ACA exemption for "Domestic Violence" - does political abuse to control/intimidate taxpayers count


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
One of the hardship exemptions under ACA is Domestic Violence which doesn't require documentation,
but must apply to conditions between Jan 1, 2013 and Dec 31, 2015 to apply to tax year 2015, and
requires filling out a form with the Marketplace. (I looked up the form and it requires no documents for this provision on the checklist, but requires other personal information to be registered with the federal program.)

How to claim an exemption due to domestic violence
If you experienced domestic violence between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2015, you qualify for a health coverage exemption.

This means you don’t have to pay the fee for the months you were affected by domestic violence.

What you need to know about this exemption
  • This is considered a “hardship” that kept you from getting health coverage.

  • To qualify for this exemption during 2015, domestic violence must have occurred between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2015.

  • You’ll need to fill out a paper application and mail it in to the Marketplace.
  • You don’t need to provide any documentation to claim this exemption.

  • You can use one application to claim this exemption for anyone you’ll list on your same federal income tax return who qualifies.

  • If experiencing domestic violence didn’t keep you from getting health coverage for the entire year, you may be able to claim another hardship exemption that covers you for other months with the same application.
According to the Dept of Justice website,
domestic violence includes psychological and economic abuse:

Domestic Violence | OVW | Department of Justice

We define domestic violence as a
pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.
Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person.
This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.

Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, shoving, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair pulling, etc are types of physical abuse. This type of abuse also includes denying a partner medical care or forcing alcohol and/or drug use upon him or her.

Sexual Abuse: Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact or behavior without consent. Sexual abuse includes, but is certainly not limited to, marital rape, attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has occurred, or treating one in a sexually demeaning manner.

Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual's sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one's abilities, name-calling, or damaging one's relationship with his or her children.

Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include - but are not limited to - causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

Domestic violence can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. Domestic violence occurs in both opposite-sex and same-sex relationships and can happen to intimate partners who are married, living together, or dating.

Domestic violence not only affects those who are abused, but also has a substantial effect on family members, friends, co-workers, other witnesses, and the community at large. Children, who grow up witnessing domestic violence, are among those seriously affected by this crime. Frequent exposure to violence in the home not only predisposes children to numerous social and physical problems, but also teaches them that violence is a normal way of life - therefore, increasing their risk of becoming society's next generation of victims and abusers.

Sources: National Domestic Violence Hotline, National Center for Victims of Crime, and

(C) I was covered for most of last year 2015 under my company's plan before my job ended (I was advised that being insured for 10 of the 12 months is enough to avoid a fine, but I will look that up again, if it's 2 months that coverage can be skipped)

For this year 2016
I want to establish if the political act of imposing these mandates against the will, belief, consent, inclusion, representation and equal protection of citizens counts is a form of "Domestic Violence" by political abuse of federal authority to intimidate and control people to force them to comply with ACA health mandates, to withhold money, and undermining self-worth by denying their political beliefs the ACA violates.

This is systemic, has caused extreme stress, depression, PTSD, similar to legal abuse syndrome.
If this can possibly count, I would like to collect names of other people claiming this abuse as exemption.

Perhaps others are not as affected as I have been. I have been under undue stress, since my salary was needed to save an endangered historic community from destruction by the same pattern of political abuse.
The ADDED THREAT of being fined, of having to face yet another legal battle over defending rights from this level of political abuse by the Democratic Party, has caused me extreme stress, fear, intimidation -- on top of having to work two jobs to pay for the damage already done. This mandate added to that abuse, including the fear of losing my job that had allowed me to access insurance and avoid this conflict of beliefs and interest.

I spent several months at a time, going through periods of "political depression" that made it harder for me to work as needed to pay for the damages done to the historic district where I live by Democratic leadership.

The economic, psychological and coercive pressure has been abusive already, before this escalation.

I would say the federal govt has been instigating and sustaining a "pattern of psychological abuse and economic coercion" to control and intimidate taxpayers whose Constitutional beliefs and liberties are oppressed by this ACA mandate itself.

If this argument will count, I will ask the elected Precinct Chair of the Democratic Party in my district to sign an affidavit that I have been a victim of this level of abuse, and the Republican business leader in our district who might join me in such a complaint of chronic abuse by federal govt of political power to oppress and intimidate.

So the two partners in the abusive relationship are the federal govt and the people.

Anyone else feel like a government abuse victim? Besides me?
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

Did you even read that OP?

Hell that's not necessary. Any one that knows Obama is a global socialist liar has already suffered domestic violence from big daddy government according to their own definition. Pay attention kid.

Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual's sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one's abilities, name-calling, or damaging one's relationship with his or her children.

Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include - but are not limited to - causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

Here is an example of Domestic Violence. . . .
Emotional, Economic, and Psychological Abuse, right there for all to see. . .
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

Did you even read that OP?

