About Three Hours Till The Megyn Kelly Comedy Hour.So What Will She Open With Tonight?

I'd love her to open her legs for starters. She is hawt ash faque.

I preferred her with long hair....but she is still smoking hot.


She looks like she's squeezing one out here...... pfffffftttttttt

Maybe a SBD or thunderous fart?

She needs to work out. Women with no muscle tone are a non starter
Like you could ever be that choosy IRL. :laugh:
I'd love her to open her legs for starters. She is hawt ash faque.

I preferred her with long hair....but she is still smoking hot.


She looks like she's squeezing one out here...... pfffffftttttttt

Maybe a SBD or thunderous fart?

She needs to work out. Women with no muscle tone are a non starter
Like you could ever be that choosy IRL. :laugh:
yeah I can and have.....believe me
You'd hit that in a heartbeat. lol
There's a ton of fascinating story lines in this bizarre and embarrassing campaign, but near the top needs to be the way the Trumpsters have thrown FOX under the bus for daring to question anything about their hero.

Except for Hannity, of course, who has been very obedient.
:desk: :dev3: :hellno: Although millions have said they are not gonna watch her tonight, but then again, many will, just to see what she has to say. Right?
What is she going to do? just go right to the current issues, or just apologize for being a ....... { Fill In The Blank } :lalala:
Tonight, most of us will be watching, in anticipation of an apology, or just to see if she continues to act like Kelly Pickler on "Are You Dumber Than A 5fth Grader"

She's originally a loser lawyer who went into what passes for journalism. We're gonna hear lawyer-ese BS tonite ('Blood in the eye' BS), as usual. I also dislike the Frau Kelly 3rd Reich haircut that she sports.
:desk: :dev3: :hellno: Although millions have said they are not gonna watch her tonight, but then again, many will, just to see what she has to say. Right?
What is she going to do? just go right to the current issues, or just apologize for being a ....... { Fill In The Blank } :lalala:
Tonight, most of us will be watching, in anticipation of an apology, or just to see if she continues to act like Kelly Pickler on "Are You Dumber Than A 5fth Grader"

She's originally a loser lawyer who went into what passes for journalism. We're gonna hear lawyer-ese BS tonite ('Blood in the eye' BS), as usual. I also dislike the Frau Kelly 3rd Reich haircut that she sports.
She went from earning thousands to millions. Only a liberal would think that's losing.
:desk: :dev3: :hellno: Although millions have said they are not gonna watch her tonight, but then again, many will, just to see what she has to say. Right?
What is she going to do? just go right to the current issues, or just apologize for being a ....... { Fill In The Blank } :lalala:
Tonight, most of us will be watching, in anticipation of an apology, or just to see if she continues to act like Kelly Pickler on "Are You Dumber Than A 5fth Grader"

She's originally a loser lawyer who went into what passes for journalism. We're gonna hear lawyer-ese BS tonite ('Blood in the eye' BS), as usual. I also dislike the Frau Kelly 3rd Reich haircut that she sports.
She went from earning thousands to millions. Only a liberal would think that's losing.

I'm not a liberal B-cup fan boi.
well, about one hr and 15 minutes to go. anyone got their windex/super orange spray on hand just in case of more blood to come shooting out of their flat screens?
:desk: :dev3: :hellno: Although millions have said they are not gonna watch her tonight, but then again, many will, just to see what she has to say. Right?
What is she going to do? just go right to the current issues, or just apologize for being a ....... { Fill In The Blank } :lalala:
Tonight, most of us will be watching, in anticipation of an apology, or just to see if she continues to act like Kelly Pickler on "Are You Dumber Than A 5fth Grader"
Newt tries and fails to equivocate sexual assault with paid political speeches and you nimrods think he "won" something? People aren't that stupid, but exceptions can be made.
I'd love her to open her legs for starters. She is hawt ash faque.

I preferred her with long hair....but she is still smoking hot.


She is indeed a fine specimen, but she would be much more attractive if she'd keep her mouth shut. See Salma Hayek.

I'm fine with it if she doesn't talk.
oh well, I think she just blew her chance to pose naked in penthouse, i think they offerred her about $25,000

She pulls down $10 million/year from Fox.
well, then maybe Kimberly will pose naked for 35,000?
Kimberly is FAR hotter. And she's got her mind right

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