of trying to change the narcissist, to instead get through to his followers. Narsos always hone the finest skill in working a crowd. If you're addicted like heroin to admiration, you learn early on how to get people to fawn over you, to gasp and bask in the glow of your magnificence. Everybody likes a charismatic leader, right?

Work on his crowds. Because Trump's mind you'll never change.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?

Not more important than the economy and national security but it is still a valid issue. Are you suggesting these story's be buried?
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?

No. Actually, it's not. But it's sure a lot more fun to talk about.
Have you ever been in a dressing room like this? There are dozens of people coming and going.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?

Not more important than the economy and national security but it is still a valid issue. Are you suggesting these story's be buried?

I am suggesting giving these stories the importance they're due. I don't see any threads about thousands pf refugees coming into this country without vetting as Clinton suggests, or bringing back jobs to the US or even a wall to deter illegals from running over a borders. I actually believe those are more importants that lewd acts from 3 decades ago.
Wrong.....bill clinton's accusers have been out for decades and recieved no media atttention.......with emails showing active cooperation between news organizations and the democrats and hilary's campaign.....Anderson Cooper set up the release of these women......just before the election....this is a set is typical crap......and only fools such as you fall for it.....

clinton has 3 accusations of actual rape and dozens of sexual assault including a uniformed member of the Air Force serving on Air Force one, they all told friends and family at the time of the attack, including their miltiary chain of command......and you contend that only bill clinton is telling the truly are a fool.....
So Character doesn't mater, unless of course it concerns the "other guy"? Face it America has been desensitized, Billy Bob and his antics proves the point. I recall those on the left and media who argued "who cares as long that he does a good job". Then of course there was the smear campaign against the accusers orchestrated by the Clinton machine. But who cares? What should be the focus and is not are the issues, economy, national security, crime, and that now forgotten topic of the national debt and loss of purchasing power that impacts all Americans.
Its time we set the baggage aside and address the issues, just as we were instructed by the media and beltway politicians.
To arrive at a just estimate of a renowned man's character one must judge it by the standards of his time, not ours.
-- Mark Twain​

The importance of this issue is that a man who has all but admitted and bragged about committing criminal acts of sexual aggression bids us all to elect him as our leader, as our voice to the rest of the world. I'm sorry, I will not put such an individual on the dais to speak for me. I'm not saying I need an "alter boy" as President, but an avowed sexual predator? Not in way shape or form.

A person's character is what it is. It's a little like a marriage-- only without the option of divorce.
-- Hendrick Hertzberg​

On character has too been said:

It is our character that supports the promise of our future - far more than particular government programs or policies.
-- William J. Bennett

The people "have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge-- I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers."
-- John Adams

Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
-- George Washington

The qualities of a great man are "vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.
-- Dwight Eisenhower

Character is the only secure foundation of the state.
-- Calvin Coolidge

Americanism is a question of principle, of purpose, of idealism, of character. It is not a matter of birthplace or creed or line of descent.
-- Teddy Roosevelt

Respect for character is always diminished in proportion to the number among whom the blame or praise is to be divided.
-- James Madison

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.: I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside me.
-- Abraham Lincoln

The best index to a person's character is (a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can't fight back.
-- Abigail Van Buren

A man's character is his fate.
-- Heraclitus

Character is that which reveals moral purpose, exposing the class of things a man chooses and avoids.
-- Aristotle

Character is an essential tendency. It can be covered up, it can be messed with, it can be screwed around with, but it can't be ultimately changed. It's the structure of our bones, the blood that runs through our veins.
-- Sam Shepard

Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing, and only character endures.
-- Horace Greeley​

Quite simply, yes, character and integrity matter more to me than does any specific political position. That this is so is nothing new. Indeed, character has been the thing that's been central to what we seek in our leaders since our nation was founded. Is Mrs. Clinton of sterling character? Probably not, but she's no self-avowed braggadocious man whose glib sexually predacious attitudes embolden other men and single handedly put at risk over one half of the American populace that is alive today and that will be born in years to come.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?

Not more important than the economy and national security but it is still a valid issue. Are you suggesting these story's be buried?

I am suggesting giving these stories the importance they're due. I don't see any threads about thousands pf refugees coming into this country without vetting as Clinton suggests, or bringing back jobs to the US or even a wall to deter illegals from running over a borders. I actually believe those are more importants that lewd acts from 3 decades ago.

All i hear the campaign pundits talking about is "media bias" and then they pivot to the personal insults of their opponent. It is quite comical. Look at Trump for example. He bitches about the bias media but all he talks about is how bad America is and how Corrupt Clinton is, fueling the fire of the mud slinging. They say they want to talk about the issues, but when it comes to the policy all he say's is "We are going to make America Great again" Believe me. Then goes right back to trashing Clinton and Obama. Never any details.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?