I did. But would you read the data on guns and domestic violence if I presented them?
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

Did you even read that OP?

I did. But would you read the data on guns and domestic violence if I presented them?
Sure, but they would be irrelevant. We are talking about healthcare, not having a conversation about amending the Constitution.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

Did you even read that OP?

I did. But would you read the data on guns and domestic violence if I presented them?
Sure, but they would be irrelevant. We are talking about healthcare, not having a conversation about amending the Constitution.

You started a thread about domestic violence but you don't want to talk about one aspect of domestic violence. Typical.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

Did you even read that OP?

I did. But would you read the data on guns and domestic violence if I presented them?
Sure, but they would be irrelevant. We are talking about healthcare, not having a conversation about amending the Constitution.

You started a thread about domestic violence but you don't want to talk about one aspect of domestic violence. Typical.
I didn't start the thread, and you missed the point of the OP.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

Did you even read that OP?

I did. But would you read the data on guns and domestic violence if I presented them?
Sure, but they would be irrelevant. We are talking about healthcare, not having a conversation about amending the Constitution.

You started a thread about domestic violence but you don't want to talk about one aspect of domestic violence. Typical.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

No, Arianrhod.

A. first of all
I have plenty of documentation that money was withheld from me, and I have been forced into "involuntary servitude"
to use my own labor to pay costs for community nonprofits, for my roommates and neighbors rent, and community vehicle.
Instead of paying me back, such as at least half back each month when I lent the money by taking on the car loan, I was forced to pay
the entire cost myself. The men who promised they would pay back, lied, and do not have the money to pay.

They can all testify to the damaging stress this has put on me. There are videos of me screaming at city officials over this crisis.

I did not agree to pay for all the damages done to this community by govt abuses (which are well documented also),
but had no choice or we would lose the car the community depends on, the leases that are all
under my name keeping three men off the street, and I would lose my credit I need for other loans to other nonprofits.

Everyone who looks at how I was treated will vouch this is abuse of working women by men who don't work enough to cover their costs.
There are other women in the neighborhood doing all the work to save this historic district, and the men have abused them also.
I brought a counselor and lawyer in from Austin to interview the men, and he can testify their level of social development is
still in the stage of fearing and attacking women, not respecting them, and thus abusing our labor and money as if we owe it to them.

B. This all stems from govt abuse of public resources to gut this community knowing there is no money for legal defense.

The larger purpose is to point out the politically bullying is a form of domestic violence or "relationship abuse" on a collective public scale.

So if this does not count, then the NEXT step is
I would organize teams to LOBBY to expand the justice dept to address POLITICAL ABUSE AND LEGAL ABUSE
as an issue of victims denied equal protection of the laws and OWED RESTITUTION.
This is like letting incest go unchecked because the other kids depend on that parent and can't afford prosecution and jailing.

So Arianrhod to make this work
I either ask to use the Domestic Violence exemption for myself if this situation cannot be remedied,
which I will bring out at the same time - WHY ISN'T THIS BEING FIXED THE RIGHT WAY

And/or ASK to EXPAND exemptions to include victims of legal abuse, govt abuse, and political abuse under DV.

And set up an alternative program that will cover health care for people who are suffering from PTSD from abuse
and cannot fight legally to defend themselves from further coercion because that in itself triggers further anxiety and trauma.

There needs to be a safe healing and recovery program that people like me with PTSD from legal abuse
can participate in with NO COERCION. And the ACA mandates are so overregulated, threatening fines I can't afford, that it is traumatizing.

The groups I find most neglected and underserved needing the most help:
* mentally and criminally ill people with addictions and/or risks to public safety
* trafficking, rape and abuse victims in need of safe housing and support during recovery
* disabled elderly low-income veterans and victims of military rape, trauma, PTSD etc.
* homeless and historic preservation nonprofits that want to save centers or neighborhoods to serve communities
but need help to set up funding

If all the other people claiming prolonged distress, PTSD, depression, chronic rage, etc. from
legal or judicial abuse, political abuse, govt abuse, corporate abuse,
religious or cult abuse, conspiracy to violate civil rights, official oppression, etc.
would unite in creating an exemption for THIS level of "domestic abuse" or "relationship abuse"
as applied to whole institutions abusing members or taxpayers without equal defense,
then I would ask to use this to set up programs that will cover health care for those members working on recovery
and sustainable health care by solving our own problems.

I don't think I would be alone. But surrounded by many more people who need more help
than the govt was prepared to assist, and that's why these abuses have gone unchecked.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

Did you even read that OP?

Hell that's not necessary. Any one that knows Obama is a global socialist liar has already suffered domestic violence from big daddy government according to their own definition. Pay attention kid.

Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual's sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one's abilities, name-calling, or damaging one's relationship with his or her children.

Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include - but are not limited to - causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

Here is an example of Domestic Violence. . . .
Emotional, Economic, and Psychological Abuse, right there for all to see. . .

Thanks MisterBeale
Arianrhod reminds me that we are speaking with LITERALISTS
They are only going to talk about domestic violence in the most limited sense that everyone agrees it is meant to address LITERALLY

So Arianrhod warns me I would still need to publicly LOBBY and go through LEGAL LOOPS and politics
to formally CREATE or EXPAND the exemption to SPECIFICALLY name the category of legal and judicial abuse,
corporate religious and cult abuse, political and government abuse.

Remember we are addressing a whole population of LITERALISTS
who cannot see things like how "political beliefs count as religious beliefs or creeds."
To the LITERALIST mind those are different things LEGALISTICALLY.
In spirit, beliefs are beliefs, and should be respected for each person equally.

After butting heads with these LITERALISTS it is clear clarifying language has to be added IN WRITING and using the govt process (and/or asking Governors or President to add by executive orders) that CREEDS and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM includes POLITICAL BELIEFS that require CONSENSUS.

The other types of belief that are optional can just be separated from govt and chosen in private.
But for political beliefs, these inherently involve govt. If they cannot be separated from govt,
then they must be added in by CONSENSUS among people with other political beliefs, to treat them all the same. Either include all beliefs and treat them equally, or exclude them all from govt equally. But the govt cannot favor one belief over another or it's discrimination by creed, violation of First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment equal protections of the law for all persons.

Since LITERALISTS can't get that without it first being written into law where it is real,
then the same with taking "domestic violence" and expanding the exemption to SPECIFY "political and legal abuse."

Thank you MisterBeale
I'm glad others here get the SPIRIT of the argument.

It will take a legal team to work through the logistics to make that real for everyone else.
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IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

No, Arianrhod.

A. first of all
I have plenty of documentation that money was withheld from me, and I have been forced into "involuntary servitude"
to use my own labor to pay costs for community nonprofits, for my roommates and neighbors rent, and community vehicle.
Instead of paying me back, such as at least half back each month when I lent the money by taking on the car loan, I was forced to pay
the entire cost myself. The men who promised they would pay back, lied, and do not have the money to pay.

They can all testify to the damaging stress this has put on me. There are videos of me screaming at city officials over this crisis.

I did not agree to pay for all the damages done to this community by govt abuses (which are well documented also),
but had no choice or we would lose the car the community depends on, the leases that are all
under my name keeping three men off the street, and I would lose my credit I need for other loans to other nonprofits.

Everyone who looks at how I was treated will vouch this is abuse of working women by men who don't work enough to cover their costs.
There are other women in the neighborhood doing all the work to save this historic district, and the men have abused them also.
I brought a counselor and lawyer in from Austin to interview the men, and he can testify their level of social development is
still in the stage of fearing and attacking women, not respecting them, and thus abusing our labor and money as if we owe it to them.

B. This all stems from govt abuse of public resources to gut this community knowing there is no money for legal defense.

The larger purpose is to point out the politically bullying is a form of domestic violence or "relationship abuse" on a collective public scale.

So if this does not count, then the NEXT step is
I would organize teams to LOBBY to expand the justice dept to address POLITICAL ABUSE AND LEGAL ABUSE
as an issue of victims denied equal protection of the laws and OWED RESTITUTION.
This is like letting incest go unchecked because the other kids depend on that parent and can't afford prosecution and jailing.

So Arianrhod to make this work
I either ask to use the Domestic Violence exemption for myself if this situation cannot be remedied,
which I will bring out at the same time - WHY ISN'T THIS BEING FIXED THE RIGHT WAY

And/or ASK to EXPAND exemptions to include victims of legal abuse, govt abuse, and political abuse under DV.

And set up an alternative program that will cover health care for people who are suffering from PTSD from abuse
and cannot fight legally to defend themselves from further coercion because that in itself triggers further anxiety and trauma.

There needs to be a safe healing and recovery program that people like me with PTSD from legal abuse
can participate in with NO COERCION. And the ACA mandates are so overregulated, threatening fines I can't afford, that it is traumatizing.

The groups I find most neglected and underserved needing the most help:
* mentally and criminally ill people with addictions and/or risks to public safety
* trafficking, rape and abuse victims in need of safe housing and support during recovery
* disabled elderly low-income veterans and victims of military rape, trauma, PTSD etc.
* homeless and historic preservation nonprofits that want to save centers or neighborhoods to serve communities
but need help to set up funding

If all the other people claiming prolonged distress, PTSD, depression, chronic rage, etc. from
legal or judicial abuse, political abuse, govt abuse, corporate abuse,
religious or cult abuse, conspiracy to violate civil rights, official oppression, etc.
would unite in creating an exemption for THIS level of "domestic abuse" or "relationship abuse"
as applied to whole institutions abusing members or taxpayers without equal defense,
then I would ask to use this to set up programs that will cover health care for those members working on recovery
and sustainable health care by solving our own problems.

