Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Time for normal folks to face it: for Democrat voters, not education, nor experience, have any bearing on their beliefs.
The Left tells 'em what to believe, and they don't dare question or even test the reality of those ideas.

They just vote Democrat.

'Cause they're really, really good at following orders.
Thinking? Not so much.

1. "Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Healthcare should be ‘free’

The idea that everyone is entitled to get treated for ‘free’ when they are sick sounds great, at least on the surface. Everybody gets sick, right? So why should anyone have to pay for good healthcare? The obvious problem is, if someone isn’t paying for it, that means someone has to be forced to provide that “free” healthcare for, well, free.

Democrats will say that’s not their argument, that a taxpayer-funded program like Medicare-For-All would fix everything. Except, when you introduce socialism into the equation you’re bound to get things like insane tax rates (because again, nothing is really ‘free’), deadly inefficiencies (because government) and absurd price and wage controls that stifle innovation and drive anyone and everyone with a lick of smarts who don’t want to work for less than they are worth out of the industry.

See Canada and virtually everywhere else socialized medicine is practiced.

Which means that eventually, if you want to have people to provide all that “free” healthcare, you’re going to have to force them. Did we abolish slavery over a century and a half ago?"

Five Completely Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

“If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.”

― P.J. O'Rourke
The right wing is literally, incredible about socialism when they whine about taxes but refuse to abolish our useless and exorbitantly expensive and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

Republicans help the middle class in exactly the same way they help the farmers.
Another NorthKoreaChic thread on how great she is. Get help.
PC. With the best and the brightest Ds being Biden, Sanders and Warren I would say you are beating the bones of a long dead horse

2. "Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Everyone should make all the money

Who doesn’t want to make more money? What if you could vote for your pay raise? Push a button for the person with a D beside their name, and watch that cash start rolling in. Yes, Bernie started it. But now, everyone with a D beside their name thinks it’s a good idea to force employers to pay $15 an hour and up, no matter what work their employees perform. Because nevermind economic laws like supply and demand, everyone should make all the money! And while not even Bernie Sanders wants to live to his lofty wage standards when it comes to paying his own campaign workers, that doesn’t stop him and all the other Democratic candidates from promising the world to lower-skilled workers, at someone else’s expense.

...why not make the minimum wage $25 per hour? How about $100 per hour? Hell, why not go for broke and make everyone multi-billionaires. Then, everyone can live in giant mansions with their sportscar of choice parked in their beautiful, long, concrete driveways. Sure, it’ll probably take a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread or pay someone to do a simple home repair, but hyperinflation is a small price to pay for ‘equality,’ right?"
Five Completely Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

....walter e. williams
  1. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the worker’s output worth the higher wage.
  2. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

"Higher labor costs force employers to find other margins to adjust.

Cutting hours is one approach, including opportunities for lucrative overtime work. After Seattle raised its minimum wage from just under $10 per hour in 2014 to $13 per hour in 2016, reductions in hours worked were much more striking than the reduction in the job count, as shown in research by the Seattle Minimum Wage Project."
The Wrong Tool for the Job
Notice that two democratic professors turned politicians want to bankrupt healthcare providers but their plans do not do a thing to even constrain professor salaries or education costs.
3. "Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Reparations will solve racial income disparity

This sounds good, to some, because too many white people have been brainwashed into feeling “guilty” for the sins of their ancestors. This twisted version of “everyone should make all the money” defines “everyone” as certain, ...anyone who shares the skin color of those who may or may not have been descended from slaves 160 plus years ago.

Because they think it’ll get them votes and keep them out of race-baiter Al Sharpton’s doghouse, virtually every Democratic candidate has embraced the idea of at least studying the issue further.

But, if billions of dollars spent on welfare, education, and social services over the past several decades haven’t managed to even the racial income gap, does anyone with a sane mind truly think another cash handout will?

Whatever happened to good old-fashioned capitalism and equality of opportunity? Those are the things that help the most minorities rise out of poverty, yet they are suddenly dismissed because of some pie-in-the-sky perception of what economic results SHOULD be.

If implemented, slavery reparations will be about as successful as the welfare state has been, except the added controversial racial component will further damage race relations over the long haul."

Five Completely Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

But wait!
There's more!!!

"Cory Booker Calls For Reparations FOR DRUG DEALERS!"

Time for normal folks to face it: for Democrat voters, not education, nor experience, have any bearing on their beliefs.
The Left tells 'em what to believe, and they don't dare question or even test the reality of those ideas.

They just vote Democrat.

'Cause they're really, really good at following orders.
Thinking? Not so much.

1. "Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Healthcare should be ‘free’

The idea that everyone is entitled to get treated for ‘free’ when they are sick sounds great, at least on the surface. Everybody gets sick, right? So why should anyone have to pay for good healthcare? The obvious problem is, if someone isn’t paying for it, that means someone has to be forced to provide that “free” healthcare for, well, free.

Democrats will say that’s not their argument, that a taxpayer-funded program like Medicare-For-All would fix everything. Except, when you introduce socialism into the equation you’re bound to get things like insane tax rates (because again, nothing is really ‘free’), deadly inefficiencies (because government) and absurd price and wage controls that stifle innovation and drive anyone and everyone with a lick of smarts who don’t want to work for less than they are worth out of the industry.