Not more important than the economy and national security but it is still a valid issue. Are you suggesting these story's be buried?

I am suggesting giving these stories the importance they're due. I don't see any threads about thousands pf refugees coming into this country without vetting as Clinton suggests, or bringing back jobs to the US or even a wall to deter illegals from running over a borders. I actually believe those are more importants that lewd acts from 3 decades ago.

All i hear the campaign pundits talking about is "media bias" and then they pivot to the personal insults of their opponent. It is quite comical. Look at Trump for example. He bitches about the bias media but all he talks about is how bad America is and how Corrupt Clinton is, fueling the fire of the mud slinging. They say they want to talk about the issues, but when it comes to the policy all he say's is "We are going to make America Great again" Believe me. Then goes right back to trashing Clinton and Obama. Never any details.

The details have been out for ages.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?

Not more important than the economy and national security but it is still a valid issue. Are you suggesting these story's be buried?

I am suggesting giving these stories the importance they're due. I don't see any threads about thousands pf refugees coming into this country without vetting as Clinton suggests, or bringing back jobs to the US or even a wall to deter illegals from running over a borders. I actually believe those are more importants that lewd acts from 3 decades ago.

All i hear the campaign pundits talking about is "media bias" and then they pivot to the personal insults of their opponent. It is quite comical. Look at Trump for example. He bitches about the bias media but all he talks about is how bad America is and how Corrupt Clinton is, fueling the fire of the mud slinging. They say they want to talk about the issues, but when it comes to the policy all he say's is "We are going to make America Great again" Believe me. Then goes right back to trashing Clinton and Obama. Never any details.

The details have been out for ages.

Assuming that is so, in all those ages, Donald Trump and his cabal of cuckoos has refused to read them.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

And that is more important than not allowing terrorists into our country? That is more important than getting jobs back into our country?

Not more important than the economy and national security but it is still a valid issue. Are you suggesting these story's be buried?

I am suggesting giving these stories the importance they're due. I don't see any threads about thousands pf refugees coming into this country without vetting as Clinton suggests, or bringing back jobs to the US or even a wall to deter illegals from running over a borders. I actually believe those are more importants that lewd acts from 3 decades ago.

All i hear the campaign pundits talking about is "media bias" and then they pivot to the personal insults of their opponent. It is quite comical. Look at Trump for example. He bitches about the bias media but all he talks about is how bad America is and how Corrupt Clinton is, fueling the fire of the mud slinging. They say they want to talk about the issues, but when it comes to the policy all he say's is "We are going to make America Great again" Believe me. Then goes right back to trashing Clinton and Obama. Never any details.

The details have been out for ages.

The candidates aren't talking about the details, thats the problem. I listen to many Trump and Clinton speech's, Neither talk details. Clinton is way better than Trump on policy details but she still barely scratches the surface. If the candidates spoke about the details then the media would talk more about it. Back when the general election started and the candidates rolled out their policies there were a few good speeches that focused on policy. That all seems to be lost.
In response to a question about Trump's entering the dressing room of Miss America contestants while they were in various states of undress, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager's response was, "There's no way for me to know what happened there....I wasn't involved....I don't know how you want me to comment on it with any type of credible voice." (KC's remarks begin at ~1:00, just after the former contestant's description of the event.)

Her response is essentially that because she wasn't there, she cannot remark about the incident with any credible voice. Well, duh! And yet that's not stopped her from commenting on the events that Bill Clinton's accusers have described. It's not stopped her from commenting on events offered by other women who've accused Trump. That's not stopped her from tacitly asking American voters to accept everything being said by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's accusers and reject everything said by Trump's accusers.

I don't have a problem with Mrs. Conway saying she wasn't there and therefore she doesn't know; however, if that's the position she's keen to take, then she needs to take it consistently, not take it re: Trump and reject it re: every other person accused of sexually assaulting women when she, Conway, wasn't present.

Additionally, I've noticed that some folks have likened Trump's situation to that of Bill Cosby. There's a very material difference between the circumstances pertaining to those two men. Both men have denied the accusations levied against them; however, for one of them, Trump, there is clear evidence that he boasted about actually performing the acts of which he boasted. The fact of the matter is that he boasted about being able to walk into ladies' dressing rooms while undressed women were in it and he knew they'd be there undressed. Trump boasted about his "star" status affording him the nihil obstat to grope women in their most private place and freely kiss them. We've proof of no similar gasconade from Mr. Cosby's very lips.​
End of sidebar.

Do not lose sight of what matters here. This issue isn't about what Trump said about women or to women. It's about how he's behaved toward women over the course of decades.

Welcome to partisan politics. You'll find the same phenomenon playing out among Hillary supporters, who are aghast, just horrified, at what Trump may or may not have said at some point in the past, but find nothing even remotely questionable about Hillary's actions while in office that impact everyone.

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