I don't think I would be alone. But surrounded by many more people who need more help
than the govt was prepared to assist, and that's why these abuses have gone unchecked.

Ah, so this thread is in the wrong forum. Got it.

Dear Arianrhod
Expecting restraining orders to keep guns from dangerous people with violent history
is not enough. I just read story after story about people still dying where this fails.

There is no substitute for finding and healing the root cause of the sickness causing the abuse and violence.
Fortunately there are many successful nonprofits with long record of effective healing and recovery ,
even transforming former criminals into volunteers to share these programs to help more people in advance, to prevent abuse and crime.

We need both approaches, of policing people at risk
and also containing the threats in safe environments while people receive help.
If the oppressors feel challenged or threatened, that tends to set them off worse.

The successful healing environments I have seen work embrace and include the person in trouble,
and reduce the fears causing them to reject and attack.

We would need to have both options available, and work together, like good cop bad cop.
So if people need the bigger bully approach to stand down, we can pull that card.
When we need to work with the bigger circle of influence around the person,
or to heal them from the inside out, we can set up safe means for doing that.

Once we have more people on the same page with enforcing laws consistently,
and respecting relationship instead of cutting them off or abusing them for coercion,
then these other issues such as gun safety and responsibility will be much easier to address.

We get on the same side first, then we can work out anything else.
This is very important to address "relationship abuse" first, or else
you are right, if guns are added to that, it just escalates until someone dies.

We need to have earlier intervention and stop "relationship abuse" at the first sign
of bullying, coercion and manipulation/intimidation. And certainly, we can't condone
such practices in politics and then try to tell people that bullying is wrong!

The whole approach to conflict will need to change if we are going to teach consistent standards.
Thanks Arianrhod for bringing this up.

I find similar rights at stake with both armed right to defense using guns
and equal legal resources as a right to defense using the legal system.
Instead of coercion, we need correction that resolves conflicts.

I would like to follow up with you to solve ALL areas of politics affected by bullying by exclusion and coercion.
If there are other key issues you focus on, let me know. I'd love to promote working models that are sustainable,
and get away from the bashing paradigm that distracts from longterm solutions.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

No, Arianrhod.

A. first of all
I have plenty of documentation that money was withheld from me, and I have been forced into "involuntary servitude"
to use my own labor to pay costs for community nonprofits, for my roommates and neighbors rent, and community vehicle.
Instead of paying me back, such as at least half back each month when I lent the money by taking on the car loan, I was forced to pay
the entire cost myself. The men who promised they would pay back, lied, and do not have the money to pay.

They can all testify to the damaging stress this has put on me. There are videos of me screaming at city officials over this crisis.

I did not agree to pay for all the damages done to this community by govt abuses (which are well documented also),
but had no choice or we would lose the car the community depends on, the leases that are all
under my name keeping three men off the street, and I would lose my credit I need for other loans to other nonprofits.

Everyone who looks at how I was treated will vouch this is abuse of working women by men who don't work enough to cover their costs.
There are other women in the neighborhood doing all the work to save this historic district, and the men have abused them also.
I brought a counselor and lawyer in from Austin to interview the men, and he can testify their level of social development is
still in the stage of fearing and attacking women, not respecting them, and thus abusing our labor and money as if we owe it to them.

B. This all stems from govt abuse of public resources to gut this community knowing there is no money for legal defense.

The larger purpose is to point out the politically bullying is a form of domestic violence or "relationship abuse" on a collective public scale.

So if this does not count, then the NEXT step is
I would organize teams to LOBBY to expand the justice dept to address POLITICAL ABUSE AND LEGAL ABUSE
as an issue of victims denied equal protection of the laws and OWED RESTITUTION.
This is like letting incest go unchecked because the other kids depend on that parent and can't afford prosecution and jailing.

So Arianrhod to make this work
I either ask to use the Domestic Violence exemption for myself if this situation cannot be remedied,
which I will bring out at the same time - WHY ISN'T THIS BEING FIXED THE RIGHT WAY

And/or ASK to EXPAND exemptions to include victims of legal abuse, govt abuse, and political abuse under DV.

And set up an alternative program that will cover health care for people who are suffering from PTSD from abuse
and cannot fight legally to defend themselves from further coercion because that in itself triggers further anxiety and trauma.

There needs to be a safe healing and recovery program that people like me with PTSD from legal abuse
can participate in with NO COERCION. And the ACA mandates are so overregulated, threatening fines I can't afford, that it is traumatizing.

