About That Three A. M. Phone Call.....

discuss what? That you're a whiny little bitch? :rofl:

Off topic. I'm sure there are enough electrons available for you to start a new thread on that subject. Here we are discussing what a wimp Mittens is.

And yet, you were happy to support Obama... who had less of a record than Romney does. Seems to me, your definition of 'wimp' depends more on politics than courage. That's fucked up.

We have had very few Presidents who had a record that would indicate what they would do in an extreme situation. One of the few was Eisenhower. His stability and good sense demonstrated at the helm of the Allies military in Europe in WW2 was reflected in his presidency. If only the present GOP reflected that good sense.
Obama made the gutsy call to have the Seal Team 6, fighting on his behalf, shoot and kill an unarmed terrorist mastermind because he couldn't make a commercial of capturing OBL and not being able to announce it
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My concern is Romney would react. Not having empathy - "I like to fire people" - and supported by the neo conservatives, is it unreasonable to assume Romney would prove his 'nads'?

From the same ones who ALWAYS "demand" context we get this ^ drivel.
Hell, even the friggin' Liberal Media was asking "WHO" Obama was AFTER he got elected. The hypocrisy from the Left is absurd.
Mitt Romney is the fulfillment of the Mormon White Horse Prophecy.

White Horse prophecy - MormonWiki.org

First, the White Horse prophecy as a whole isn't reliable, though parts of it have been confirmed from other more reliable and consistant sources.

Second, The prophecy says nothing about a Mormon Presidency.

Third, This is completely irrelevant to the thread.
My concern is Romney would react. Not having empathy - "I like to fire people" - and supported by the neo conservatives, is it unreasonable to assume Romney would prove his 'nads'?

I am confident Romney has much more empathy than Obama does.

Changing quotes and taking them out of context don't support your arguments btw.
I got a 3 AM Booty call once from a cougar friend of mine but I hung up on her because I was too tired, does that show Presidential ambition or no?
I got a 3 AM Booty call once from a cougar friend of mine but I hung up on her because I was too tired, does that show Presidential ambition or no?

Depends on which President you are looking to fashion yourself after...

Kennedy and Clinton? Not so much...

If I had actually got up and entertained the visit would I be showing moral fiber?:eusa_think:
I got a 3 AM Booty call once from a cougar friend of mine but I hung up on her because I was too tired, does that show Presidential ambition or no?

Depends on which President you are looking to fashion yourself after...

Kennedy and Clinton? Not so much...

If I had actually got up and entertained the visit would I be showing moral fiber?:eusa_think:

Only if you sought the Presidency and fancied yourself a latter day Kennedy or Clinton...
Obama made the gutsy call to have the Seal Team 6, fighting on his behalf, shoot and kill an unarmed terrorist mastermind because he couldn't make a commercial of capturing OBL and not being able to announce it

Fighting on our behalf...

Not according to Obama (praise be his holy name)

"...I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf…" Barack Hussein Eat a Dog Obama
OK... What do you think was the most courageous thing Mittens ever did?

Ya...Ya...he looks the part of some smarmy tea bagger congressman.. He looks like the most likely guy in the room to take a payoff...

BUT...What about that early morning phone call? Obama was second guessed by his top advisors in that war room and still he had the nads to make the correct call even though his whole political future was on the line.

I trust Obama to wake up to THAT phone call and answer it as I would hope the leader of the free world should.


I think Mittens would wet the bed. I would bet even old cheer leader chicken hawk Bush would react better to a stressed phone call ...Oh no ...he got a 9 AM phone call and froze like a deer in the headlights..then instead of acting presidential he kept reading about the goat to the kiddies.. Bush definitely FAILED his phone call moment.

Now what do you think this rich kid pussy would do? Crap his pants?....Soil his magic underwear?..Start crying and bite his presidential pillow? THAT'S what he would do.


i think the opposite is true - which concerns me. Romney has shown he will say or do anything to get votes or power - and then say or do the exact opposite, to gain or keep power.
I don't think he would hesitate to put our troops in harm's way - whether for legitimate or political reasons.
It used to be Defense was an area that the GOP owned exclusively. Bush (the idiot, not the good one) ran on that.
That's changed. Largely due to Bush, Americans have grown less fond of war, because of the death, injury, lack of exit strategy and bankruptcy. Just not that great.
So Obama has not only gotten the guy most of us actually gave a shlt about, he showed us how to get into and out of a country, without casualties and bankruptcy. That was a refreshing change of pace!
he's also captured over 2 dozen terrorist groups domestically, while they were in the planning stages. And he got them BEFORE they blew shlt up! That's a nice change from the last guy too. Obviously, Obama is better at "connecting the dots".
So my vote is going to Obama and part of the reason is performance on Defense - both internationally and domestically.
The other reason is Romney / the GOP's stated views on GLB / Dodd-Frank Volcker, and on protecting the incentives for corporations to offshore jobs and also revenues which are earned 100% in the USA.
Also, neither side has passed a decent budget but Obama and the Dems are the only ones who have gotten specific about how they could realistically cut over $100B a year in spending.
OK... What do you think was the most courageous thing Mittens ever did?

