Abortion: Innocence. What is it?

thats what an abortion does,,
How is a fetus innocent, and innocent of what?

and I will agree all surgery techniques are violent. But I was never asking about violence. I merely asked you and anyone else, to define innocence, and tell me what a fetus is innocent of?
How is a fetus innocent, and innocent of what?

and I will agree all surgery techniques are violent. But I was never asking about violence. I merely asked you and anyone else, to define innocence, and tell me what a fetus is innocent of?
thats not how it works,,,

its on you to say what they are guilty of that they need to be killed??
How is a fetus innocent, and innocent of what?

and I will agree all surgery techniques are violent. But I was never asking about violence. I merely asked you and anyone else, to define innocence, and tell me what a fetus is innocent of?
fetus is a stage of development of human being,,
Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil
maybe you should tell us what they are guilty of that they need to be killed??
You keep injecting guilt, as a way of (and I can't fathom why), avoiding defining terms you use.


Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.


Please, explain what you are replying to? Do you deny "Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body?" Please try and be clear here, and try not to conflate things especially some claim not posited.


So the fetus is innocent of what? What and who says a fetus did something wrong?

Does a fetus possess innocence, and what is your definition of innocence?
You keep injecting guilt, as a way of (and I can't fathom why), avoiding defining terms you use.


Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.


Please, explain what you are replying to? Do you deny "Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body?" Please try and be clear here, and try not to conflate things especially some claim not posited.


So the fetus is innocent of what? What and who says a fetus did something wrong?

Does a fetus possess innocence, and what is your definition of innocence?
guilt is the opposite of innocent,,

so unless you have something the child did to be guilty they are innocent
freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil

What has religion to do with abortion? And do you see abortion as being a punishment for sin and some guilt?

"The most devastating thing though that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed.

If there never was an Adam and Eve there never was an original sin. If there never was an original sin there is no need of salvation. If there is no need of salvation there is no need of a Savior.

And I submit that puts Jesus, historical or otherwise, into the ranks of the unemployed. I think that evolution is absolutely the death knell of Christianity."
- Frank Zindler
Of what exactly?

and what of innocence? Can you define it, or have somebody you know who is fluent in language, define it for you?
I'll go slow since I know you aren't real bright Pante.

When we are talking about the innocence of an unborn child, we are talking specifically about a living person that has not even had an opportunity to transgress in life.
It is a truly innocent human being without stain of sin or transgressions of any type.
Not guilty of anything.
None of us is ever as innocent as when we are the very beginnings of life.

I can't do much more without a coloring book for you to look at as you attempt to follow along
I'll go slow since I know you aren't real bright Pante.

When we are talking about the innocence of an unborn child, we are talking specifically about a living person that has not even had an opportunity to transgress in life.
It is a truly innocent human being without stain of sin or transgressions of any type.
Not guilty of anything.
None of us is ever as innocent as when we are the very beginnings of life.

I can't do much more without a coloring book for you to look at as you attempt to follow along
So you see abortion in a religious context, and not about the concerns of the woman who's body an abortion is performed on?
I'll go slow since I know you aren't real bright Pante.

When we are talking about the innocence of an unborn child, we are talking specifically about a living person that has not even had an opportunity to transgress in life.
It is a truly innocent human being without stain of sin or transgressions of any type.
Not guilty of anything.
None of us is ever as innocent as when we are the very beginnings of life.

I can't do much more without a coloring book for you to look at as you attempt to follow along


"The most devastating thing though that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed.

If there never was an Adam and Eve there never was an original sin. If there never was an original sin there is no need of salvation. If there is no need of salvation there is no need of a Savior.
And I submit that puts Jesus, historical or otherwise, into the ranks of the unemployed. I think that evolution is absolutely the death knell of Christianity." - Frank Zindler
I've never said anything about guilt, except to reply to your injecting it in place of discussing what the OP is about.
when you asked what innocence is, its the opposite of guilt,,
so if theres no guilt they are innocent,,,

so unless you have something they are guilty of they are innocent,,

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