The groups I find most neglected and underserved needing the most help:
* mentally and criminally ill people with addictions and/or risks to public safety
* trafficking, rape and abuse victims in need of safe housing and support during recovery
* disabled elderly low-income veterans and victims of military rape, trauma, PTSD etc.
* homeless and historic preservation nonprofits that want to save centers or neighborhoods to serve communities
but need help to set up funding

If all the other people claiming prolonged distress, PTSD, depression, chronic rage, etc. from
legal or judicial abuse, political abuse, govt abuse, corporate abuse,
religious or cult abuse, conspiracy to violate civil rights, official oppression, etc.
would unite in creating an exemption for THIS level of "domestic abuse" or "relationship abuse"
as applied to whole institutions abusing members or taxpayers without equal defense,
then I would ask to use this to set up programs that will cover health care for those members working on recovery
and sustainable health care by solving our own problems.

I don't think I would be alone. But surrounded by many more people who need more help
than the govt was prepared to assist, and that's why these abuses have gone unchecked.

Ah, so this thread is in the wrong forum. Got it.

Arianrhod well, addressing DV in terms of "issues with gun violence and safety" added a whole other topic to it.

The DV exemption IS an option under "Obamacare" that doesn't require documents to prove it.
So that is directly about ACA.

The question, and I think you answered it,
is does the DV exemption include abusive relations with govt causing trauma and withholding of money?

Or does the CURRENT DV exemption only apply to personal relations between individuals.

So then the NEXT step, Arianrhod, is to consult with lawyers and govt representatives and either
A. expand and agree to use the DV exemption to apply to broader collective abuse cases
B. ADD an exemption or alternative where such cases are exempt, where I ALSO suggest
C. the people and groups affected by abuses commit to set up alternative health care programs that are so NONCOERCIVE that even PTSD clients can participate freely with no fear of being oppressed, controlled, forced to pay for terms not agreed upon in advance, fined or penalized, etc. Instead of just exempting only, why not create an alternative that would work for abuse victims?

What your responses tell me is if people are THAT LITERAL about laws, and what the wording means, then it will take a legal team to add language or options to the exemption for legal and political abuse victims.

Just advertising this issue would raise awareness of how economic and psychological abuse is part of domestic violence. So how can liberals be against domestic violence if politicians abuse bullying every day to intimidate and tear down people and relationships. Sounds abusive to me.
It should raise awareness just to bring this issue up and ask for help for other areas of abuse related to the signs and causes of domestic violence.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

No, Arianrhod.

A. first of all
I have plenty of documentation that money was withheld from me, and I have been forced into "involuntary servitude"
to use my own labor to pay costs for community nonprofits, for my roommates and neighbors rent, and community vehicle.
Instead of paying me back, such as at least half back each month when I lent the money by taking on the car loan, I was forced to pay
the entire cost myself. The men who promised they would pay back, lied, and do not have the money to pay.

They can all testify to the damaging stress this has put on me. There are videos of me screaming at city officials over this crisis.

I did not agree to pay for all the damages done to this community by govt abuses (which are well documented also),
but had no choice or we would lose the car the community depends on, the leases that are all
under my name keeping three men off the street, and I would lose my credit I need for other loans to other nonprofits.

Everyone who looks at how I was treated will vouch this is abuse of working women by men who don't work enough to cover their costs.
There are other women in the neighborhood doing all the work to save this historic district, and the men have abused them also.
I brought a counselor and lawyer in from Austin to interview the men, and he can testify their level of social development is
still in the stage of fearing and attacking women, not respecting them, and thus abusing our labor and money as if we owe it to them.

B. This all stems from govt abuse of public resources to gut this community knowing there is no money for legal defense.

The larger purpose is to point out the politically bullying is a form of domestic violence or "relationship abuse" on a collective public scale.

So if this does not count, then the NEXT step is
I would organize teams to LOBBY to expand the justice dept to address POLITICAL ABUSE AND LEGAL ABUSE
as an issue of victims denied equal protection of the laws and OWED RESTITUTION.
This is like letting incest go unchecked because the other kids depend on that parent and can't afford prosecution and jailing.

So Arianrhod to make this work
I either ask to use the Domestic Violence exemption for myself if this situation cannot be remedied,
which I will bring out at the same time - WHY ISN'T THIS BEING FIXED THE RIGHT WAY

And/or ASK to EXPAND exemptions to include victims of legal abuse, govt abuse, and political abuse under DV.

And set up an alternative program that will cover health care for people who are suffering from PTSD from abuse
and cannot fight legally to defend themselves from further coercion because that in itself triggers further anxiety and trauma.

There needs to be a safe healing and recovery program that people like me with PTSD from legal abuse
can participate in with NO COERCION. And the ACA mandates are so overregulated, threatening fines I can't afford, that it is traumatizing.