See Canada and virtually everywhere else socialized medicine is practiced.

Which means that eventually, if you want to have people to provide all that “free” healthcare, you’re going to have to force them. Did we abolish slavery over a century and a half ago?"

Five Completely Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

“If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.”

― P.J. O'Rourke
Another case of PC ideology overriding reality.

Those Canadians are so stupid they actually like their system:

Canadians strongly support the health system's public rather than for-profit private basis, and a 2009 poll by Nanos Research found 86.2% of Canadians surveyed supported or strongly supported "public solutions to make our public health care stronger."[33][34] A Strategic Counsel survey found 91% of Canadians prefer their healthcare system instead of a U.S. style system.[35][36]

A 2009 Harris-Decima poll found 82% of Canadians preferred their healthcare system to the one in the United States.[37]

A 2003 Gallup poll found 25% of Americans are either "very" or "somewhat" satisfied with "the availability of affordable healthcare in the nation", versus 50% of those in the UK and 57% of Canadians. Those "very dissatisfied" made up 44% of Americans, 25% of respondents of Britons, and 17% of Canadians. Regarding quality, 48% of Americans, 52% of Canadians, and 42% of Britons say they are satisfied.[38]
4."Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Laws will solve the “gender pay gap”

“Equal pay!” they shout as if U.S. companies actually make a habit of paying women less than men doing the exact same work, with the exact same qualifications, at the exact same performance level for the exact same amount of time. This is, of course, ludicrous on its face.

There is no such thing as a “gender pay gap.” It is a myth, a fantasy borne out of the twisted minds of warped social justice engineers...

...Democrats think they can somehow legislate this mythical “gender pay gap” out of existence. How exactly would that work, Senator Gillibrand? Do you mandate that a newly hired female earn as much as a male who has been on the job, say, 20 years? Do you mandate that teachers make as much as engineers? Do you equalize the pay between, say, nurses and doctors? Do you force more women to become doctors or vice versa? And what sort of god-awful government bureaucracy do you invent and impose on American businesses to sort all this out?

If any sort of “gender pay gap” existed, the free market would sort it out really quick. For example, there is currently a shortage of qualified workers in many key fields. If the “gender pay gap” were true, companies would be falling over themselves trying to find and hire the women currently working somewhere else for less than they are worth. It’s not rocket science, just basic economics … but still sadly beyond the intellectual grasp of most liberals."
Five Completely Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Time for normal folks to face it: for Democrat voters, not education, nor experience, have any bearing on their beliefs.
The Left tells 'em what to believe, and they don't dare question or even test the reality of those ideas.

They just vote Democrat.

'Cause they're really, really good at following orders.
Thinking? Not so much.

Here's proof:
Equal pay for men and women has been the law since 1963.

Democrats are still lying about it, and Democrat voters....well, you know.
4."Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Laws will solve the “gender pay gap”

“Equal pay!” they shout as if U.S. companies actually make a habit of paying women less than men doing the exact same work, with the exact same qualifications, at the exact same performance level for the exact same amount of time. This is, of course, ludicrous on its face.

There is no such thing as a “gender pay gap.” It is a myth, a fantasy borne out of the twisted minds of warped social justice engineers...

...Democrats think they can somehow legislate this mythical “gender pay gap” out of existence. How exactly would that work, Senator Gillibrand? Do you mandate that a newly hired female earn as much as a male who has been on the job, say, 20 years? Do you mandate that teachers make as much as engineers? Do you equalize the pay between, say, nurses and doctors? Do you force more women to become doctors or vice versa? And what sort of god-awful government bureaucracy do you invent and impose on American businesses to sort all this out?

If any sort of “gender pay gap” existed, the free market would sort it out really quick. For example, there is currently a shortage of qualified workers in many key fields. If the “gender pay gap” were true, companies would be falling over themselves trying to find and hire the women currently working somewhere else for less than they are worth. It’s not rocket science, just basic economics … but still sadly beyond the intellectual grasp of most liberals."
Five Completely Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats

Time for normal folks to face it: for Democrat voters, not education, nor experience, have any bearing on their beliefs.
The Left tells 'em what to believe, and they don't dare question or even test the reality of those ideas.

They just vote Democrat.

'Cause they're really, really good at following orders.
Thinking? Not so much.

Here's proof:
Equal pay for men and women has been the law since 1963.

Democrats are still lying about it, and Democrat voters....well, you know.
Maybe the Dems recall the 'separate but equal' laws of the Jim Crow era?
Might be appropriate at this juncture, to point out this characteristic of Democrat voters.....beside their fear of questioning their elites....is greed.
They may claim poverty as an excuse for desiring the government steal from others and give to them.....but there is no real poverty in America.

To be clear, poverty is no home, no heat, no food.

Any examples are so minuscule as to be no more than a rounding error.

Before any claims of poverty, see if the individual followed the three rules.

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

So....a vote for Democrats is essentially a hope to steal from their neighbors.

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