Ya...Ya...he looks the part of some smarmy tea bagger congressman.. He looks like the most likely guy in the room to take a payoff...

BUT...What about that early morning phone call? Obama was second guessed by his top advisors in that war room and still he had the nads to make the correct call even though his whole political future was on the line.

I trust Obama to wake up to THAT phone call and answer it as I would hope the leader of the free world should.


I think Mittens would wet the bed. I would bet even old cheer leader chicken hawk Bush would react better to a stressed phone call ...Oh no ...he got a 9 AM phone call and froze like a deer in the headlights..then instead of acting presidential he kept reading about the goat to the kiddies.. Bush definitely FAILED his phone call moment.

Now what do you think this rich kid pussy would do? Crap his pants?....Soil his magic underwear?..Start crying and bite his presidential pillow? THAT'S what he would do.


i think the opposite is true - which concerns me. Romney has shown he will say or do anything to get votes or power - and then say or do the exact opposite, to gain or keep power.
I don't think he would hesitate to put our troops in harm's way - whether for legitimate or political reasons.
It used to be Defense was an area that the GOP owned exclusively. Bush (the idiot, not the good one) ran on that.
That's changed. Largely due to Bush, Americans have grown less fond of war, because of the death, injury, lack of exit strategy and bankruptcy. Just not that great.
So Obama has not only gotten the guy most of us actually gave a shlt about, he showed us how to get into and out of a country, without casualties and bankruptcy. That was a refreshing change of pace!
he's also captured over 2 dozen terrorist groups domestically, while they were in the planning stages. And he got them BEFORE they blew shlt up! That's a nice change from the last guy too. Obviously, Obama is better at "connecting the dots".
So my vote is going to Obama and part of the reason is performance on Defense - both internationally and domestically.
The other reason is Romney / the GOP's stated views on GLB / Dodd-Frank Volcker, and on protecting the incentives for corporations to offshore jobs and also revenues which are earned 100% in the USA.
Also, neither side has passed a decent budget but Obama and the Dems are the only ones who have gotten specific about how they could realistically cut over $100B a year in spending.

"Independents" are either total fucking retards or Democrats pretending to be "Thoughtful"
OK... What do you think was the most courageous thing Mittens ever did?

Ya...Ya...he looks the part of some smarmy tea bagger congressman.. He looks like the most likely guy in the room to take a payoff...

BUT...What about that early morning phone call? Obama was second guessed by his top advisors in that war room and still he had the nads to make the correct call even though his whole political future was on the line.

I trust Obama to wake up to THAT phone call and answer it as I would hope the leader of the free world should.


I think Mittens would wet the bed. I would bet even old cheer leader chicken hawk Bush would react better to a stressed phone call ...Oh no ...he got a 9 AM phone call and froze like a deer in the headlights..then instead of acting presidential he kept reading about the goat to the kiddies.. Bush definitely FAILED his phone call moment.

Now what do you think this rich kid pussy would do? Crap his pants?....Soil his magic underwear?..Start crying and bite his presidential pillow? THAT'S what he would do.


i think the opposite is true - which concerns me. Romney has shown he will say or do anything to get votes or power - and then say or do the exact opposite, to gain or keep power.
I don't think he would hesitate to put our troops in harm's way - whether for legitimate or political reasons.
It used to be Defense was an area that the GOP owned exclusively. Bush (the idiot, not the good one) ran on that.
That's changed. Largely due to Bush, Americans have grown less fond of war, because of the death, injury, lack of exit strategy and bankruptcy. Just not that great.
So Obama has not only gotten the guy most of us actually gave a shlt about, he showed us how to get into and out of a country, without casualties and bankruptcy. That was a refreshing change of pace!
he's also captured over 2 dozen terrorist groups domestically, while they were in the planning stages. And he got them BEFORE they blew shlt up! That's a nice change from the last guy too. Obviously, Obama is better at "connecting the dots".
So my vote is going to Obama and part of the reason is performance on Defense - both internationally and domestically.
The other reason is Romney / the GOP's stated views on GLB / Dodd-Frank Volcker, and on protecting the incentives for corporations to offshore jobs and also revenues which are earned 100% in the USA.
Also, neither side has passed a decent budget but Obama and the Dems are the only ones who have gotten specific about how they could realistically cut over $100B a year in spending.

"Independents" are either total fucking retards or Democrats pretending to be "Thoughtful"

Hmmm. I didn't insult you but you insult me. You're obviously an angry person and you offer no points and really, nothing of substance. Do you think anyone takes you seriously, when this is the extent of your posts?
Have you ever considered actually discussing politics or any of the subjects brought up? Are you so afraid of an actual debate or civil discussion?
I mean, if petty insults and tantrums are the most accurate reflection of your intellect and character, that's fine. Obviously, it's your choice.

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