The groups I find most neglected and underserved needing the most help:
* mentally and criminally ill people with addictions and/or risks to public safety
* trafficking, rape and abuse victims in need of safe housing and support during recovery
* disabled elderly low-income veterans and victims of military rape, trauma, PTSD etc.
* homeless and historic preservation nonprofits that want to save centers or neighborhoods to serve communities
but need help to set up funding

If all the other people claiming prolonged distress, PTSD, depression, chronic rage, etc. from
legal or judicial abuse, political abuse, govt abuse, corporate abuse,
religious or cult abuse, conspiracy to violate civil rights, official oppression, etc.
would unite in creating an exemption for THIS level of "domestic abuse" or "relationship abuse"
as applied to whole institutions abusing members or taxpayers without equal defense,
then I would ask to use this to set up programs that will cover health care for those members working on recovery
and sustainable health care by solving our own problems.

I don't think I would be alone. But surrounded by many more people who need more help
than the govt was prepared to assist, and that's why these abuses have gone unchecked.

Ah, so this thread is in the wrong forum. Got it.
What forum would YOU put it under?

Dear Arianrhod
Expecting restraining orders to keep guns from dangerous people with violent history
is not enough. I just read story after story about people still dying where this fails.

There is no substitute for finding and healing the root cause of the sickness causing the abuse and violence.
Fortunately there are many successful nonprofits with long record of effective healing and recovery ,
even transforming former criminals into volunteers to share these programs to help more people in advance, to prevent abuse and crime.

We need both approaches, of policing people at risk
and also containing the threats in safe environments while people receive help.
If the oppressors feel challenged or threatened, that tends to set them off worse.

The successful healing environments I have seen work embrace and include the person in trouble,
and reduce the fears causing them to reject and attack.

We would need to have both options available, and work together, like good cop bad cop.
So if people need the bigger bully approach to stand down, we can pull that card.
When we need to work with the bigger circle of influence around the person,
or to heal them from the inside out, we can set up safe means for doing that.

Once we have more people on the same page with enforcing laws consistently,
and respecting relationship instead of cutting them off or abusing them for coercion,
then these other issues such as gun safety and responsibility will be much easier to address.

We get on the same side first, then we can work out anything else.
This is very important to address "relationship abuse" first, or else
you are right, if guns are added to that, it just escalates until someone dies.

We need to have earlier intervention and stop "relationship abuse" at the first sign
of bullying, coercion and manipulation/intimidation. And certainly, we can't condone
such practices in politics and then try to tell people that bullying is wrong!

The whole approach to conflict will need to change if we are going to teach consistent standards.
Thanks Arianrhod for bringing this up.

I find similar rights at stake with both armed right to defense using guns
and equal legal resources as a right to defense using the legal system.
Instead of coercion, we need correction that resolves conflicts.

I would like to follow up with you to solve ALL areas of politics affected by bullying by exclusion and coercion.
If there are other key issues you focus on, let me know. I'd love to promote working models that are sustainable,
and get away from the bashing paradigm that distracts from longterm solutions.

I agree.
IOW, the Federal Government and Obamacare can be the source of ones Domestic violence thus exempting one from participation from self same program.


I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, I interpret this to mean that people like you will try to game the system by having a friend punch them in the face, then take a selfie showing the damage so they can claim a domestic violence exemption.

No, Arianrhod.

A. first of all
I have plenty of documentation that money was withheld from me, and I have been forced into "involuntary servitude"
to use my own labor to pay costs for community nonprofits, for my roommates and neighbors rent, and community vehicle.
Instead of paying me back, such as at least half back each month when I lent the money by taking on the car loan, I was forced to pay
the entire cost myself. The men who promised they would pay back, lied, and do not have the money to pay.

They can all testify to the damaging stress this has put on me. There are videos of me screaming at city officials over this crisis.

I did not agree to pay for all the damages done to this community by govt abuses (which are well documented also),
but had no choice or we would lose the car the community depends on, the leases that are all
under my name keeping three men off the street, and I would lose my credit I need for other loans to other nonprofits.

Everyone who looks at how I was treated will vouch this is abuse of working women by men who don't work enough to cover their costs.
There are other women in the neighborhood doing all the work to save this historic district, and the men have abused them also.
I brought a counselor and lawyer in from Austin to interview the men, and he can testify their level of social development is
still in the stage of fearing and attacking women, not respecting them, and thus abusing our labor and money as if we owe it to them.

B. This all stems from govt abuse of public resources to gut this community knowing there is no money for legal defense.

The larger purpose is to point out the politically bullying is a form of domestic violence or "relationship abuse" on a collective public scale.

So if this does not count, then the NEXT step is
I would organize teams to LOBBY to expand the justice dept to address POLITICAL ABUSE AND LEGAL ABUSE
as an issue of victims denied equal protection of the laws and OWED RESTITUTION.
This is like letting incest go unchecked because the other kids depend on that parent and can't afford prosecution and jailing.

So Arianrhod to make this work
I either ask to use the Domestic Violence exemption for myself if this situation cannot be remedied,
which I will bring out at the same time - WHY ISN'T THIS BEING FIXED THE RIGHT WAY

And/or ASK to EXPAND exemptions to include victims of legal abuse, govt abuse, and political abuse under DV.

And set up an alternative program that will cover health care for people who are suffering from PTSD from abuse
and cannot fight legally to defend themselves from further coercion because that in itself triggers further anxiety and trauma.

There needs to be a safe healing and recovery program that people like me with PTSD from legal abuse
can participate in with NO COERCION. And the ACA mandates are so overregulated, threatening fines I can't afford, that it is traumatizing.

The groups I find most neglected and underserved needing the most help:
* mentally and criminally ill people with addictions and/or risks to public safety
* trafficking, rape and abuse victims in need of safe housing and support during recovery
* disabled elderly low-income veterans and victims of military rape, trauma, PTSD etc.
* homeless and historic preservation nonprofits that want to save centers or neighborhoods to serve communities
but need help to set up funding

If all the other people claiming prolonged distress, PTSD, depression, chronic rage, etc. from
legal or judicial abuse, political abuse, govt abuse, corporate abuse,
religious or cult abuse, conspiracy to violate civil rights, official oppression, etc.
would unite in creating an exemption for THIS level of "domestic abuse" or "relationship abuse"
as applied to whole institutions abusing members or taxpayers without equal defense,
then I would ask to use this to set up programs that will cover health care for those members working on recovery
and sustainable health care by solving our own problems.

I don't think I would be alone. But surrounded by many more people who need more help
than the govt was prepared to assist, and that's why these abuses have gone unchecked.

Ah, so this thread is in the wrong forum. Got it.
What forum would YOU put it under?

Dear MisterBeale
I think this branched off into multiple topics which all relate to political bullying
* the gun issue might go under the Constitution or a subsection for 2nd Amendment
* the domestic violence issue if you are focusing on addressing it per se would
either go under health and lifestyle if the focus is on "relationships" and how do people solve their issues,
or under law and justice if the issue is the govt laws on dealing with it and what works or doesn't,
* but DV as an ACA exemption would be under the Obamacare or health care section

Now what we might need, possibly under the Constitution section, or under law and justice:
what if the DOJ expands on this anti-abuse anti-bullying issue to recognize
that the LEGAL system and the POLITICAL PARTY system are abused to violate civil rights.
the abuses of legal, judicial, political party, media for political/legal gain
the abuses of religious, cult, media, schools, for personal bullying and control

These could launch more mediation and conflict resolution services embedded through
the justice dept or somehow linked with these institutions to protect equal civil rights.

It has been proposed to create a PEACE dept as a cabinet level position.
what I counterproposed is to expand the existing Justice Dept to a Dept of Peace and Justice
and make sure there are accessible venues for mediating conflicts.

So the "political conflicts of interest" that cause bullying and violation of civil rights
could be addressed (instead of current legal definitions that require defining narrow
FINANCIAL conflicts of interest proving a direct FINANCIAL relationship).

That might go under Constitution or Law and Justice.

I think that issue might solve the root divisions, and make it easier to address
ALL the other Constitutional issues if we create a safer context to begin with.
If there is proper mediation and inclusion, and not fear of exclusion coercion bullying etc,
these conversations and consensus process might go smoother instead of the bashing
going on and defensiveness.

I'd like to set up safe venues where people feel assured their grievances and objections
are going to be included and resolved satisfactorily so there is no need to outyell or outbully the others.

JakeStarkey seemed concerned how this would or would not fit in with the given Constitutional processes.
I think it would serve as additional assistance to mediate conflicts in advance, BEFORE
the point of legislation, elections, rulings, confrontation with courts or police, etc.

So maybe it is a Constitutional question, how to provide conflict resolution services
to reduce bullying in both local "domestic relations" between individuals,
and collective relations between people and parties, govt, states, cities, corporations including religious or media.

What I thought of doing is offering to set up an informal network, between media groups and political parties that are not under the Constitution themselves so this would also be independent, and organize through online networks and radio. And organize these areas to be addressed:

1. First Officer and teams - in charge of addressing media biases and conflicts in how information is presented to the public. any complaints of misinformation, propaganda, biases would go to the teams to try to resolve among the sides or parties presenting different viewpoints and opposing how the others are presenting it
The teams would pick First Officers to take their findings and position papers, to the appropriate sources, and let the White House or Media/Press know which points are agreed on, which are not, and to respect both. Because bullying in the national media tends to trickle up from unresolved issues in all the other areas, the First Officer and teams would end up troubleshooting and working with all the other teams on root causes.

2. Second Officer and teams - in charge of facilitating and mediating between political parties on key divisive issues, and report back to the VP/Senate on what points or principles the parties agree on or disagree on,
asking federal officials to respect both. Judicial issues would be handled through the Senate Judiciary committee, etc. this is just consulting on solutions, then presenting agreed proposals to the proper venues.
3. Third Officer and teams - in charge of facilitating grievances and conflict resolution to address complaints against corporations, religious groups and leaders, in order to hash out issues and seek common solutions.
For environmental issues I would recommend the Green party help facilitate the research on damages and corrections. for union and workers issues, maybe the worker and socialist parties can help represent issues.
but the process is not limited to parties, it would just use them as a shortcut to organize people collectively.
As much of the solutions as possible would be shifted back to the people or the states to handle locally.
So I would say these teams should work on a level similar to the Secretary of State, but state to state.

4. Fourth Officer and teams - Financial and Treasury/federal reserve/debt issues. This team and Officers would be in charge of researching, negotiating and managing cases of restitution and reimbursement to taxpayers of fraud, unauthorized or unconstitutional spending waste or abuse of tax money, illicit profits and conflicts of interest owed to the public, treating debts as loans, and possibly negotiating the holding of property and programs as collateral until either the wrongdoers pay back debts owed, or for the taxpayers to claim ownership or shares who bail out the debts. RICO is currently used to claim property as restitution previously abused for organized crime. This team would resolve complaints of govt abuses owed to taxpayers.
If the money to pay back debts is not there, either credits or notes can be managed through a system similar to the Federal Reserve, or collateral can be used to keep the settlement process managed locally.
So this team would work alongside the Treasury and Federal Reserve; I would probably recommend the Greens system of independent currency and labor pools, and the Libertarians on ideas for reforming the Fed and cleaning up the financial redistribution of taxes to foreign aid that needs to be treated as loans to pay back debts to China and other sources. The payback can be done by bartering out labor for developing sustainable infrastructure, schools and medical facilities, etc. in the countries where debts are owed, to pay them off.

5. Fifth Officer and teams - For issues and responsibilities shifting from federal govt back to City, States and local groups, governed by the same Constitutional standards and enforcements expected of federal govt, these would be facilitated by these teams and their officers, working by locale. This group would probably end up working with local police, teachers, schools and facilities/programs per city or state that already exist, to expand to take back responsibility instead of overloading it on higher levels of govt. Local ordinances can be set up to manage contested sensitive issues involving health and safety instead of federal intrusion and overreaching from the top; taxpayers and businesses at the bottom could receive breaks on property or income taxes for investing directly into cost saving programs instead of paying taxes to federal govt to do it.

For issues like prison and health care reforms, involving both resources from restitution paid back to the public, and working with schools, and possible VA and veteran groups, that reform would take a combination of teams.

These teams would not replace anything in govt. Like the media and political parties, they remain outside just to organize people by issues, solutions, and locale. The point is to have structures to help facilitate and work out the conflicts as much as possible in advance. Then have consultants with each team take the solutions and findings to the appropriate govt agencies or depts in charge to follow the existing procedures and protocol.

What might change is expanding
* the justice dept to offer more structured assistance and access to facilitation to communicate with govt.
Again the idea of expanding to a "peace and justice" approach with an emphasis on mediation and consensus that recognizes and respects conflicting beliefs as equally protected by law, instead of competing by bullying
* state and party systems to create an organized network for resolving Constitutional grievances and creating agreed solutions BEFORE going to courts with civil/criminal complaints or going through other legislative/govt processes with those problems already solved. this may involve creating a third level of law on the state level, outside the formal civil and criminal levels, for addressing abuses that are a risk to "health and safety"
but only require counseling and mediation to resolve.
Sigh. Emily, I hope you are getting paid a living wage for what you are doing.
Sigh. Emily, I hope you are getting paid a living wage for what you are doing.

I have been volunteering trying to resolve these type of conflicts that are killing my community at the cost of national history.

If I could create a paid job consulting with my Congresswoman's and Councilwoman's offices, to address political bullying and abuse of women by men in our district, the money owed for restitution could pay for the restoration work, and maybe save the history that is left.

A high price to pay for hard lessons learned, but it makes the history that much more valuable, especially if it can help relieve the suffering of others nationwide going through similar battles on all levels of govt.

These problems are not sustainable, we are losing national history for lack of resources, while wasting millions if not billions fighting to blame other groups instead of working together on agreed solutions.

JakeStarkey I can write up my proposed ideas and shop them around. The right ideas will strike a chord with someone and lead to solutions. I will continue helping facilitate that team process, and whatever job I need to support this work will come out of that mix. If it's a nonprofit, a business, a school or govt job, whatever.

But the work to organize cost effective solutions needs to get done, or all our sectors and institutions will suffer for lack of funds wasted on problems. Nobody I know can afford this. We need to start investing in solutions we can afford to develop, eventually pay back all debts, right the wrongs, and stop the cycle of waste and abuse.

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